How To Stop Being A Puppet Hoi4
- Once the French on your border stop attacking it's time to push, have them push as far as they can before you start losing lots of skirmishes, then stop pushing and wait for a few more units to be pulled to the African region, make sure you keep your planes focused on the zones you're trying to take / defend.
- Hoi4 puppets are so much better than hoi 3. I playing as japan and I use my puppet armies to man the massive borders I have and garrison all islands. Frees up my troops to do actual fighting and saves me a ton of manpower which I'm short on yes I am aware you can use their armies. But I do not want to, I want to have the biggest name on map.
Getting started with Puppet. What I want to talk about are patterns for successful Puppet, a successful puppet deployment. And I use patterns, I don't use the word best practice. Best implies I know all possible options and all of your variables, I don't. Patterns are generally.
Here you can find information on each hotfix, release, and patch of Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4.
While this patch doesn’t have any new focuses trees, we’re sure you’ll love it all the same. We’ve worked on performance all over, fixed a whole load of bugs and adapted to the music mods to use the new radios added in 1.7, letting you mix and match both our stations and PDX’s music in game. You’ve got no excuse to not use them now!
The KR4 team
Notable Additions
- The Fourth Balkan War events have been revised and updated. The Ottoman Empire no longer supports either Bulgaria or the Belgrade Pact in the Fourth Balkan War. Instead, once the war begins, they have a decision to demand Western Thrace and Momchilgrad (a new state, and they now begin with cores on both) from Bulgaria. If Bulgaria refuses, the Ottomans will go to war for it
- The music mod now makes use of the radio’s mechanic added in 1.7
- Significant numbers of performance intensive events have be re-written to improve performance
- Adjusted the UI to be able to show twice as many national ideas
Added Events to:
- Denmark
- Germany
- Japan
- Norway
- Sweden
Added Decisions to:
- National France
- Sweden
- New/Redone portraits of: Abbas II (EGY), Ferdinand I (BUL), Jack Reed (CSA), Adna Chaffee (USA), Malin Craig (USA), Manuel Quezon (PHI), Prince Henry (AST), Prince George (AST), Edward VIII (CAN, DEH, etc.), Blanton C. Winship (PRI), Santiago Iglesias Pantín (PRI), Wilhelm Marschall (GER), Infante Juan de Borbon (SPR)
- Added a couple new focus icons to the Swiss focus tree
- Iceland gets a few new idea icons
- Redone a significant number of focus icons all over the mod
Music Mod
- Radios Added: National Radio (For the songs of specific countries), The Beacon (for Entente Music), Radio Révolutionnaire (For the Internationale Music), Kaiserliches Radio (For the Reichspakt)
- Added new versions for Le Chant du Depart and The Maple Leaf Forever
- Added Avante! for Integralist Brazil
- Lowered the volume to Waltzing Matilda
- Bulgaria’s decisions have been revised so they are visible from the start, with their conditions updated. They can no longer use their decisions to demand Adrianople/Constantinople or to attack Serbia/Romania/Greece if they are in a faction and not its leader. The AI will hold off on joining a faction if it believes it can still pursue these decisions
- Added some proper AI coding so Bulgaria won’t start losing wars as readily.
- Bulgaria now has proper peace events for both its potential wars against the Ottomans, rather than just the war for Adrianople. In both cases they now must actually fight for the states rather than auto-seizing them and requiring the Ottomans to war in order to get them back
- Brazil and Argentina now both cannot use their war focuses if they are in a faction and not its leader. The AI will hold off joining a faction if they believe they can still pursue those focuses
- The Greek ‘Sue for Peace’ decision with the Ottomans/Turks now only gives cores/claims prior to Megali being used - it never also gives the Greeks eastern Thrace and/or Constantinople. Megali is required for that.
- Organized the PLC tree to be less of a scattered mess in the files
- Australasia now controls Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands
- Aguinaldo no longer leads the Philippines, instead, Quezon will be president at game start
- USA progressives once again can be elected, assuming Olson was first elected in the 1936 election
- Netherlands can now flood itself when attacked
- The Dutch armoured divisions will now be equipped with high quality Gevechtstanks instead of silly American scrap metal from a different timeline
- Puerto Rico now has an appointed governor when released by the US, New Party names and party leaders with generic portraits.
- The US Army has realized it’s the late 1930s and not 1945, and has promptly demoted Eisenhower and Bradley to General, and assigned Malin Craig as Field Marshall, and Adna Chaffee as General. Now the Army debate event promotes either Chaffee or McNair to FM depending on your choice (Choosing the Craig plan means neither is promoted).
