Fallout 4 Ghillie Suit

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Fallout 4 Ghillie Suit Average ratng: 4,2/5 2296 votes
  1. Fallout 4 Ghillie Suit Mod
  2. Fallout 4 Sniper Armor

Fallout 4 Mod of the Week: Wasteland Sniper. Grab your ghillie suit and peer through your scopes at Fallout 4's Wasteland Sniper mod. I would like it simply because I love long range sniping, I am the kind of person who would install a ghillie suit mod, and a bullet drop/bullet travel mod in any fallout game and stuff like that and to get the full package a prone option is just simply part of it. Fallout 4 Mod of the Week: Wasteland Sniper. Grab your ghillie suit and peer through your scopes at Fallout 4's Wasteland Sniper mod.

Grab your ghillie suit and peer through your scopes at Fallout 4's Wasteland Sniper mod. Wasteland Sniper Mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9270/? Intro Music “Going Nuclear” by Gavin Dunne - https://twitter.com/miracleofsound https://www.youtube.com/user/miracleofsound Follow Fallout 4 at GameSpot.com! http://www.gamespot.com/fallout-4 Official Site - http://www.fallout4.com/ Check out our review! Watch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhpUNNPhToE Read - http://www.gamespot.com/reviews/fallout-4-review/1900-6416306/ Subscribe to us on YouTube Gaming! http://gaming.youtube.com/gamespot Visit all of our channels: Features & Reviews - http://www.youtube.com/GameSpot Gameplay & Guides - http://www.youtube.com/GameSpotGameplay Trailers - http://www.youtube.com/GameSpotTrailers Mobile Gaming - http://www.youtube.com/GameSpotMobile Like - http://www.facebook.com/GameSpot Follow - http://www.twitter.com/GameSpot http://www.gamespot.com



Mod of the Week: Wasteland Sniper - Fallout 4 Show



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  • Conditions
  • Items
    • Armor and clothing
  • This page lists all armor and clothing in Fallout 76.
    • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
    • For armor and clothing in other Fallout games, please see 'Armor and clothing'.
    • For an overview of Fallout 76 content, please refer to 'Portal:Fallout 76'.


    In Fallout 76 the wardrobe system allows the player character to piece together their outfit from a variety of clothing and armor choices. The system is broken up into 9 slots, and 4 layers:

    • Base layer
      • Underarmor (vault jumpsuits, eg.)
      • Hat (Baseball caps, combat armor helmet, fedoras, etc.)
      • Eye (glasses and goggles)
      • Mouth (bandanas)
    • Armor - These are worn on top of the base layer.
      • Chest
      • Right arm
      • Left arm
      • Right leg
      • Left leg
    • Outfit - These are worn over and cover armor pieces.
    • Power armor - These can only be equipped when in a power armor frame, nullifying any lower layers.

    Armor condition returned in Fallout 76 so each armor piece or outfit has a condition. When the condition of any piece deteriorates to 0, it breaks and will offer no protection. Broken armor and clothing can be repaired using scrap at any armor workbench.

    Many of the armor and clothing also have level requirements before they can equipped, including power armor parts. Power armor chassis are not leveled, so removing higher level parts will allow entry.

    Characters can enter power armor wearing any combination of clothing, adding an additional layer of armor. However, wearing power armor nullifies all bonuses provided by the lower layers.

    Body armor partsEdit

    Scout armorEdit


    Forest Urban


    NameBase ID
    Scout mask????????
    Scout chest piece002e46a0
    Scout left arm002e46a2
    Scout right arm002e46a4
    Scout left leg002e46aa
    Scout right leg002e46a8


    Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Mod_ID
    Scout masks
    Forest scout mask 0.1 50002e46af
    Urban scout mask 0.1 50002e46a6
    Scout chest piece
    Forest scout chest piece 40 15 15 7 60002e46ac
    Urban scout chest piece 40 15 15 7 60002e46a0
    Scout arms
    Forest scout arm 40 9 9 2.75 60002e46b1
    Urban scout arm 40 9 9 2.75 60002e46a2
    Scout legs
    Forest scout leg 40 8 8 2.5 90002e46b5
    Urban scout leg 40 8 8 2.5 90002e46aa

    Raider armorEdit

    Raider armor can be seen as a tier 1 armor type. It is usually the most common armor type, providing the least Damage and Energy Resistance out of all armor types.


    Standard Sturdy Heavy


    NameBase ID
    Raider chest piece0018e415
    Raider left arm0018e411
    Raider right arm0018e413
    Raider left leg0018e40f
    Raider right leg0018e40d

    Fallout 4 Ghillie Suit Mod


    Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Mod_ID
    Raider chest piece
    Raider chest piece A1????????
    Raider chest piece A2????????
    Raider chest piece A3????????
    Raider chest piece A4????????
    Raider chest piece A5????????
    Raider chest piece A6????????
    Sturdy raider chest piece????????
    Heavy raider chest piece 45 54 19 6.3 91????????
    Raider arms
    Raider arm 5 6 2 1.25 14????????
    Sturdy raider arm 45 17 8 2.25 49????????
    Heavy raider arm 45 22 10 3.15 54????????
    Raider legs
    Raider leg????????
    Sturdy raider leg 15 10 5 2.5 22????????
    45 17 8 2.5 110????????
    Heavy raider leg????????

