How To Get Weapon Mods In Payday 2
This will allow you to move your favorite melee weapons to the top of the list.
If you don't have a melee weapon unlocked, but you have favorited it, it will automatically move to the correct location, when you finally unlock it.
To favorite a melee weapon, go to the mod options, and checkmark the ones you want.
(Weapon butt and fists aren't in the menu, due to them being stuck to the very top of the melee list)
(Clover's shillelagh isn't listed, because for whatever reason, it crashes the game)
Also included, are ~26 hidden categories, designed for modders who want to add more items to the game, allowing them to separate their mod items, from the vanilla ones, just like in my 'Unmasked' mod. To set an item into one of these categories, set their global value to any of the ones listed in the readme file bundled with this mod.
Before you ask me to do this for Primary and secondary weapons, I'm trying, the game keeps ruining the weapon's stats, when I populate them into their own favorites menu.
Uses BLT (just unzip the contents into your mods folder, located in your Payday 2 directory)
Stars won't actually appear on the melee weapons, they were only added, to draw your attention to the items that are normally on other pages, so that it would be easier to understand what this mod does.
Would be nice if asked before you use this in your mod
Created by Nervatel Hanging Closet Monster
How To Get Weapon Mods In Payday 2 Pc
About This Content. The Gage Weapon Pack #01 is the third DLC pack for PAYDAY 2. Frag Grenades make their first entry into the PAYDAY series and are bound to spice things up. With the new Grenade Case asset, players can share grenades with each other in the heists. Three new weapons are added and players can now toggle between Single.
How To Get Weapon Mods In Payday 2 Ps4
Payday 2BLT mod that allows to activate Overdrill mode in First World Bank with a key bind instead of positioning 4 players around the vault.
I am not the original author of this mod, I just gathered a bunch of scripts around the web and made 'em into a single working mod.
Original author is zephirot, then there is a bit modified version by Flexo013 and a One Down fix by Boromir666 on Reddit. Dr_Newbie has two more implementations to achieve this, one for loud and one for stealth, however first one did not work for me and as Overdrill is not supposed to be done in stealth I did not try the second one.
Requires Announcer mod.
- Author: Valdas V.
- Icon by Brisbane Tank Manufacturing, freeware
- Original script by zephirot, One Down fix by Boromir666
- Special thanks to TdlQ for lua dump and code samples