- Changed some early effects in the german black monday events
- Fixed CSA Second Constitutional Convention localization to better illustrate the AFL vs IWW conflict, Totalists as self perceived centrists in debate
- Mutualism in CSA Radsoc path replaced with supporting Craft Unions
- Altered some tooltips in Iceland’s decisions
- The FOP no longer has Fanny Jabcovsky as Field Marshal. In her stead, Liborio Justo shall be the new Field Marshal
- Removed cursed Puerto Rican party names and added some Heads of State to the nation, along with a division when released during the 2ACW
- The birth of a Danish princess will no longer be notable in a republican Denmark
- Changed Swiss party names to be more historically accurate
- Adjusted Swiss party popularities
- National Populist and Socialist Finland don’t join the Reichspakt anymore if the Russians start their foreign focus tree in Europe
- Submarines can now pass through the Panama canal if it’s neutral
- The USA begins with the Isolation idea, and the effects of its Great Depression are slightly greater. Also, if the USA pumps out an exceptional number of units (generally only at a player’s hands), CSA and/or AUS will get some extra units to match
- If Greece goes down the New Expansionism path while in a faction, their current faction leader will consider ejecting them (provided they’re at peace)
- Added AI code to Balkans countries approached to join Austria's faction through its focuses. If they have cores or claims which are owned by Austria or its subject/allies, they will likely demand those back - except for only Royalist Romania, if Austria intervened in the civil war. Austria cannot accept if there are any owned by non-subject allies, but can otherwise. AI Austria won’t accept returning its cores/claims or those of its primary subjects (Hungary, Bohemia, Illyria, etc.)
- Added minister death events for Switzerland
- Rebalanced Japanese political power and stability
- Added an actual effect to CSA’s Lead the Revolution focus
- AI code has been added to Balkan countries approached to join Austria’s faction. If the country has any claims/cores owned by Austria, its allies, or its puppets, then the country will likely demand those back before it’ll join. Austria cannot agree if the states are owned by a non-puppet ally, and AI Austria won’t agree if the states are cores/claims of either itself or a “core” subject (like Hungary). The one exception to this is Royalist Romania, which may forgo the demand if Austria used its focus to intervene in the Romanian civil war
- Logistic company tech upgrades now reduce fuel consumption, as in vanilla
- Rybinsk water reservoir removed
- Updated placement of Cholm and Shavli
- Added synthetic oil bonuses to the CoF and UoB
- Added minor oil deposits to the CoF and UoB
Notable Fixes
- Fixed an exploit in the USA Army tree that allowed the player to duplicate the Malin Craig plan buff
- Fixed an issue where the US factions would steal units from each other if a ceasefire was signed
- Fixed a significant number of strange outcomes in the Fading Sun event chain for Japan, it is now more robust, able to handle multiple attacking nations (say, Qing and Russia) and doesn’t break in MP any more
Other Fixes
- Fixed a peace conference bug which was supposed to ensure that certain states were always taken together (like Amazonas and Amazonas Jungle), but instead ensured that they couldn’t be taken together. So no more conference-enforced border gore (on that front, anyhow)
- The language barrier idea for the Nordic Federation now decreases your research speed instead of increasing it
- Saudi caliphate event chain now functions properly
- German AI now properly invades Denmark instead of keeping the war goal for later
- Fixed Sudwestafrika getting the normal Namibia color when forming Mittelafrika
- Iceland no longer gets notified about a change in austerity budget if they have ended the program
- Cod imports from Iceland no longer turn Canadians into rabbits in spring
- Colombo is now in the right state
- Trincomalee now has its port back
- Fixed an exploit letting Finland declare Greater Finland without actually fulfilling the Heimosodat
- Purged generals after the Swedish coup will now no longer be selectable as ideas
- Fixed some typos in Norwegian event loc
- Fixed the Internal minister election event for Denmark
- Fixed an issue that would prevent Thorvald Stauning’s portrait from working properly in a republican Denmark
- An event chain regarding a French writer leaving from Nat.Fra. to the Commune will now work correctly (It used to fire all the chain just for NatFra, even if the writer left)
- Fixed the USA inspire decisions each spawning one less unit than they should have been
- USA’s coalition party now falls apart after the end of the civil war
- One can no longer send weapons to PSA or AUS while at war with them
- CSA now properly gets Upstate New York in the ACW path where Long has been compromised with
- Poland no longer has a unit sitting in northern Ukraine at game start.