    Leather armorEdit

    Leather armor, along with the metal armor below, can be seen as tier 2 armor types, serving as counterparts to each other. Leather provides superior Energy Resistance but inferior Damage Resistance when compared to metal armor. The standard and sturdy variants of leather armor have inferior DR and ER compared to the tier 3 combat armor, but heavy leather, and sturdy legs, have slightly superior ER at the expense of considerably weaker DR. Sturdy and heavy pieces are available at vendor bots of Sutton station and Charleston station.


    Standard Sturdy Heavy


    NameBase ID
    Leather chest piece????????
    Leather left arm????????
    Leather right arm????????
    Leather left leg????????
    Leather right leg????????


    Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Mod_ID
    Leather chest piece
    Leather chest piece 1 4 10 4 32????????
    5 6 15 4 32????????
    10 8 25 4 32????????
    20 10 30 4 32????????
    30 12 35 4 32????????
    40 14 40 4 32????????
    50 16 45 4 32????????
    Sturdy leather chest piece 1 5 13 5.6 41????????
    5 8 20 5.6 41????????
    10 11 32 5.6 41????????
    20 13 39 5.6 41????????
    30 16 45 5.6 41????????
    40 18 52 5.6 41????????
    50 21 59 5.641????????
    Heavy leather chest piece 1 7 17 7.2 49????????
    5 11 26 7.2 49????????
    10 15 41 7.2 49????????
    20 17 50 7.2 49????????
    30 21 58 7.2 49????????
    40 24 67 7.2 49????????
    50 28 76 7.2 49????????
    Leather arms
    Leather arm 1 1 2 2 19????????
    5 2 4 2 19????????
    10 3 5 2 19????????
    20 5 9 2 19????????
    30 7 13 2 19????????
    40 9 17 2 19????????
    50 11 21 2 19????????
    Sturdy leather arm 1 2 4 2.8 24????????
    5 3 7 2.8 24????????
    10 5 11 2.8 24????????
    20 8 17 2.8 24????????
    30 11 24 2.8 24????????
    40 14 30 2.8 24????????
    50 17 36 2.8 24????????
    Heavy leather arm 1 3 6 3.6 29????????
    5 4 9 3.6 29????????
    10 7 14 3.6 29????????
    20 11 22 3.6 29????????
    30 15 31 3.6 29????????
    40 19 39 3.6 29????????
    50 22 47 3.6 29????????
    Leather legs
    Leather leg 1 1 2 2.25 21????????
    5 2 4 2.25 21????????
    10 3 5 2.25 21????????
    20 5 9 2.25 21????????
    30 7 13 2.25 21????????
    40 9 17 2.25 21????????
    50 11 21 2.25 21????????
    Sturdy leather leg 1 2 4 3.15 26????????
    5 3 7 3.15 26????????
    10 5 11 3.15 26????????
    20 8 17 3.15 26????????
    30 11 24 3.15 26????????
    40 14 30 3.15 26????????
    50 17 36 3.15 26????????
    Heavy leather leg 1 3 6 4.05 32????????
    5 4 9 4.05 32????????
    10 7 14 4.05 32????????
    20 11 22 4.05 32????????
    30 15 31 4.05 32????????
    40 19 39 4.05 32????????
    50 22 47 4.05 32????????

    Metal armorEdit

    Metal armor, along with the leather armor above, can be seen as tier 2 armor types, serving as counterparts to each other. Metal provides superior Damage Resistance but inferior Energy Resistance when compared to leather armor. The standard variant of metal armor has inferior DR and ER compared to the tier 3 combat armor, but the sturdy and heavy variants of metal have slightly superior DR at the expense of considerably weaker ER.


    Standard Sturdy Heavy


    NameBase ID
    Metal helmet????????
    Metal chest piece????????
    Metal left arm????????
    Metal right arm????????
    Metal left leg????????
    Metal right leg????????


    Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Mod_ID
    Metal helmet
    Metal helmet TBA TBA????????
    Metal chest piece
    Metal chest piece 10 20 3 5.5 32????????
    20 24 5 5.5 32????????
    30 33 7 5.5 32????????
    40 42 9 5.5 32????????
    50 51 11 5.5 32????????
    Sturdy metal chest piece 10????????
    Heavy metal chest piece 10????????
    Metal arms
    Metal arm 10 8 1 2.5 36????????
    20 12 2 2.5 36????????
    30 16 3 2.5 36????????
    40 18 4 2.5 36????????
    50 20 5 2.5 36????????
    Sturdy metal arm 10 11 2 3.5 45????????
    20 16 3 3.5 45????????
    30 21 4 3.5 45????????
    40 24 5 3.5 45????????
    50 26 6 3.5 45????????
    Heavy metal arm 10????????
    Metal legs
    Metal leg 10 8 1 2.5 12????????
    20 12 2 2.5 12????????
    30 16 3 2.5 12????????
    40 18 4 2.5 12????????
    50 20 5 2.5 12????????
    Sturdy metal leg 10????????
    30 21 4 TBA TBA????????
    Heavy metal leg 10????????
    50 34 8 TBA 17????????

