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`judul: manajemen proyek konstruksi `pengarang: wulfram i. Ervianto `penerbit: andi yogyakarta tahun: 2005 (edisi revisi) isi buku: 1. Kata pengantar 2. Daftar isi 3. Bab i: manajemen rekayasa 4. Bab ii: manajemen proyek kontruksi 5. Bab iii: organisasi proyek konstruksi 6. Bab iv: unsur-unsur pembangunan 7. Judul Buku Manajemen Konstruksi- Berikut ini adalah Judul-judl Buku manajemen Proyek Konstruksi yang bisa anda dapatkan. Semoga bisa membantu anda untuk keperluan tugas-tugas ataupun pekerjaan anda dilpangan.
Download Buku Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi Wulfram Ervianto Pdf File
No | Judul | Author |
1201 | Theory and analysis of plates classical and numerical methods | Rudolph Szilard |
1202 | Geotechnical modelling | David Muir Wood |
1203 | The Wonderful world of engineering | David Jackson |
1204 | Structural mechanics-A unified approach | Alberto Carpinteri |
1205 | Principles & practices of heavy construction | Ronald C smith ; cameron K. Andres |
1206 | The Work of frei otto and his teams 1955-1976 | Ludwig Glaeser |
1207 | The Sources of modern architecture and design | Nikolaus Pevsner |
1208 | De stijl | Paul Overy |
1209 | Handbook of qualitative research | Norman K. Denzin ; Yvonna S. Lincoln |
1210 | Earthscape : a manual of environmental planning | John Ormsbee Simonds |
1211 | Notes on ACI 318-83 building code requirements for reinforced concrete with design applications | - |
1212 | Metode numerik : dilengkapi dengan program komputer | Bambang Triatmodjo |
1213 | Perencanaan transportasi : untuk mahasiswa, perencana dan praktisi | Fidel Miro |
1214 | Analisa struktur : gabungan metode klasik dan matriks | A. Ghali ; A.M Neville |
1215 | Prinsip-prinsip statistik untuk teknik dan sains | Harinaldi |
1216 | Prinsip-prinsip mekanika tanah dan soal penyelesaian I | Harry Christady Hardiyatmo |
1217 | Prinsip-prinsip mekanika tanah dan soal penyelesaian I | Harry Christady Hardiyatmo |
1218 | Pelabuhan | Bambang Triatmodjo |
1219 | Metode numerik untuk teknik : dengan penerapan pada komputer pribadi | Steven C. Chapra ; Raymond P Canale |
1220 | Reklamasi laut dangkal : perekayasaan dan pelaksanaan reklamasi bagi proyek pantai mutiara di Pluit-Jakarta | A.R. Soehoed |
1221 | Parks and waterbodies plan and rustic coast | - |
1222 | Old world charm | - |
1223 | Objectives, principles and standards for preservation and conservation | - |
1224 | Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the doors, windows and vents | - |
1225 | Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the ornamental plasterworks | - |
1226 | Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the party walls | - |
1227 | Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the timber floors and staircases | - |
1228 | Envelope control plan : beach road | - |
1229 | Envelope control plan : upper circular road | - |
1230 | Envelope control plan : Mohamed Sultan Road/Martin Road | - |
1231 | Envelope control plan : Lot 44-44 to lot 44-28, lot 45-6 to lot 50 ts 20 river valley road and lot 51-2 to lot 54 ts 20 tank road | - |
1232 | Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding the first storey five-footway and front façade | - |
1233 | Conservation guidelines technical supplement : understanding mechanical and electrical services | - |
1234 | Designing for the disabled the new paradigm | Selwyn Goldsmith |
1235 | Building services engineering | David V. Chadderton |
1236 | Composite construction | David A. Nethercot |
1237 | Transportation planning and air quality III : engineering strategies and working solution | - |
1238 | Geotechnical engineering | Shashi K. Gulhati ; Manoj Datta |
1239 | Trenchless technology : pipeline and utility design, construction and renewal | Mohammad Najafi |
1240 | Construction planning, equipment and methods | Robert L. Peurifoy ; Clifford J. Schexnayder ; Aviad Shapira |