- Canada no longer declares war on the West Indies for going syndicalist unless they are still the faction leader
- Fixed puppet Canada still giving the ISAC joining event
- Panama Canal unit now properly deletes for USA before being respawned in Washington
- CSA’s Lead the Revolution focus now has an actual effect
- Added proper bypass to Union of Britain’s Australasian Comrades focus
- Moved the big naval base in northern Union of Britain to Scapa Flow instead of the northern tip of Scotland
- Polish demand for Chelm event now gives Chelm state instead of Brest
- Fixed several broken tooltips relating to Scandinavia
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: Anbory, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Denizz, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Imhungry5462, JacKob, Jeankedezeehond, Khalil, Kracc, Krčo, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, MantisToboggan, Medizine, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Paul, Pietrus, Rinbro, Roniius, Roparex, Rylock, Sea Lion, Sjarlewis, Stekpanna, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaország, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Yard1, Zaddy-Chan and Zankoas
Notable Additions
- There have been a couple of significant changes to the way the American Civil War works once again, primarily motivated by the feedback we got after the last release. Short of future bug fixes, this should be the current state it remains for at a while
- The four post-election focuses stemming from The Old Order Prevails have had their effects changed up a bit
- The Iron Fist is now the only focus which offers a choice of assassinating Long or Reed, as was before
- The Velvet Glove allows Olson a chance to peacefully accommodate the SPA, so the CSA will not rise
- Austerity Through the Storm allows Garner a chance to peacefully accommodate the AFP, so the AUS will not rise
- Direct Economic Intervention cannot eliminate a faction, but is now the only focus which can reduce the influence of both the AFP and the SPA
- The West Coast no longer joins the AUS or the CSA in the assassination or accommodation versions of the war. Instead, both of these versions play a little differently, offering either extra initial swing states, extra starting units, and different starting bonuses. In the accommodation version, the AUS or CSA has six months to get the USA to 40% surrender or else it will suffer severe maluses for the rest of the war
- Added a mechanic where Iceland can slowly build up a resistance to English rule and jump ship to the Entente if they can wear down the English enough
- Redone/New portraits of: Prince Henry (AST), Prince George (AST), Fedor von Bock (GER), Mohan Singh (BHC), Thor Thors (ICE)
Music Mod
- Added songs for Iceland
- Reconfigured the Nordic songs so that some may play for the Nordic Federation
- PSA generals no longer defect to CSA/AUS in the assassination chains
- Removed the option for the USA to “ask” Canada to occupy New England anyhow, if they’d chosen not to. It was meant to be there for a player who wanted New England to appear in their game, but it seems all it really did was confuse USA players as to the nature of Canada’s New England occupation
- Militia can no longer be recruited in New York or New Jersey prior to the states having their initial control determined (or when the war begins, in the instance where the CSA doesn’t exist)
- Uprising events now cannot occur in the ACW until at least two or three months have passed (two months for the “Inspire” decisions, three months for the bigger uprisings)
- Pedro Del Valle added to the AUS Military, complete with a general description
- The decision to Demand New England from Canada now also works if Canada owns the New England states directly
- The decision to Demand Alaska from Canada now also works if Canada just owns Attu Island, instead of just Alaska state
- Changed some of the populations, industry and infrastructure in Eastern Europe, particularly Galicia
- All of the state file names now use their anglicised in game names
- Added Trial events for the USA, AUS and PSA to pardon other factions' generals
Notable Fixes
- Factors now weight properly in the passing/failing of the Garner-Wagner Bill
- AUS now properly gets its extra units, for when the AFP is strong enough to warrant them
- Removed naval infrastructure due to bugs and lack of usage
Other Fixes
- Swapped the descriptions for Iceland subsidizing the rural versus urban population
- Iceland now asks Denmark for a bailout instead of just taking the money
- In the event that Iceland stays super loyal to ENG, the cod war ends in English victory instead of nothing happening
- The icons of the 1936 elections focuses for Sweden will no longer turn into a question mark while the focus is bypassable
- The peaceful diplomatic tree of Finland will no longer be blocked off half-way if you took Karelia earlier
- Finland can no longer cause an early Weltkrieg by joining the Reichspakt before the Russian civil war has been completed
- Finland now only gets the event to occupy Karelia when the civil war has actually started and not just once the Soviets have spawned in (as the situation between Russia and the Soviets can still be resolved peacefully).
- The Dutch government in exile will no longer release Suriname
- Carl August Ehrensvärd’s portrait now works
- Huey Long no longer condemns the federal government for killing himself
- AI Brazil and Argentina now have a far lower chance of starting wars between the major game factions
- Austria can no longer invite syndicalist Balkan nations into its faction
- Fixed the spawning of rebel militia units in the ACW’s “Inspire” decisions causing control over provinces in that state to flip
- When the USA loses cores on Minnesota or New York/New Jersey after retaining control over them, they are now informed of the fact via a tooltip in the event
- The Just Good Business focus for Germany-in-Exile now drops it out of the Entente, so the wargoal can be used
- The “Work with Allies” decisions for USA are now a bit more restrictive in their scope, so the list presented isn’t quite as long
0.9 - 'Aurora Borealis'
A surprise update! While China is coming along nicely, it is a way off yet and we thought you could use a treat. Thanks to the Nordic team we are able to bring you this lovely update you didn’t even know was coming. It brings revamped focus trees to all Nordic nations, more changes to the ACW, some additional polish and bug fixes as well as some more interesting changes to Political Power. I can already see some questions incoming, so I’ve stickied a comment with our answers, so check there before posting your questions. That all said, we hope you enjoy the new content!
The KR4 team
Notable Additions
- Changed Base Political Power gain to 1.5 (from 1)
- Changed maximum Political Power saved to 2000 (from 400)
- Completely rebalanced ship speed calculation (now it use flat modifiers instead of percentage)
- Added the releasable tags of Jamaica(JAM), Trinidad & Tobago(TRI), Guyana(GUY), and Suriname(SUR)
- Map Changes in Eastern Europe
- A number of changes to how the American Civil War plays out:
- A series of focuses have been added to the USA, intended for use before the civil war breaks out. These revolve around the government’s attempt to address the economic crisis, and - after the election - the approach the new government takes to the political crisis. The ultimate effect of these are to 1) determine the overall strength of the AFP and SPA when the war starts, and 2) influence which states remain under USA control and which ones rebel (it is no longer pre-determined).
