Dc Heroes Rpg Modules
DC Heroes was an early super-hero role-playing game. It featured point-based character creation as an option, but focused on published DC characters. It was published at the same time as the wikipedia:Crisis on Infinite Earths, so pre- and post-Crisis versions of various characters appear. The Batman RPG- Same system, but only includes skills and some of the powers from the DC Heroes RPG, plus stats for the late 80's Bat-universe characters and gadgets.A good intro to the system and all you need to run a street-level or 'Batman-esque' campaign that may include some super powers.
Talislanta — I remember the ads for this game in Dragon back in the day. I never did see a copy at the game store, though. Now I can read… the entire line!
Star Frontiers — Not only can you get all the rules and modules… but you can get all the Dragon magazine articles to boot. (I’d seen a site earlier that had someone else’s reworking of all the material… but I couldn’t quite get up the nerve to play unless I was sure it was the real thing. This stuff is the real McCoy!) Note that Delta is responsible for alerting me to this site’s existence.

List Of Dc Heroes Rpg Modules
Marvel Superheroes — I admit, I’ve always been more curious about the old DC Heroes game… but this is the Marvel Universe as I grew up with it. The set of trifold cardboard miniatures look super neat, too. Wolfenstein enemy territory mods. Check under the “Other Stuff” tab to see the download lists.
Dc Heroes Rpg Powers

That’s all the ones that I know of. Am I missing any?