1241 | Durability of concrete structures and constructions : silos, bunkers, reservoirs, water tower, retaining walls | L.M Poukhonto |
1242 | Structural steel designer's handbook : AISC, AASHTO, AISI, ASTM, AREMA, and ASCE-07 design standards | Roger L. Brockenbrough ; Frederick S. Merritt |
1243 | Water resources systems : modelling tecniques and analysis | S. Vedula ; P.P. Mujumdar |
1244 | Dictionary of architectural and building technology | Henry J. Cowan ; Peter R. Smith |
1245 | Principles of foundation engineering | Braja M. Das |
1246 | Steel structures and timber structures : analysis design and details of structures | V.N Vazirani ; M.M Ratwani |
1247 | Structural design with plastics | B.S Benjamin |
1248 | Optimization of transport networks | Peter A. Steenbrink |
1249 | Earthquake engineering for structural design | W.F. Chen ; E.M. Lui |
1250 | Structural and stress analysis | T.H.G. Megson |
1251 | Designing steel structures | Sol E. Cooper |
1252 | Analysis and design of curved steel bridges | Hiroshi Nakai |
1253 | Design and construction of port and maring structures | - |
1254 | Strategic corporative facilities management | Stephen Binder |
1255 | Reinforced concrete :preliminary design for architects and builders | R.E. Shaeffer |
1256 | Rekayasa lalu lintas | - |
1257 | Wood engineering and construction handbook | - |
1258 | Mechanical connection in wood structures | - |
1259 | Construction of fils | Edward J. Monahan |
1260 | Bendungan type urugan | Suyono Sosrodarsono ; Kensaku Takeda |
1261 | Timber design | - |
1262 | engineering wood handbook | - |
1263 | Geotechnical earthquake engineering | - |
1264 | Steel design handbook : LRFD method | Akbar R. Tamboli |
1265 | Soil mechanics | William Powrie |
1266 | Structural foundation manual for low rise buildings | M.F Atkinson |
1267 | Introduction to quantitative method | Mark Balnaves ; Peter Caputi |
1268 | The Foundation engineering handbook | Manjriker Gunaratne |
1269 | Geotechnical engineering investigation handbook | Roy E. Hunt |
1270 | Fisika bangunan 1 dan 2 | Prasasto Satwiko |
1271 | Pelat | Klaus Stiglat ; Herbert Wippel |
1272 | Beton prategang : suatu pendekatan mendasar | Edwars G. Nawy |
1273 | Teknologi beton | Tri Mulyono |
1274 | Analisis ekonomi teknik | Robert J. Kodotie |
1275 | Konstruksi baja | Oentoeng |
1276 | Analisis dan perancangan struktur frame menggunakan SAP 2000 versi 7.42 | Haryanto Yoso Wigroho |
1277 | Proyek jalan : teori dan praktek | Arthur Wignall ; Peter S. Kendrick ; Roy Ancill ; Malcolm Copson |
1278 | Aplikasi menyemen database pendidikan berbasis web dengan PHP dan My SQL | - |
1279 | Step by step SPSS 13 : analisis data statistik | Cornelius Trihendradi |
1280 | An Introduction to geotechnical processes | John Woodward |
1281 | Dasar-dasar konstruksi bangunan : bahan-bahan dan metodenya | Edward Allen |
1281 | Shaping structures : statics | Waclaw Zalewski ; Edward Allen |
1282 | Scour technology : mechanics and engineering practice | George W Annandale |
1283 | Statika : bagian dari mekanika teknik | Sidharta S Kamarwan |
1284 | Mekanika bahan : bagian dari mekanika teknik | Sidharta S. Kamarwan |
1285 | Horizontal directional drilling : utility and pipeline applications | David A Willoughby |
1286 | Trend teknik sipil era milenium baru | - |
1287 | Analisis struktur metode matrix | Bambang Suhendro |
1288 | Concrete repair and maintenance : dilengkapi kasus aktual di Indonesia | - |
1289 | Metode konstruksi jembatan beton | Asiyanto |
1290 | Hydrosystem engineering reliability assessment and risk analysis | Yeou-Koung Tung ; Ben-Chie Yen ; Charles S Melching |
1291 | Water resources systems management | Larry W Mays |
1292 | Teknologi beton A-Z | Sjafei Amri |
1293 | Construction codes and inspection handbook | Gil L Taylor |
1294 | Prestressed concrete bridges : design and construction | Nigel R. Hewson |
1295 | Cable stayed bridges | Rene Walther |
1296 | Designers' guide to EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7 : geotechnical design-general rules | R. Frank ; C. Bauduin ; R. Driscoll |