- The civil war can no longer be avoided, though paths exist (no longer just on the Olson route) which allow either Reed or Long to be assassinated, which prevents either the CSA or AUS from rising respectively.
- An option has been made for a post-ACW USA which returns to democracy to negotiate with the PSA for a peaceful reunion.
Added Focus trees to:
- Finland
- Iceland
Reworked/expanded focus trees of:
- American Union State
- Combined Syndicates of America
- Denmark
- Nordic Federation
- Norway
- Pacific States of America
- Russia
- Sweden
- United States of America
Added Events to:
- American Union State
- Combined Syndicates of America
- Denmark
- Finland
- Iceland
- Nordic Federation
- Norway
- Pacific States of America
- Sweden
- United States of America
Added Decisions to:
- Denmark
- Finland
- Iceland
- Sweden
- Redone/New portraits of: Alexander Bustamante (JAM), Carl Gustaf Mannerheim (FIN), Gerd von Rundstedt (GER), Heinz Guderian (GER), August von Mackensen (GER), Karl Dönitz (GER), Gunther von Kluge (GER), Erwin Rommel (GER), Max Valentiner (GER), Anton de Kom (SUR), Archibald Currie (SUR), Kazys Skirpa (LIT), Artur Sirk (EST), Liborio Justo (FOP), Oscar Diego Gestido (URG), Henry Alexander Baldwin (HAW)
Music Mod:
- Added African Love Call for the West Indies Federation and Liberia
- Added Brisas del Pamplonita to Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama.
- Added Australia will be there, For Crown and Country, Gallipoli, Royal Standard and United Australasia: Commonwealth for Australasia
- Fixed a huge bug where no music played for Australasia from their own pool.
- Added Lagu Nasakom Bersatu Dengan, Maju Sukarelawan and Rejang Dewa to Insulindia
- Added Mahutny Boza for White Ruthenia
- Added La Madelon de la Victoire and Sambre et Meuse to both Frances
- Removed La Strasbourgoisie
- Removed Libertat for both Frances
- Changed the versions of Les Africans, Le Boudin, Les Trompettes d'Aïda, Le Chant du Depart and Le sir de fisch ton kan
- Added La Revanchole and Le Triomphe de L'Anarchie for Anarchist France
- Added Fischia il Vento for the Socialist Republic of Italy.
- Added March of the 4th Squadron of the 1st Regiment of Guides, Minor Swing Jazz. Modernes Tempo (another jazz song), Paartaler Mars, Porte de Namur and The Wedding of Pocahontas for Belgium
- Removed Katibim (Uskudara turned out to be Katibim with higher quality) for the Ottomans
- Added Hucum Marsi and Millet I Osmani Marsi for the Ottomans
- Added Marsch des Zürcher Infanterie Regiment Nº27 and Zurich March to Switzerland.
- Added Avante! For Integralist Brazil.
- Added a new, higher quality recording of Marching Through Georgia
- Minor loc fixes all around
- Updated naval doctrines according to MTG vanilla changes
- Increased cost of Heavy Carriers
- Medium batteries are now mountable on later cruisers
- Removed Super Heavy ship engine as it is not needed anymore
- Removed Heavy ship engine from Armoured Cruisers
- Cruisers and Destroyers now have basic armor of 1 (this is to protect you from cruiser rocket battery which is used for shore bombardment only and so it has 0 pen)
- Changed the location of Paramaribo and Rotterdam to their correct spots on the map
- Removed the ‘Fino-Russian Coalition’ faction
- Pérez Jiménez’s coup in Venezuela no longer requires the 2ACW to be avoided and instead requires the AUS or USA to have settled on an interventionist foreign policy when the Syndicalists are elected for the first time
- Formatted much of the mod to improve readability
- Minor balancing to SRI
- Added Transamur claims on most of Russia
- Japan can now release Indochinese tags
- Rebalanced several Japanese domestic events
- Improved the return cores decision with new text and options
- The error dog is back for those in debug mode… for now
- Unfinished Siamese focuses have been commented out for now
- Cuba no longer sends military assistance to its enemies
- Fixed several broken ship name lists and added as many new lists - all lists will be slowly converted to the new mtg-style eventually
- Re-assessed Scandinavian resources
- Added Relative Position ID to Albania, Yemen, South America, Tripolitania, Dominion of India, Gabon and the Generic trees
- AI values in Norway rebalanced to provoke action in the Scandinavian region
- Added a bunch of unique faction joining text
Incomplete Content
- None this time! Everything we wanted to get into this patch was completed and even ahead of time. Haiti and China are still being worked on and will be released at a future date.
