Write Text Vertically Inkscape

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  1. Write Text Vertically Inkscape Templates
  2. Write Text Vertically Inkscape Word
  3. Inkscape Text To Shape

Align text vertically on center. Ask Question 2. I'm using inkscape and I want to put a text vertically on center, the following text has a two font sizes, i want to display them on baseline. I can't convert text to path because I put on path. Is there a risk to write an invitation letter for a stranger to obtain a Czech (Schengen) visa? How to Edit Text in a Vector File! Editing text in a vector file can be a fairly simple process once you know how to, and with our simple step by step tutorial below, your sure to pick up the skills you require in no time, however, why do it yourself?

Inkscape, the popular free vector linedrawing app, lets you adjust not only regular attributes for text like the font style, size, and color​ but also five other traits related to spacing. You can do it all from the text tool's options panel.

Changing the spacing values for letters and words gives you finer control over how words appear on the canvas. For example, if you want a word to stretch across the title area of a poster, you can change the letter or word spacing to give it an elongated effect without enlarging the font size or stretching the text.

The five spacing options let you change the spacing between specific characters and specific words, rotate individual characters on an axis, and shift text up or down away from the rest.

Change the Spacing Between Each Letter

Adjusting the letter spacing changes the amount of empty space between each character of a word. When applied, it affects every single character in the text box, whether there's just one word, a sentence, or an entire paragraph.

Reducing letter spacing is used mostly as a technique for making text fit into a limited space, but there may be occasions when you want to squeeze letters together to produce a strong visual text effect.

  1. Select the Text Tool.

  2. If you don't already have text, click and drag in your document to draw out a text box, or just click where you want text, and start writing. For a text box, click inside the box to start writing.

  3. Decide which letters or words should be changed. If you click in the text box, it'll change the letter spacing for every character. To adjust letter spacing for two or more characters only, highlight those characters.

  4. Locate the Spacing between letters option in the toolbar directly above your document. The default icon shows a dash between the letters A and D.

  5. Use the up and down arrows following the value field(should be 0.00) to increase and decrease the spacing. This method can be tedious since it moves in one-hundredths of a pixel by default.

  6. If that's too tedious, or you'd prefer to jump to a certain value, click in the value field, and type it in.

Be careful to avoid reducing the letter spacing so much that you enter into negative numbers, or you'll create a backwards effect.

Change the Spacing Between Each Word

Adjusting the spacing between words is another way to tweak text in Inkscape to make it fit into a constrained space. You could adjust word spacing for aesthetic reasons with small amounts of text, but making changes to larger volumes of text will likely have an adverse effect on legibility.

  1. Select the Text Tool.

  2. Click and drag to draw out a text box or click where you want to start writing. If you went with the box, click inside it to start writing out your text.

  3. Click and drag to highlight the words that you want to adjust the spacing of. If you want to modify everything, simply click inside the text box.

  4. Locate the Spacing between words option from the toolbar directly above your document.

  5. Use the up and down arrows to adjust the space. Like with letters, this can be pretty slow and tedious.

  6. Enter your own value to automatically jump to the spacing you want.

When you increase or decrease the spacing between words, the first word doesn't change its position but is instead used as an anchor for the other words. If you need the text to be sprawled out from one particular place, be sure to place the text box exactly where you want the text to start, and it will stay put no matter the word space values.

Change the Horizontal Kerning Value

Horizontal kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between specific pairs of letters. You can use kerning adjustments to make spaces between letters look more visually 'correct,' a technique commonly applied to logos and headlines.

  1. Select the Text Tool.

  2. For kerning, you can't use a text box. Instead, click where you want your text, and type it in.

  3. Highlight the letters you want to adjust. If the cursor is put between two letters without highlighting them, the kerning adjustment will move every letter located to the right of the cursor. Highlighting moves those letters only.

  4. Locate the Horizontal kerning option in the toolbar directly above your document. The icon is two letter As next to one another.

  5. Use the up and down arrows to change the value. Increasing the number will move the text right. Decreasing it will shift it left.