1297 | Design of water resources systems | Patrick J Purcell |
1298 | Design of linear drainage systems | Matin Naqvi |
1299 | Flood risk management | George Fleming |
1300 | A short course in soil structure engineering | N. Charles; Noel Simons; Bruce Menzies |
1301 | Problematic soils | Jefferson |
1302 | Advances in geotechnical engineering : the skempton conference/vol.1 | R.J Jardine ; D.M Potts ; K.G Hinggins |
1303 | Engineering as a sosial enterprise | Hedy E. Sladovich |
1304 | Advances in geotechnical engineering : the skempton conference/vol.2 and vol. 2 | R.J Jardine ; D.M Potts ; K.G Hinggins |
1305 | Engineering mathematics through applications | Kuldeep Singh |
1306 | Advanced engineering mathematics | Erwin Kreyszig |
1307 | Menentukan kontraktor pemenang dalam proses lelang untuk gedung milik swasta | Lili Kusumawati Machdijar |
1308 | Estimasi pengaruh hujan terhadap durasi aktivitas galian | Bambang Endro Yuwono |
1309 | Analisis tulangan pasif pada struktur beton prategang parsial | Darmawan Pontan |
1310 | Hidrologi stokastik untuk memperpanjang data aliran kali serang | Mediana |
1311 | Pengaruh reboisasi dengan tumpangsari terhadap konservasi tanah dan air serta pendapatan petani di sub das manting, Malang Jawa Timur | Ongko Trisaptono |
1312 | Studi optimum campuran pasir-lempung | Herry Isnaeni Kurniawan |
1313 | Mengimplementasikan dokumen kontrak untuk meminimalkan kemungkinan terjadi klaim | Dewi Rintawati |
1314 | Mempercepat waktu pelaksanaan proyek dengan penambahan biaya seminimal mungkin | Veronica Lindawati |
1315 | Pengembangan model pengaruh interaksi faktor kunci terhadap kesuksesan proyek rancang-bangun di Indonesia | Bambang Endro Yuwono |
1316 | Model biaya dan waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan struktur baja bangunan industri | Yan Agustina Pranata |
1317 | Prediksi deformasi tanah selama pelaksanaan galian-dalam | Ruwaida Zayadi |
1318 | Contribution A l'etude du comportement des poutres armees precontraintes par fils adherents sous chargement direct | Ridwan Suhud |
1319 | Himpunan peraturan jasa konstruksi beserta pajak penghasilannya | - |
1320 | Pengantar matrix | J. Supranto |
1321 | Hidrologi untuk pengairan | Suyono Sosrodarsono |
1322 | Analisis struktur dengan metoda matrik | Amrinsyah Nasution |
1323 | Civil engineering (conventional and objective type) | R.S Khurmi ; J.K Gupta |
1324 | Reinforced concrete design | George F. Limbrunner |
1325 | Fundamentals of transportation engineering : a multimodal systems approach | Jon D.Fricker ; Robert K. Whitford |
1326 | Irrigation engineering (including hydrology) | R.K Sharma ; T.K Sharma |
1327 | design of steel structures | P. Dayaratnam |
1328 | Concrete technology : theory and practice | M.S Shetty |
1329 | Principles of geotechnical engineering | Braja M. Das |
1330 | Bridge engineering | Demetrios E. Tonias |
1331 | Design of wood structures ASD/LRFD | Donald E. Breyer |
1332 | Soil strength and slope stability | J. Michael Duncan ; Stephen G. Wright |
1333 | Theory and practice of foundation design | N.N Som ; S.C Das |
1334 | Stability analysis of earth dopes | Yang H. Huang |
1335 | Load testing of deep foundations : the planning, design and conduct of pile load test | Carroll L. Crowther |
1336 | Soil mechanics and foundations | Muni Budhu |
1337 | Geotechnical engineering : soil and foundation principles and practice | Richard L. Handy ; M.G Spangler |
1338 | Design of highway bridges : an lrfd approach | Richard M. barker ; Jay A. Puckett |
1339 | LRFD steel design | William T. Segui |
1340 | Structural analysis | R.C. Hibbeler |
1341 | Earthquake engineering : application to design | Charles K. Erdey |
1342 | Water flow in soil | Tsuyoshi Miyazaki |
1343 | Faster construction projects with cpm scheduling | Murray B. Woolf |
1344 | Study guide fundamentals of engineering economics | Chan S Park |
1345 | Fundamentals of engineering economic | Chan S. Park |