Notable Fixes
- Patagonia focus ‘Asking for Submarines’ won’t crash the game
- Player controlled Costa Rica will now actually join Central American tag when formation decisions is selected
- Fixed a series of broken peace events in Asia that would cause wars to end unexpectedly and without gaining any land
- Fixed the music mod no longer being iron-man compatible
- Fixed a bug affecting the manual downloads that would stop them activating for some people
- The Nordic Federation can now be formed
Other Fixes
- Ship types added by KR are now affected by naval terrain
- More countries start with transport tech one
- Soviets can now peace out with Japan if they kick them off the mainland
- Fixed invalid MAF ideas not being removed
- Application icon no longer invisible on white colour schemes
- Insulindia and Norway now get proper ships from events and focuses
- Torpedo launcher 0 can be upgraded now
- Centroamerica can no longer join the International when it’s a puppet
- Peru-Bolivia now claims the wasteland states around the jungle states they claim
- Fixed a reversed opinion modifier for New England
- Fixed an event in El Salvador showing the wrong option
- Added checks so that Poland’s election events won’t fire when it’s a puppet
- Mexico no longer hates the Communards for holding a congress that follows their ideology
- Fixed the Central America annexation decision puppeting Costa Rica for free
- Fixed Mexico getting the event to release Central America infinitely
- Fixed Mexico not getting an event they should for getting the Synarchists on their side
- Puppets in Central America can no longer declare war if they started the decision before being puppeted
- Guatemala can no longer prevent Central America from forming
- Fuel Silos are no longer invisible on the map
- Fixed many bugs we forgot to note down
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: Anbory, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Denizz, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Imhungry5462, JacKob, Jeankedezeehond, Khalil, Kracc, Krčo, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, MantisToboggan, Medizine, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Paul, Pietrus, Rinbro, Roniius, Roparex, Rylock, Sea Lion, Sjarlewis, Stekpanna, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaország, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Yard1, Zaddy-Chan and Zankoas
Added Decisions to:
- Added Nepal annexation event for Indian countries
- New infantry textures for CSA, AUS, and White Ruthenia
- UoB units now properly use the Commonwealth infantry textures
- All Pre-MtG Nation-specific Naval Hull GFXs are now added back in-game with a few new ones
Music Mod:
- The Music Mod is now split into three modules. You will now have to run the “Main” music mod with whatever regional module you prefer. All modules work independently from each other, however it is only the main one that overrides the Vanilla songs, so please use that one first and then add the modules on top of it for your desired musical experience. You’re free to mix and match the modules however you see fit as they are designed to be played independently and in tandem, regardless of the order or which one is loaded.
- New songs for Romania: Du ma Acasa Mai Tramvai, Treceti, batalioane Romane, Carpatii and Vrei sa ne ntalnim sambata seara.
- New songs for Serbia: Nizamski Rastanak, Oj Srbijo mila mati, Spremte se Spremte Cetnici and Tamo Daleko.
- For Armenia: Armenian Rhapsody.
- For the Don-Kuban Union: Prolozhit' put'
- For Ukraine: Moved Anarchia to Socialist only, added Hej Sokoli, Hey-hu, hey-ha, take-to v nas zhyttya, Oy na Hori ta y Zhentsi Zhnut, Nalyty, Braty, Kryshtalevi Chashi, Yshly Selom Partyzany, Zaphorozian Cossack March.
- For Canada: The Last Time I saw Paris.
- For Germany: Das Gibts nur Einmal, Lili Marlene, Musik, Musik, Musik!, Pariser Einzugsmarsch, Veronika, der Lenz ist da!
- For Hungary: Bajtars
- For Two Sicilies: Funiculi March
- For Finland: Ai, Ai, Kerenski!
- For Russia: Junckers’ song (exclusive to Tsarist Russia), Song of the Siberian Riflemen, New Version of God Save the Tsar, New Version of the March of the Drozdovsky Regiment, The Watch Still Works.
- For the USA/PSA: I love you, California and the National Emblem March.
- For the West Indies Federation: Caroline and Sly Mongoose.
- For South Africa: O Tante Koba and Ry Maar aan Ossewa.
- For Central America: El Candú, Himno a Juan Santamaría, La Granadera and Ruinas.
- For Costa Rica: Costa Rican National Anthem, moved the Himno del 15 de Septiembre to play for them exclusively.
- For El Salvador: El Torito Pinto, Adentro Cojutepeque!, Himno Nacional Salvadoreño.
- For Guatemala: The Guatemalan Anthem, Luna de Xelajú.
- For Nicaragua: Himno Nicaraguense.
- For Panama: Himno Istmenio, El Espiritu de Panama.
- For Persia/Iran: Dashti Etude, Jila, Chaharmezrab e Esfahan, Kabha ye Tala, Khosro Ansari, Old Qajar Ballad, Reng e Afshari, Reng e Parichehr, Sheyda Shodam
- For Fengtian: The Last Moment of Sacrifice
- For LEC: “Rose, Rose, I love you!” And “When Will you return?”
- For Qing: Phoenix Returns to its nest, Pu Tian Song, Soldiers’ Training Song
- For the Indochinese Union: Moi Buoc ta di and Bai hat gai phong quan.
- For Japan: Battleship Shikishima March, Celebration March, Combined Fleet March, Farewell Blues, Song of the Taisei Tyori and Travelling through Harbin
- Fixed the sound in the song We’re Gonna Hang out the Washing on the Siegfried Line.