    Combat armorEdit

    Combat armor can be seen as a tier 3 armor type, providing the best of both from the tier 2 armor types leather and metal. The standard variant has superior Damage and Energy Resistance to both leater and metal. Although heavy leather armor has superior ER and heavy metal armor has superior DR, combat armor has better DR than leather and better ER than metal. It is a strong medium between leather and metal armor, one can find the plans for combat armor arms at Knife Edge, east of the wrecked space station.


    Standard Sturdy Heavy


    NameBase ID
    Combat armor helmet????????
    Combat armor chest piece????????
    Combat armor left arm????????
    Combat armor right arm????????
    Combat armor left leg????????
    Combat armor right leg????????


    Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Mod_ID
    Combat armor helmets
    Combat armor helmet TBA TBA????????
    Combat armor chest piece
    Combat armor chest piece 20 16 16 7 49????????
    30 25 25 7 49????????
    40 30 30 7 49????????
    50 36 36 7 49????????
    Sturdy combat armor chest piece 20 21 21 9.8 61????????
    30 33 33 9.8 61????????
    40 40 40 9.8 61????????
    50 47 47 9.8 61????????
    Heavy combat armor chest piece 20 27 27 12.6 73????????
    30 43 43 12.6 73????????
    40 52 52 12.6 73????????
    50 61 61 12.6 73????????
    Combat armor arms
    Combat armor arms 20 6 6 2.75 49????????
    30 8 8 2.75 49????????
    40 10 10 2.75 49????????
    50 12 12 2.75 49????????
    Sturdy combat armor arm 20 8 8 3.85 61????????
    30 11 11 3.85 61????????
    40 13 13 3.85 61????????
    50 15 15 3.85 61????????
    Heavy combat armor arm 20 11 11 4.95 73????????
    30 14 14 4.95 73????????
    40 17 17 4.95 73????????
    50 20 20 4.95 73????????
    Combat armor legs
    Combat armor leg 20 6 6 3 20????????
    30 8 8 3 20????????
    40 10 10 3 20????????
    50 12 12 3 20????????
    Sturdy combat armor leg 20 8 8 4.2 25????????
    30 11 11 4.2 25????????
    40 13 13 4.2 25????????
    50 15 15 4.2 25????????
    Heavy combat armor leg 20 11 11 5.4 30????????
    30 14 14 5.4 30????????
    40 17 17 5.4 30????????
    50 20 20 5.4 30????????

    Robot armorEdit

    Robot armor can be seen as a tier 3 armor type. It is an advanced equivalent of metal armor, being heavier but having proportionately more Damage Resistance and a similar weakness to energy based weapons.


    Standard Sturdy Heavy


    NameBase ID
    Robot armor chest piece????????
    Robot armor left arm????????
    Robot armor right arm????????
    Robot armor left leg????????
    Robot armor right leg????????


    Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Mod_ID
    Robot armor chest piece
    Robot armor chest piece 10 8 8 5 6 20????????
    20 12 12 7 6 20????????
    30 16 16 9 6 20????????
    40 20 20 11 6 20????????
    50 24 24 13 6 20????????
    Sturdy robot armor chest piece 10 11 11 7 8.4 25????????
    20 16 16 9 8.4 25????????
    30 21 21 11 8.4 25????????
    40 26 26 13 8.4 25????????
    50 32 32 15 8.4 25????????
    Heavy robot armor chest piece 10????????
    Robot armor arms
    Robot armor arm 10 3 3 3 2.5 32????????
    20 5 5 5 2.5 32????????
    30 7 7 7 2.5 32????????
    40 9 9 9 2.5 32????????
    50 10 10 10 2.5 32????????
    Sturdy robot armor arm 10 5 3 5 3.5 41????????
    20 7 5 7 3.5 41????????
    30 9 6 9 3.5 41????????
    40 12 9 12 3.5 41????????
    50 13 10 13 3.5 41????????
    Heavy robot armor arm 10777 4.5 49????????
    20999 4.5 49????????
    30121211 4.5 49????????
    40151513 4.5 49????????
    50171715 4.5 49????????
    Robot armor legs
    Robot armor leg 10 3 3 3 2.75 13????????
    20 5 5 5 2.75 13????????
    30 7 7 7 2.75 13????????
    40 9 9 9 2.75 13????????
    50 10 10 10 2.75 13????????
    Sturdy robot armor leg 10 5 5 5 3.85 16????????
    20 7 7 7 3.85 16????????
    30 9 9 9 3.85 16????????
    40 12 12 12 3.85 16????????
    50 13 13 13 3.85 16????????
    Heavy robot armor leg 10????????

    Marine armorEdit

    Marine armor can be seen as a tier 4 armor type. It is an advanced form of combat armor and provides greater Damage and Energy Resistance.





    NameBase ID
    Marine helmet????????
    Marine chest piece????????
    Marine left arm????????
    Marine right arm????????
    Marine left leg????????
    Marine right leg????????


    Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Mod_ID
    Marine helmets
    Marine helmet TBA TBA????????
    Marine chest piece
    Marine chest piece353716168101????????
    Marine arms
    Marine arm3516113.561????????
    Marine legs
    Marine leg351611497????????

    Wood armorEdit

    Wood armor can be considered a tier 1 armor type. It consists of scrapped wooden planks, bark and sticks, wrapped together for some makeshift protection.

    Fallout 4 Sniper Armor




    NameBase ID
    Wood chest piece????????
    Wood left arm????????
    Wood right arm????????
    Wood left leg????????
    Wood right leg????????


    Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Mod_ID
    Wood chest piece
    Wood chest piece 1????????
    45 45 9 3.5 18????????
    Wood arms
    Wood arm 1????????
    5 4 2 1.35 10????????
    Wood legs
    Wood leg 1????????
    35 18 5 TBA 8????????

    Trapper armorEdit

    Trapper armor can be considered a tier 2 armor type. It can be made after acquiring plans scattered throughout Appalachia. The base variants are considered sturdy armor, with the lowest level initially craftable being level 15.




    NameBase ID
    Trapper chest piece????????
    Trapper left arm????????
    Trapper right arm????????
    Trapper left leg????????
    Trapper right leg????????


    Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Mod_ID
    Trapper chest piece
    Trapper chest piece 15 14 7 14 5 53????????
    25 20 9 20 5 53????????
    35 26 12 26 5 53????????
    45 32 14 32 5 53????????
    Trapper arms
    Trapper arm 15 6 4 6 3 41????????
    25 9 6 9 3 41????????
    35 12 8 12 3 41????????
    45 14 10 14 3 41????????
    Trapper legs
    Trapper leg 15 6 4 6 3.5 65????????
    25 9 6 9 3.5 65????????
    35 12 8 12 3.5 65????????
    45 14 10 14 3.5 65????????

    Unique body armor partsEdit

    When killing Legendary or boss creatures (The enemies with the 'legendary' name and/or stars next to their name) there's a chance they'll drop unique armor, that cannot be scrapped. These can have perks like '-15% Damage taken from ghouls'

    Name Level Base Item Starting Mods Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect Location


    Underarmor that can be worn under body armor parts and outfits. Underarmor can be modded to provide additional protection (i.e. Damage, Energy and Radiation Resistance) and increase certain S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points (though the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points provided from underarmor does not affect the player character's base S.P.E.C.I.A.L., which determines the amount of perk cards they can equip).

    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Brotherhood fatigues 1.1 11 Yes(BoS)????????
    Brotherhood knight suit 1.1 33 Yes(BoS)????????
    Brotherhood officer suit 1.1 33 Yes(BoS)????????
    Brotherhood soldier suit 1.1 33 Yes(BoS)????????
    0 Yes(Casual)????????
    0 Yes(Casual)????????
    Flannel shirt and jeans 1.1 22 Yes(Casual)????????
    Forest Operative underarmor 1.1 33 Yes(Enclave)????????
    0 Yes(Casual)????????
    Harness 1.1 22 Yes(Raider)????????
    Long johns 1.1 22 Yes(Raider)????????
    Marine wetsuit 2.2 110 Yes(Marine)????????
    Military fatigues 1.1 11 Yes(Casual)????????
    Raider leathers 1.1 22 Yes(Raider)????????
    Road leathers 1.1 22 Yes(Raider)????????
    0 Yes(Casual)????????
    Undershirt & jeans 1.1 22 Yes(Casual)????????
    Urban Operative underarmor 1.1 33 Yes(Enclave)????????
    Vault 51 jumpsuit 1.1 22 Yes(VT)????????
    Vault 76 jumpsuit 1.1 22 Yes(VT)????????
    Vault Tec University jumpsuit 1.1 22 Yes(VT)????????
    0 Yes(Casual)????????
    0 Yes(Casual)????????
    • Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background.


    Outfits can be worn over clothing and over armor pieces. Many of them are 'skins,' meaning they will just hide what's worn under them. Exceptions such as the hazmat suit and the Garb of Mysteries will unequip any armor. The hazmat suit counts as armor for the chameleon mutation and therefore will not make the player character invisible. On the other hand, the Garb of Mysteries will still incur the invisibility buff while stationary and in combat despite granting Damage Resistance.

    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Amusement park worker outfit 0.1 10 No????????
    Arktos lab coat 0.1 19 No003efc5b
    Army fatigues 0.1 12 No????????
    Dirty army fatigues 0.1 12 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform blue 0.1 50 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform brown 0.1 25 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform forest 0.1 100 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform green 0.1 10 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform pink 0.1 50 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform red 0.1 300 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform yellow 0.1 75 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform weathered 0.1 10 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform white 0.1 15 No????????
    Asylum worker uniform white dirty 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Baseball uniform 0.1 10 No????????
    Bathrobe 0.1 100 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Bomber jacket 0.1 20 No????????
    BOS jumpsuit 0.1 25 No????????
    Bottle and Cappy orange jacket & jeans 0.1 80 No????????
    Bottle and Cappy red jacket & jeans 0.1 80 No????????
    Brotherhood lab coat 0.1 19 No????????
    Brotherhood scribe outfit 0.1 20 No????????

    Brown fisherman's overalls 0.1 115 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Camden Park uniform 0.1 50 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Casual outfit 0.1 16 No????????
    Cappy jacket & jeans 0.1 80 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Civil War era suit 0.1 100 No????????
    Civil War era dress 0.1 75 No????????
    Clown outfit 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Confederate uniform 0.1 61 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Dirty tan suit 0.1 14 No????????
    Drifter outfit 0.1 35 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Enclave officer uniform 0.1 50 No????????
    Engineer's uniform 0.1 15 No????????
    Explorer outfit 0.1 13 No????????
    Farmhand clothes 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Field scribe's uniform 0.1 20 No????????
    Fire Breather uniform 0.1 10 No????????
    Fisherman's outfit 0.1 40 No????????