  6. Finally, you can always enter a value yourself. Negative values will push the text left of its starting position.

For example, consider the word HOUSE. To increase the space between the O and U, select USE and change the kerning value to a greater number. Highlighting just the O or just the U, and adjusting the kerning for those letters, will push them closer to the H and the S, creating a non-uniform look.

Shift Characters Vertically

Inkscape lets you change the vertical position of any highlighted character(s). You might do this if you're after a cascade look where the letters appear to fall up or down the page, or maybe you're going for a unique perspective design.

  1. Select the Text Tool.

  2. You can't use a text box with kerning. So, click where you want your text, and write it in.

  3. Place the cursor to the left of the character(s) you want to shift vertically. You can also highlight the character, which is necessary if you're shifting specific characters. In other words, placing the cursor after H in HOUSE will move the OUSE up or down, but highlighting H will move just that letter.

  4. Locate the Vertical kerning option on the toolbar right above your document. The icon is two letter As with one slightly higher than the other.

  5. Use the arrows to move your text up and down. This one is the opposite of what you'd think. Increasing the value pushes the text down.

  6. If you have an exact value in mind, enter it in the field.

If you highlight more than one letter, and they're both currently at a different vertical position, they will shift according to their original places. For example, if the H in HOUSE is already five pixels above the O, shifting HO up five pixels will place the H 10 pixels above USE, and the O five pixels above.

Change a Character's Degree of Rotation

The final spacing option in Inkscape's text tool is for rotating. This option maxes out at 180 degrees and can be applied to single characters and whole words.

  1. Select the Text Tool.

  2. Select which character(s) to rotate. Placing the cursor to the left will rotate the single character to its right, whereas highlighting rotates just those characters.

  3. Choose Character rotation on the text toolbar above your document. The icon shows a skewed letter A.

  4. Use the arrows to alter the rotation. Higher values rotate clockwise, and lower/negative values move counter-clockwise.

  5. You can enter the degree of rotation yourself in the field too.

Rotating beyond a certain point might mash the letters together, depending on the value of the character spacing.

SVG text is designed for decorative layouts, allowing you to position individual characters exactly where you want them. We showed in the book how you can shift individual characters in the x and y dimensions, with attributes on the containing element.

The final option for character positioning is the rotate attribute, allowing you to set the angle of those characters.


Like x, y, dx, and dy, the rotate attribute takes a list of values which are assigned, one-by-one, to the characters in the text content. The last value in the list affects all remaining characters in the current element—but, unlike with the positioning attributes, the rotation doesn’t persist for characters after the element’s end tag.

The values in rotate are measured in degrees, but are given as numbers without units. Positive numbers are clockwise rotation, negative numbers are counter-clockwise.


Each rotation value is absolute, relative to normal layout, regardless of the previous value.

Each character is rotated relative to its own origin, rather than around the center of the glyph: this is normally the point at the “start” side of the baseline of the text. The rotations are applied after the rest of layout, and spacing of letters isn’t adjusted to fit. These details mean that rotate is best used in combination with exact character placement with the other positioning attributes—don’t expect the browser to automatically create typographically-pleasing results with rotated characters.

To create more elegant rotated text, you can use <textPath> (which we discuss in the book and in the “Perfecting Paths for <textPath>” article) to curve or angle a continuous line of text.

For vertical or sideways text, the writing-mode property is a better option—although current browser implementations are not guaranteed to result in perfect typography, either.

Nonetheless, rotate can be very effective at creating layouts that convey a sense of complete disorder, as done in Example 7-X2 (with the results in Figure 7-X2) to visualize a screaming voice falling out of control. In this case, we’re taking a vertical line of text and rotating each character by 15° more than the character before it, so that the letters flip around a full turn by the time they reach the bottom.

Example 7-X2. Using rotate to alter the angle of individual characters

The @font-face rule is the same as previous examples in the book, as are the font styles designed to ensure that a similarly-proportioned fallback font will be used if the web font doesn’t load.

The vertical layout is defined with the writing-mode and orientation properties: first, with the old SVG 1 syntax, and then with the new CSS3 syntax.

As part of the “falling” layout, the text will get progressively smaller, using nested <tspan> elements, each set to a font-size that is 75% of its parent’s size.