Some more changes to the American Civil War:
- The CSA will get a handful of militia units on its eastern border a day after the war begins, if USA maintains control over New York City
- All ACW countries can gain cores on claimed USA lands during the war, if they maintain full control over them long enough (and if they neighbor an existing core)
- All recruitment decisions now have visual indicators on the map
- If a state changes control while it’s in the process of recruiting, the recruiter will be able to immediately switch to recruiting elsewhere rather than waiting for the decision to end
- USA now actually transfers ships to the PSA instead of deleting their entire navy and re-spawning it
- A player USA is no longer automatically weakened in the ACW, like CSA and AUS in the last release
- The event which kicks off the ACW now fires from the option rather than in the immediate, so any delay caused by a player response doesn’t penalize them
- The AI will now only break the Deal with the Devil if the enemy country is gone or their partner is at over 80% surrender. Otherwise they will wait for the regular checkpoint
- Some tweaks to shorten the war between Nejd and Jabal Shammar
- Some more AI tweaking of Germany, to prevent it from being quite so adherent to its French border
- Germany will now abandon its guarantee of Don-Kuban if they refuse access to Russia when it’s seeking a route to Georgia
- Canada no longer releases African countries unless the United Kingdom already exists
- AI should now upgrade their naval variants more often
- Transferred a military factory to New Zealand from the mainland
- If Greece is still in the Belgrade Pact when the revolt occurs, the revolter will get a few extra units
- When Delhi capitulates, it is simply dropped from the Entente rather than the country holding the capital getting to annex it outright
- Kurdistan gets a claim on Mosul when granted it by the Ottoman peace deal
- Shortened the opening focus of Dutch foreign policy to seven days
- Changed some male-specific minister traits to have gender neutral names
- Austria now cannot invite Greece into the Donau-Adriabund if they applied sanctions against Greece, not solely if Greece nationalized their mines
Notable Fixes
- Air Doctrine now uses Air XP rather than Army XP
- (Re)Enabled building nuclear reactors
- The naval tech screen should now no longer be cut off in lower resolutions
- Fixed a “flicker” that could occur with flags at the medium zoom level when zooming in and out, which for some users would also stay with that way
Other Fixes
- Fixed Rashidi generals gained after victory with Nejd not getting portraits
- Reworked Indian war focuses so they should now take less time to complete and be used more often by the AI
- Siberian annexation event now fired properly
- Fixed bad state ID in the Claim Lika decision for Italian countries
- No longer possible to release half the world as West Indies
- Fixed West Indies bug for “tapping into American markets”
- White Ruthenia’s cavalry no longer called “Cavalry Expertise”
- Fixed several Nejd focuses which required areas to be owned by Jabal Shammar instead of itself
- South African civil war victory event no longer specifically about Pretoria or Cape Town (since they are no longer the only way for the rebel to achieve victory)
- Fixed a Jabal Shammar tooltip not having loc
- Bill C7 focus for Canada can no longer be canceled
- Fixed a couple of bad Dutch event pics
- UoB now use RNS instead of HMS for ship suffix (not sure how it got there as we’re pretty sure it was RNS before)
- Fixed missing localisation for united fruit company effects in guatemala and Foreign company influence in military central america
- Fixed Caribbean federation focus that was uncompletable
- Fixed Indochinese decision localization
- Democratic Sweden will no longer release a free Norway as a syndicalist nation
- The Netherlands can no longer help the boers by hosting them until their civil war is over
- Fixed an instance where one would get a generic if the Dutch syndicalists and radical socialists would form a coalition
- Added missing event localisation for a Dutch event
- Added sanity checks to the Belgian focus tree
- MECAR and Minerva are now locked behind a focus in Flanders
- Iceland now gives military access to Canada, rather than the other way around
- Fixed a peace conference issue where countries not in a faction could get stuck on trying to take a claim of a puppet
- Fixed event transferring African states owned by Germany to Mittelafrika
- Added some fixes and AI pathing to focus trees of Sardinia and Transamur
- Ikhwan revolt now only transfers states to itself which Saudi Arabia actually owns, and its cores are now removed once the revolt is defeated
- Socialist Norway will no longer suffer perpetually under labour unrest
- Extended National France’s claims on the metropole to the part that is occupied by the Prussians meaning they receive it should Germany be defeated by the entente.
- Germany’s starting army now has proper division names
0.8.5 - 'Return of the Kaiser'
Notable Additions
- Compatibility for Man The Guns
- Changed Arabian states
- Overhauled the Rashidi-Saudi war adding a pre war period to juggle influence over the various Emirates in.
- Ottomans now own Kuwait (again)
- Reworked Commune of France capitulation - it is no longer annexed after a month’s occupation. It remains occupied until the Third Internationale is defeated… though it can also surrender if its Legitimacy is reduced enough while it’s in exile. Countries that are occupying enough of France have access to decisions allowing them to reduce CoF’s Legitimacy, though National France is most effective at doing so.
- Reworked German Empire capitulation - its states are no longer handed out by event, and instead will go to regular peace conference (meaning, for a brief moment, Germany and Germany-in-Exile can co-exist).
- Re-oriented the research bonus system to be more linear.