    0.1 0 No????????
    Forest camo jumpsuit 0.1 50 No????????
    Garb of Mysteries 25 15 15 1 41 +1 PER No????????
    Golf outfit 0.1 114 No????????
    Golf skirt 0.1 114 No????????
    Greaser jacket and jeans 0.1 20 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Green shirt and combat boots 0.1 11 No????????
    Grey fisherman's overalls 0.1 100 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Halloween costume skeleton 0.1 250 No????????
    Halloween costume witch 0.1 200 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Hazmat suit 10 1000 5 69 Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Damaged hazmat suit 500 4 45 Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Prototype hazmat suit 1 1000 5 46 Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Hooded rags 0.1 7 No????????
    Hunter's long coat 0.1 400 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Imposter sheepsquatch outfit 0.1 125 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Lab coat 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Leather coat 0.1 13 No????????
    Letterman's jacket and jeans 0.1 50 No????????
    Longshoreman outfit 0.1 80 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Mechanic jumpsuit 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0????????
    Miner uniform 0.1 35 No????????
    Pristine miner uniform 0.1 25 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Nuka-World geyser jacket & jeans 0.1 80 No????????
    Nuka-World jacket & jeans 0.1 80 No????????
    Nurse uniform 0.1 10 No????????
    Padded blue jacket 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Pastor's vestments 0.1 60 No????????
    Patched suit 0.1 10 No????????
    Patched three-piece suit 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Pioneer Scout Possum uniform 0.1 2 No????????
    Pioneer Scout Tadpole uniform 0.1 10 No????????
    Police uniform 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Radstag hide outfit 0.1 13 No????????
    Ranger outfit 0.1 200 No????????
    Ranger outfit clean 0.1 300 No????????
    Ratty skirt 0.1 11 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Red dress 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Responder fireman uniform 0.1 36 No????????

    Responders paramedic jumpsuit 0.1 15 No????????
    Responder police uniform 0.1 91 No????????
    Ritual bindings 0.1 10 No????????

    0.1 0 No????????
    Scavenger outfit 0.1 13 No????????
    Science scribe's uniform 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Sheepsquatch mascot outfit 0.1 125 No????????

    0.1 0 No????????
    Skiing outfit 0.1 6 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Skiing navy and orange outfit 0.1 30 No????????
    Skiing purple and white outfit 0.1 10 No????????
    Skiing red and green outfit 0.1 10 No????????
    Soiled Mr. Fuzzy mascot suit????????
    Spacesuit 0.1 300 No????????
    Clean spacesuit 0.1 400 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Steel worker uniform 0.1 35 No????????
    Clean steel worker uniform 0.1 150 No????????
    Straight jacket 0.1 200 No????????
    Straight jacket clean 0.1 250 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Surveyor outfit 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Suspenders and slacks 0.1 10 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Swimsuit 0.1 10 No????????
    T-shirt and slacks 0.1 14 No????????
    Tattered dress 0.1 10 +1 PER No????????
    Tattered field jacket 0.1 13 No????????
    Tattered mole outfit 0.1 10 No????????
    Tattered rags 0.1 1 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Traveling leather coat 0.1 13 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Union uniform 0.1 65 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Vault-Tec jumpsuit 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    VTU jacket and jeans 0.1 20 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Western outfit 0.1 30 No????????
    Western outfit & chaps 0.1 40 No????????
    White Powder jumpsuit 0.1 30 No????????
    Whitespring jumpsuit 0.1 45 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Winter jacket and jeans 0.1 80 No????????
    • Unique apparel is highlighted with a darker background.


    Full headwearEdit

    These count as hats, eyewear, and masks.

    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    0.1 0 No????????
    Assault gas mask 0.1 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Assaultron helmet 0.1 20????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    BOS hood 0.1 25 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Eyebot helmet 0.1 20 No????????
    Fasnacht giant mask 0.1 10 No001493d5
    Fasnacht goblin mask 0.1 10 No002e1adc
    Fasnacht jester mask 0.1 1000057538
    Fasnacht Man mask 0.1 10 No00052c80
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No}
    Fasnacht owl mask 0.1 10 No001493d7
    Fasnacht skull mask 0.1 10 No0005750b
    Fasnacht soldier mask 0.1 10 No001493a5
    Fasnacht sun mask 0.1 10 No003f32ba
    Fasnacht toothy man mask 0.1 10 No001493a7
    Fasnacht witch mask 0.1 10 No00057509
    Fasnacht Winter Man mask 0.1 10 No003f32bb
    Fire Breather helmet 0.1 12 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Fireman helmet 0.1 15 No????????
    Flight helmet 0.1 25 No????????
    Forest scout armor mask 0.1 40 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards.????????
    Gas mask 0.1 32 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Gas mask with goggles 0.1 30 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Halloween costume skull 0.1 60 No????????
    Marine tactical helmet 0.1 125 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Monster mask 0 0 No????????
    0.1 0????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Responder fireman helmet 0.1 9 -2 PER No????????
    Ritual mask 0.1 10 No????????
    Sack hood 0.1 No????????
    Sack hood with hoses 0.1 4 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Sack hood with straps 0.1 4 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Sentry bot helmet 0.1 20 No????????
    Soiled Mr. Fuzzy mascot head 0.1 100 No????????
    Spacesuit helmet 0.1 81 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Clean spacesuit helmet 0.1 112 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards. No????????
    Tattered mole head 1 0.1 5 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Urban scout armor mask 0.1 40 -2 PER, Prevents damage and disease from airborne hazards.????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    • Unique apparel are highlighted with a darker background.