Write Text Vertically Inkscape Templates

The remaining aspects of the layout are defined by attributes on the <text> element itself: the rotate attribute lists different angles for each character, while the textLength attribute sets the overall length of the text to fit within the speech-bubble path.

The nested <tspan> elements break up the stream of letters, with the final exclamation marks breaking out of the nested layers—and therefore each being larger than the last, back to the original font-size.

We’ve mentioned vertical text before, but haven’t discussed it in full. It is only recently getting to the point of good browser support. Results are still somewhat buggy and inconsistent in web browsers (at the time of writing). However, it can be used for decorative effects like this where you’re not too worried about exact layout and perfect typography.

There are two syntaxes which can be combined to get almost-complete browser support for vertical writing modes:

SVG 1.1 vertical text
  • uses writing-mode property with value tb to create vertical (top-to-bottom) lines of text;

  • uses glyph-orientation-vertical property to set the type of vertical text layout, set to one of these values:

    • 0 for always upright (un-rotated) characters, stacked one under the other,

    • 90 to have the entire line rotated sideways, 90° clockwise,

    • auto (the default) to have sideways text for normally-horizontal scripts, but upright characters for scripts (like Chinese and Japanese) for which this is a standard writing style;

  • is fully supported in WebKit and Blink; Internet Explorer & Edge support writing-mode but not glyph orientation control; older Firefox had no support, but the latest Firefox versions now support writing-mode: tb as a synonym for CSS 3 writing modes.

CSS 3 vertical text
  • uses writing-mode property to set vertical text and line-wrapping direction, using one of these values:

    • vertical-rl for vertical text that wraps so that the first line of a paragraph is on the right (this is standard for Japanese and Chinese vertical text),

    • vertical-lr for vertical text that wraps so that the first line of a paragraph is on the left;

  • uses text-orientation property to set the type of vertical text:

    The closing scenes of Back to the Future III, where Doc Brown appeared from nowhere aboard a time-travelling train to see Marty McFly for one last time, is among the most well-known instances of a flying train. It’s the one that springs to my mind, at least. Back to the Future: Hill Valley is a full conversion mod for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Back to the Future: Hill Valley will be based on the Back to the Future Trilogy, allowing the player to re-enact all the great moments from the films. The Flying Time Train is a Back to the Future vehicle in LEGO Dimensions. It is alternate build of Travelling Time Train, and is included in 71230 Fun Pack. Abilities Tow Bar, Flight, Time Travel, Flight Dock, Cargo Hook. Back to the future flying train.

    • mixed (the default, and the same as glyph-orientation-vertical: auto),

    • upright for un-rotated characters,

    • sideways for sideways text rotated clockwise;

  • is currently (mid-2017) only supported in Firefox and Chrome/Blink, but is expected to be adopted everwhere eventually.

Write Text Vertically Inkscape Word

Example 7-X2 uses both syntaxes, relying on the CSS parser to let the new values override the old in supporting browsers. The double declarations provide full support for Blink, WebKit, and Firefox versions from 2016 and later, and partial support in IE and Edge.

Inkscape Text To Shape


In IE and Edge, the text will be laid out sideways before rotate is applied, so each letter will be rotated an additional 90°.

Sideways text takes up a lot less vertical space than upright vertical text. And even among browsers that support upright vertical text, there is a lot of variation in how they space out the letters. The Sequentialist BB web font, like most fonts for normally-horizontal scripts, doesn’t include suggested vertical spacing in the font data.

To make sure the text fits the speech bubble in all these cases, and also with fallback fonts, we’ve used another new attribute: textLength. The textLength defines the exact total length that the text should cover. The browser then adjusts the spacing between characters to make it fit.

textLength is a regular XML attribute, not a style property that can be set in CSS. It’s value is always a number, representing a distance in SVG user units (px units).


Browsers are all a little inconsistent about how they handle textLength values when there are <tspan> elements nested inside <text> elements. Test carefully, and don’t use the attribute if you don’t have to.

The textLength value means that we don’t have to worry about changing the text-anchor to have a better fallback experience: we know exactly where the start, middle, and end of the text will be positioned because it will always have the same total length. But for other cases, it’s worth repeating: for vertical text, text-anchor defines the vertical alignment, relative to the y position of the text chunk.