Germany now has resource rights in Baku
Reworked/expanded focus trees of:
- Cuba’s Mella Tree has been partially updated
- Slightly reorganized Russian army tree
Added Decisions to:
- Jabal Shammar
- Nejd
- Several totally unused portraits deleted
- Redone/New portraits of: Gordon James Lethem (WIF), Joseph Lagrosilliere (WIF), Tribhuvana (NEP), Inigo Campioni (SRI), Arthur Horner (UOB), Miguel de Andrea (ARG), Júlio Prestes (BRA), Idris I (LBA), Ibn Saud (SAU), Alberto Herrera Franchi (CUB)
- Soviet Union now uses only Russian tech icons
- Russian planes have received a new skin
- Added unique tank icons to the Union State, Combined Syndicates, Russia
- Added several event pictures to WIF
- Haiti now only uses black generic leaders
- Added proper flags for several Mittelafrikan release-ables, and updated a few existing ones.
- Added a new AUS loading screen
- Redid many African flags
- Victory point touch-ups; redid middle eastern vps
- Added several renaming events
- War support adjustments for all states
- Added descriptions for several heads of state around the globe
- Added annexation events for Galicia, Catalonia, and Basque when you don’t control Madrid
- Added annexation events for Bavaria, Rhineland, and Hanover when you don’t control Berlin
- Added Siberian annexation event
- Fixed up peace conference rules around the map
- Adjusted ‘return land to allies’ decisions to allow more options
- Improvements for multiplayer backend game setup functionality
- When Austria joins the WK through their intervention, they now receive mil access to RP nations
- Impassable states should now only be taken in peace conferences when paired with passable states
- Transamur, Soviet Union, Don-Kuban, and Russia have been Romanized.
- Russia is slightly less suicidal with its declarations of war.
- The RCW is very slightly more of a fight (instead of the Russians immediately annexing the Soviets)
- Morocco localization overhaul
- South Africa no longer uses the civil war system, and instead uses a new separate tag for the rebels (SFR)
- Reduced amount of slots and factories Liberia can receive via focus substantially
- Portugal should now garrison Africa before the Bush War
- Cuba’s Caribbean Summit is now more dynamic and all countries in CA can be invited
- Cuba can only approach Austria if Germany is unavailable
- WIF no longer receives decisions for the wrong government type
- Cosmetic changes to many West Indies Federation ideas and rebalanced several ideas and events
- WIF Black monday focuses swapped around
- Cuba now receives several events about the internationale conference when socialist
- Cuban natpops can no longer have ministers from other ideologies
- Paraguayan ministers now change with ideology
- Integralist Brazil now installs a new, more suitable puppet leader for Argentina.
- Venezuela’s welfare idea now gives a population boost
- The PSA and Union State can now occasionally make a temporary ‘deal with the devil’ peace
- CSA and AUS are no longer automatically weakened in the ACW when controlled by a player
- Moved Yankee Rebellion decision for Canada to separate decisions, so the player can see exactly which states still need quelling
- Brazilian parties and notable Heads of States have been given descriptions.
- Vietnam will now be released as a puppet of GER rather than GEA to avoid puppet-of-puppet issues
- Added a new Baku state and gave Derbent to Azerbaijan
- DEI now has a Dutch voiceover
- The AOG can now be more consistently released in the South China annexation event
- Rebalanced DEH-AFG war slightly and likeliness for DEH to annex AFG outright
- Russia is now neutered in its ability to expand when a puppet
- Bulgaria now gains claims on areas it takes in the Balkan dynasty
- Serbian focuses to declare war now declare war immediately rather than giving a war goal
- Moved Austria’s syndicalist menace focus to a decision
- Cleaned up Bulgaria’s focus to reduce the malus from keeping pensions
- If Italy doesn’t defeat VNC in a year, its government will be overthrown
- Greek civil war no longer uses the civil war system, and instead the rebels use a separate tag (GRR)
- Added many more sanity checks to the Dutch focus tree
- Albania will now peace out with Bulgaria if they join the Balkan war
- Updated annexation event for Austria to hopefully not leave out random states
- Removed ‘Under Russian Protectorate’ HoS except in a select few places
- Added the ability for Italian tags to establish claims on irredentist territory when they already own the land or are at war with the owner
- French and German ai should now concentrate more on the western front
- Russia and Japan now have full ship name lists
- Russia, Don-Kuban Union and Transamur now have full unit naming lists
- Many ship name list jokes, placeholders, and errors fixed
Notable Fixes
- FBB’s no longer called DNs in tooltips
Other Fixes
- General spelling and grammar improvements as always
- Fixed missing portraits for Venice, JBS, SRI, Mexico, Sardinia, Bavaria, Belgium and more
- Diversified SRI, ITA, and US avoided-ACW idea icons
- Several Austro-Hungarian annexation events can now be accessed by a wider range of countries
- Fixed strange impassable border in the middle of an alps province
- Reduced overhead for targeted decisions all over the place
- Belgrade Pact missions should no longer occasionally be seen by other nations
- The Netherlands can no longer change their mind after deciding to remain neutral
- The Netherlands will no longer betray Germany for Canada
- Fixed a rare issue where a misplaced flag allowed the Batavian Commune to follow the far-right economic tree
- The kingdom in exile and the Batavian Commune may no longer trade with each other
- Wallonia’s leftist paths have been fixed. Hopefully Germany will no longer declare war on it forever
- Flanders’ Netherlands integration path no longer does nothing on the final focus under certain circumstances
- Fixed issues with Flanders and Wallonia’s navies
- Fixed some bugs with the treaty of Arlon
- Prevented certain cases of HOL immediately reverting to the Batavian Commune after having been liberated by DEI
- Venice’s council event chain has been fixed
- Austria now removes Italy from its faction before declaring a scripted war
- Russia’s ‘Crush Mongolia’ focus now adds a claim to western mongolia
- Russian focus to claim Xinjiang now includes newer states
- Russia will no longer simply cease taking focuses when on low stability
Other Europe
- Krupp company icon now no longer disappears
- Franco no longer becomes HoS of random countries
- Polish generic division names changed
- Bulgaria no longer gets events about Solun when it is uncontrolled
- Hungary’s social conservative leader switch only occurs when not a puppet
- CNT-FAI can no longer join the third internationale when at war
- Deleted a Serbian general who should not have been an army general
- Poland should no longer receive an event about joining the Reichspakt when at war with them
North America
- Huey Long is no longer available as a minister for USA after he is killed
- Frank Merriam is now a Republican (and not a Democrat).