    Fallout 4 Ghillie Suit
    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Army helmet 0.1 20 No????????
    Dirty army helmet 0.1 No????????
    Asylum worker hat blue 0.1 15 No????????
    Asylum worker hat forrest 0.1 15 No????????
    Asylum worker hat green 0.1 15 No????????
    Asylum worker hat pink 0.1 15 No????????
    Asylum worker hat red 0.1 15 No????????
    Asylum worker hat weathered 0.1 15 No????????
    Asylum worker hat white 0.1 15 No????????
    Asylum worker hat white dirty 0.1 15 No????????
    Asylum worker hat yellow 0.1 15 No????????
    Baseball cap 0.1 15 No????????
    Battered fedora 0.1 6 No000e5086

    Beer hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Blue batting helmet 0.1 5 No????????
    Bowler hat 0.1 No????????
    Campaign hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Chef hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Civil War era top hat 0.1 50 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Clown hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Combat armor helmet 0.1 25 No????????
    Cop cap 0.1 15 No????????
    Cop cap (responders) 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Black cowboy hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Crumpled fedora 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Dirty fedora 0.1 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Enclave officer hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Faded visor 0.1 10 No????????
    Fasnacht beret 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Field scribe's hat 0.1 8 No????????
    Fisherman's hat 0.1 5 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Gray knit cap 0.1 2 No????????
    Green hood 0.1 5 No????????
    Green rag hat 0.1 2 No????????
    Halloween costume witch hat 0.1 50 No????????
    Hard hat 0.1 15????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Medical goggles 0.1 12 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Military cap 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Miner hat 0.1 16????????
    Miner hat clean 0.1 16????????
    Mining helmet 0.1 51????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Mr. Fuzzy mining helmet 0.1 51????????
    Mr. Fuzzy yellow hard hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Newsboy cap 0.1 5 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Old fisherman's hat 0.1 5 No????????
    Party hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Pioneer Scout hat: Possum 0.1 3 No????????
    Pioneer Scout hat: Tadpole 0.1 3 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Pompadour wig 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Black prospector's hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Prospector's hat 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Ranger hat 0.1 10 No????????
    Ranger hat clean 0.1 80 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Sea captain's hat 0.1 25 No????????
    Skiing outfit hat 0.1 No????????
    Skiing outfit hat clean 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Steel worker hat 0.1 15 No????????
    Steel worker hat clean 0.1 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0????????
    Tin foil hat 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Trilby hat 0.1 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Union hat 0.1 40 No????????
    Ushanka hat 0.1 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Welding helmet 0.1 20 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    White wolf fedora 0.1 25 No????????
    Wool fisherman's cap 0.1 5 No????????
    Wrapped cap 0.1 5 No????????
    Yellow slicker hat 0.1 50 No????????
    • Unique apparel is highlighted with a darker background.


    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    0.1 0 No????????
    Black-rim glasses 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Bottlecap sunglasses 0.1 27 No????????
    Eyeglasses 0.1 12 No????????
    Fashionable glasses 0.1 27 No????????
    0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Patrolman sunglasses 0.1 17 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Sunglasses 0.1 12 No????????
    Welding goggles 0.1 15 No????????
    Wraparound goggles 0.1 12 No????????


    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Blue bandana 0.1 17 No????????
    Camo bandana 0.1 1 No????????
    Green bandana 0.1 15 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Leopard print bandana 0.1 1 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Red bandana 0.1 19 No????????
    Skull bandana 0.1 1 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Striped bandana 0.1 1 No????????
    Surgical mask 0.1 30 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Veil of Secrets 0.1 25 No????????
    0.1 0 No????????
    Worn veil 0.1 10 No????????

    Power armor partsEdit

    See: Power armor locations (Fallout 76)
    All pieces of power armor must be attached to a power armor chassis.

    Each part has a level requirement, meaning player characters cannot enter a power armor chassis with parts higher than their own level. Power armor chassis have no level requirement, so removing leveled parts will allow entry.

    Power armors available under level 50 have multiple level versions. See pages for those armors for values at higher levels.

    To get out of a power armor frame, one must press and hold the same button pressed to get into it, so 'E' (PC), 'X' (PS4) or 'A' (Xbox One).


    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Power armor chassis 60 60 60 10 +10 Strength No????????


    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Raider power helm15 - 4524 - 5124 - 5124 - 5110N/AYes????????
    Excavator helm25 - 4524 - 3624 - 3635 - 5510N/AYes????????
    T-45 helm25 - 4534 - 5434 - 5434 - 5411N/AYes????????
    T-51 helm30 - 5045 - 6845 - 6827 - 4811N/AYes????????
    T-60 helm40 - 5050 - 6045 - 5550 - 6011N/AYes????????
    X-01 helm40 - 5050 - 6056 - 6856 - 6812N/AYes????????
    Ultracite helm5068595912N/AYes????????