1346 | The engineering of fundations | Rodrigo Saldago |
1347 | Solid and laminated wood bending | W.C. Stevens ; N. Turner |
1348 | Building type basics for housing | Stephen A Kliment |
1349 | Building type basics for office buildings | Eugeng A Kohn ; Paul Katz |
1350 | Menyimak bendungan di Indonesia (1910-2006) | Radhi Sinaro |
1351 | Perencanaan struktur beton bertulang tahan gempa : sesuai SNI-1726 dan SNI-2847 terbaru | Rachmat Purwono |
1352 | Tata cara perhitungan struktur beton untuk bangunan gedung (SNI 03-2847-2002) dilengkapi penjelasan (s-2002) | Rachmat Purwono |
1353 | Bunga rampai manajemen proyek konstruksi | Gunawan Logawa |
1354 | A textbook of water power engineering | R.K Sharma ; T.K Sharma |
1355 | Probability concepts in engineering | Alfredo H-S Ang ; Wilson H Tang |
1356 | reinforced concrete design | Chu-Kia wang ; Charles G salmon ; Jose A Pincheira |
1357 | Practical railway engineering | Clifford F Bonnett |
1358 | Construction operations manual of policies and procedures | Andrew M Civitello ; Sidney M Levy |
1359 | Structural steel design | Jack C McCormac |
1360 | Project estimating and cost management | Parviz F Rad |
1361 | Construction planning and scheduling | Jimmie W Hinze |
1362 | The Design of modern steel bridges | Sukhen Chatterjee |
1363 | Reinforced concrete structures | I.C Syal ; A.D Goel |
1364 | Integrated cost and schedule control in project management | Ursula Kuehn |
1365 | Operation research | Prem Kumar Gupta ; D.S Hira |
1366 | Dissertation research and writing for construction students | Naoum |
1367 | Teknik dasar dan potensi daur ulang konstruksi jalan | Mohamad Anas Aly |
1368 | Merencanakan sistem pengangkutan | Suwardjoko Wardani |
1369 | Ilmu konstruksi bangunan bambu : pengantar konstruksi bambu | Heinz Frick |
1370 | Menghitung konstruksi beton untuk pengembangan rumah bertingkat dan tidak bertingkat | Adiyono |
1371 | Ilmu konstruksi bangunan kayu : pengantar konstruksi kayu | Heinz Frick ; Moerdiartianto |
1372 | Perencanaan perkeretaapian | Soedjono Kramadibrata |
1373 | Beton aspal campuran panas | Silvia Sukirman |
1374 | Manajemen produksi untuk jasa konstruksi | Asiyanto |
1375 | Pengertian dasar dan informasi umum tentang beban konstruksi perkerasan jalan | Moh. Anas Aly |
1376 | Hidrolika terapan : aliran pada saluran terbuka dan pipa | Robert J. Kodoatie |
1377 | Ekonomi teknik : analisis pengambilan keputusan | Ferianto Raharjo |
1378 | Kumpulan analisa biaya konstruksi | BSN |
1379 | Rancangan spesifikasi umum bidang jalan dan jembatan | - |
1380 | Desain beton bertulang /jil.2 | Jack C.McCormac |
1381 | Pemukiman bebas banjir : tanpa membanjiri orang lain di sekitarnya | S. Hindarko |
1382 | Diktat teori soal dan penyelesaian konstruksi baja 1 | T. Gunawan ; S. Margaret |
1383 | Mekanika tanah I | Hary Christady Hardiyatmo |
1384 | Restorasi sungai | Agus Maryono |
1385 | Manajemen proyek konstruksi | Wulfram I Ervianto |
1386 | Ilmu dan alat ukur tanah : alat penyipat datar, alat ukur sudut, pengukur jarak dan triangulasi sederhana | Heinz Frick |
1387 | Desain konstruksi plat dan rangka beton bertulang dengan SAP 2000 versi 9 | Handi Pramono |
1388 | Hidrologi terapan | Bambang Triatmodjo |
1389 | Manajemen alat berat untuk konstruksi | Asiyanto |
1390 | Analisis struktur gedung dengan etabs versi 9.0.7 | H.R Andrianto |
1391 | Sistem drainase perkotaan yang berkelanjutan | Suripin |
1392 | Pengembangan sumber daya air terpadu | H.R Mulyanto |
1393 | Teknlogi beton : dari material, pembuatan, ke beton kinerja tinggi | Paul Nugraha ; Antoni |
1394 | Metode elemen hingga untuk skeletal | Irawan Katili |
1395 | Diktat teori soal dan penyelesaian konstruksi beton I/jil.1 dan 2 | T. Gunawan ; S. Margaret |
1396 | Modul bahasa pemograman | Darmawan Pontan |
1397 | Modul aplikasi bahasa pemograman | Fennani Arpan |
1398 | Modul bahan ajar rekayasa lingkungan terbangun | Lucia P. helly [] |
1399 | Modul pembelajaran mekanika teknik I | Sri Tundono |
1400 | Modul hidrolika | Trihono Kadri |