    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Raider power chest piece15 - 4540 - 8640 - 8640 - 8614N/AYes????????
    Excavator torso25 - 4542 - 6042 - 6059 - 9115113N/AYes????????
    T-45 chest piece25 - 4558 - 9058 - 9058 - 901692N/AYes????????
    T-51 chest piece30 - 5075 - 11475 - 11446 - 651791N/AYes????????
    T-60 chest piece40 - 5084 - 10079 - 95100 - 11518114N/AYes????????
    X-01 torso40 - 5082 - 9894 - 11394 - 11319227N/AYes????????
    Ultracite torso50113989820171N/AYes????????

    Left armEdit

    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Raider power left arm15 - 4524 - 5124 - 5124 - 5110N/AYes????????
    Excavator left arm25 - 4524 - 3624 - 3635 - 551161N/AYes????????
    T-45 left arm25 - 4534 - 5434 - 5434 - 541260N/AYes????????
    T-51 left arm30 - 5045 - 6845 - 6827 - 481279N/AYes????????
    T-60 left arm40 - 5050 - 6045 - 5550 - 601290N/AYes????????
    X-01 left arm40 - 5050 - 6056 - 6856 - 6813162N/AYes????????
    Ultracite left arm506859591332N/AYes????????

    Right armEdit

    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Raider power right arm15 - 4524 - 5124 - 5124 - 5110N/AYes????????
    Excavator right arm25 - 4524 - 3624 - 3635 - 551161N/AYes????????
    T-45 right arm25 - 4534 - 5434 - 5434 - 541260N/AYes????????
    T-51 right arm30 - 5045 - 6845 - 6827 - 481281N/AYes????????
    T-60 right arm40 - 5050 - 6045 - 5550 - 601290N/AYes????????
    X-01 right arm40 - 5050 - 6056 - 6856 - 6813162N/AYes????????
    Ultracite right arm506859591332N/AYes????????

    Left legEdit

    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Raider power left leg15 - 4524 - 5124 - 5124 - 5112N/AYes????????
    Excavator left leg25 - 4524 - 3624 - 3635 - 551181N/AYes????????
    T-45 left leg25 - 4534 - 5434 - 5434 - 541449N/AYes????????
    T-51 left leg30 - 5045 - 6845 - 6827 - 481477N/AYes????????
    T-60 left leg40 - 5050 - 6045 - 5550 - 6014108N/AYes????????
    X-01 left leg40 - 5050 - 6056 - 6856 - 6815162N/AYes????????
    Ultracite left leg5068595915.032N/AYes????????

    Right legEdit

    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Raider power right leg15 - 4524 - 5124 - 5124 - 5112N/AYes????????
    Excavator right leg25 - 4524 - 3624 - 3635 - 551181N/AYes????????
    T-45 right leg253434341449N/AYes????????
    T-51 right leg30TBATBATBATBAN/AYes????????
    T-60 right leg4050455014108N/AYes????????
    X-01 right leg5060686815162N/AYes????????
    Ultracite right leg5068595915.032N/AYes????????

    Unique power armor partsEdit

    Image Name Level Type Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID


    Includes apparel that can be on the player character's fingers, arms, neck, etc.

    Image Name Level Dam Resist Eng Resist Rad Resist Weight Value Effect ModsBase ID
    Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VIYes????????
    Eye of Ra0.1100Enhances the Mistress of Mystery's regalia.No0029d65f
    Prisoner collar0.115No????????
    Old ring0.1100No????????
    Wedding ring0.1150No????????
    Armor and clothing in Fallout 76
    Power armorPower armor chassis ·Excavator power armor ·Raider power armor ·T-45 power armor ·T-51 power armor ·T-60 power armor ·X-01 power armor ·Ultracite power armor
    Body armorCombat armor ·Leather armor ·Marine armor ·Metal armor ·Raider armor ·Robot armor ·Scout armor ·Trapper armor ·Wood armor
    UnderarmorBrotherhood fatigues ·Brotherhood knight suit ·Brotherhood officer suit ·Brotherhood soldier suit ·Flannel shirt and jeans ·Forest Operative underarmor ·Harness ·Long johns ·Marine wetsuit ·Military fatigues ·Raider leathers ·Road leathers ·Undershirt & jeans ·Urban Operative underarmor ·Vault jumpsuit ·Vault Tec University jumpsuit
    OutfitsAmusement park worker outfit ·Army fatigues ·Asylum worker uniform ·Baseball uniform ·Bathrobe ·Bottle and Cappy orange jacket & jeans ·Bottle and Cappy red jacket & jeans ·Brotherhood lab coat ·Brotherhood scribe outfit ·Camden Park uniform ·Casual outfit ·Cappy jacket & jeans ·Civil War era dress ·Civil War era suit ·Clown outfit ·Confederate uniform ·Drifter outfit ·Enclave officer uniform ·Engineer's uniform ·Explorer outfit ·Farmhand clothes ·Field scribe's uniform ·Fire Breather uniform ·Fisherman's outfit ·Fisherman's overalls ·Garb of Mysteries ·Golf outfit ·Golf skirt ·Greaser jacket and jeans ·Green shirt and combat boots ·Halloween costume skeleton ·Halloween costume witch ·Hazmat suit ·Hooded rags ·Hunter's long coat ·Imposter sheepsquatch outfit ·Lab coat ·Leather coat ·Letterman's jacket and jeans ·Longshoreman outfit ·Mechanic jumpsuit ·Miner uniform ·Nuka-World jacket & jeans ·Nurse uniform ·Padded blue jacket ·Pastor's vestments ·Patched suit ·Patched three-piece suit ·Police uniform ·Radstag hide outfit ·Ranger outfit ·Ratty skirt ·Red dress ·Responder fireman uniform ·Responders paramedic jumpsuit ·Responder police uniform ·Ritual bindings ·Scavenger outfit ·Science scribe's uniform ·Sheepsquatch mascot outfit ·Skiing outfit ·Soiled Mr. Fuzzy mascot suit ·Spacesuit ·Steel worker uniform ·Straight jacket ·Surveyor outfit ·Suspenders and slacks ·Swimsuit ·T-shirt and slacks ·Tattered dress ·Tattered field jacket ·Tattered mole outfit ·Tattered rags ·Union uniform ·VTU jacket and jeans ·Western outfit ·Western outfit & chaps ·Winter jacket and jeans
    Full headwearAssault gas mask ·Assaultron helmet ·Easter Bunny mascot ·Eyebot helmet ·Fasnacht giant mask ·Fasnacht goblin mask ·Fasnacht jester mask ·Fasnacht owl mask ·Fasnacht Man mask ·Fasnacht skull mask ·Fasnacht soldier mask ·Fasnacht toothy man mask ·Fasnacht witch mask ·Fire Breather helmet ·Fireman helmet ·Flight helmet ·Forest scout armor mask ·Gas mask ·Gas mask with goggles ·Halloween costume skull ·Marine tactical helmet ·Monster mask ·Ritual mask ·Sack hood ·Sack hood with hoses ·Sack hood with straps ·Sentry bot helmet ·Soiled Mr. Fuzzy mascot head ·Spacesuit helmet ·Tattered mole head ·Urban scout armor mask
    HatsArmy helmet ·Asylum worker hat ·Baseball cap ·Battered fedora ·Beer hat ·Blue batting helmet ·Bowler hat ·Campaign hat ·Chef hat ·Civil War era top hat ·Clown hat ·Combat armor helmet ·Cop cap ·Crumpled fedora ·Dirty fedora ·Enclave officer hat ·Faded visor ·Field scribe's hat ·Fisherman's hat ·Gray knit cap ·Green rag hat ·Halloween costume witch hat ·Hard hat ·Medical goggles ·Military cap ·Miner hat ·Mining helmet ·Mr. Fuzzy mining helmet ·Newsboy cap ·Old fisherman's hat ·Party hat ·Pompadour wig ·Prospector's hat ·Ranger hat ·Sea captain's hat ·Skiing outfit hat ·Steel worker hat ·Tin foil hat ·Trilby hat ·Union hat ·Ushanka hat ·Welding helmet ·Wool fisherman's cap ·Wrapped cap ·Yellow slicker hat
    EyewearBlack-rim glasses ·Bottlecap sunglasses ·Eyeglasses ·Fashionable glasses ·Patrolman sunglasses ·Sunglasses ·Welding goggles ·Wraparound goggles
    MasksBandana ·Surgical mask ·Veil of Secrets ·Worn veil
    OtherPip-Boy 2000 Mark VI ·Eye of Ra ·Prisoner collar ·Old ring ·Wedding ring
    UnderarmorVTU track suit
    OutfitsAmerican patriot suit ·Baaaad News Billy outfit ·Black overalls ·Blue dress ·Bomber jacket ·Camden Park jumpsuit ·Camouflage suit ·Cappy shirt & jeans ·Clown outfit ·Cowhide western outfit ·Cream dress ·Daredevil suit ·DB Tech varsity uniform ·Elf outfit ·Festive winter pant suit ·Fly-fishing outfit ·Patterned fringed dress ·Greaser jacket and jeans ·Grognak custome ·Halloween vampire costume ·Hunter safety vest ·Manta Man ·Medical scrubs ·Military officer uniform ·Poodle skirt ·Postman uniform ·Park ranger jumpsuit ·Red Rocket jumpsuit ·Red and khaki shirt and slacks ·Roadtripper blouse and capris ·Nuka-Girl rocketsuit ·Rose dress ·Sequin dress ·Silver Shroud costume ·Skiing outfit ·Starlet Sniper outfit ·Spacesuit ·Summer shorts ·Survivalist's outfit ·Sweater vest and slacks ·Inspector costume ·Tour guide outfit ·Tropical suit ·Two-piece pajamas ·Vault-Tec pajamas ·Vintage linen coat ·Western duster ·Wildman rags
    Headwear2076 American glasses ·Black-rim sun glasses ·Cowboy hat ·Eastern bonnet ·Elf hat ·Fruit hat ·Garrahan trucker cap ·Hip glasses ·Hunting cap ·Jangles bandana ·Leather cap ·Monocle ·Mothman trucker cap ·Patriot head ·Pirate hat ·RobCo trucker cap ·Smile mask ·Stars and Stripes ·Straw hat ·Sun hat ·Vault Girl mascot head ·West Virginia cap