- The PSA will not turn back to yellow after becoming the USA
Central America
- Cuba’s Suspend The Constitution focus now properly changes government when Social Liberal
- Fixed wonky localization for several WIF focuses
- Fixed the event to have Tina Modotti take over Cuba not firing
- Sacasa can no longer attempt to seize power twice
- Centroamerica can no longer select a capital city it doesn’t own
- Yucatan can now access its tree when Mexico is annexed by a foreign power
- Fixed a cuban democratic focus not adding the industry it should
- The WIF governor coup now only occurs once
- A nation can no longer steal an outside nation’s puppets to form central america
- Central America’s capital decision fixed
- Tina Modotti now becomes HoG when she takes over as leader of Cuba
South America
- Brazil correctly loses the imperial cosmetic tag if the Empire is toppled in the revolt. It will also gain Candido Rondon as temporary president until the next elections.
- Brazil’s breakaways no longer take focuses as if they were independent during revolts
- New focus icons for Brazil and some of its breakaways
- Tweaked colors of brazilian breakaways to be more distinctive
- Colombia no longer can receive the same idea in two non-mutually exclusive paths
- Bolivia will no longer get an event chain about attacking PAR when they are already at war
- Multiple Strategic Regions in South America which were lacking weather can now enjoy rain
- Argentina can no longer join a faction unless it is at peace
- Chile can no longer snatch the Galapagos while at war
- National France can now retake the Caribbean while WIF is a puppet
- Reactions to the declaration of the Rashidi caliphate now function as they should
- Fixed up all Tripolitanian events and focuses, added lots of sanity checks
- Germany will no longer declare war on Egypt when it seizes the Suez Canal if it is embroiled in the WK
- The Legations city’s triad flag now functions properly
- Gurbachan Singh has been removed from the BHC on account of his age
- The Princely Federation should now no longer demand Madras’ submission when they give them greater autonomy
- Fixed cosmetic tags for Alash Autonomy
- Disabled a rare case where land could be stolen from DEI after the Insulindian Revolution
- Puppeted RadSoc Insulindia will no longer hold elections
- Fixed a rare instance of white peace between DEI and INS
- Transamur can now peace out with Japan without total victory/defeat
- Fixed broken German-Japan white peace event
- GEA should now no longer build forts in other nations
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.8.5 as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: Blackfalcon501, Denizz, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Imhungry5462, JacKob, Jeankedezeehond, Khalil, Kracc, Krčo, Maltesefalcon, MantisToboggan, Medizine, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Paul, Pietrus, Rangerage, Rinbro, Roniius, Roparex, Rylock, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, Sjarlewis, Stekpanna, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaország, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte, Yard1, Zaddy-Chan and Zankoas
A minor update with some fixes for things we missed.
- Fixed a missing state in a Russian focus
- Minor tweaks to VP names
- Changed a woke focus description about overlords going 'sicko mode'
- Fixed a multitude of WIF events firing for the wrong nations
- Corrected several HoS names
- Fixed a lot of typos for WIF
- Fixed puppet type changes causing issues
- Several minor USA bug fixes
- Fixed the USA losing its entire navy if PSA is created
- Balanced much of the WIF decisions
- Added a portrait for Humphrey Mitchell
- Fixed overflowing 'Next Elections' in the politics view
0.8.4 - 'La Bella Antillana'
Finally, the Caribbean update is here. We know it was a long wait, but we haven’t been idle; the USA has received yet more love, we’ve added a new map option as well as a whole boatload of polish and bug fixes, included several fixes for potential CTD’s. We will be putting our full weight behind the China update now, so keep your eyes peeled for teasers and progress reports on that.
Notable Additions
- The American Civil War has received substantial further improvement, with changes across the board
- The player now has a choice between an anglicised and a localised map per startup event
Added Focus trees to:
- Cuba
- Dominican Republic
- West Indies Federation
Reworked/expanded focus trees of:
- Bulgaria
- Combined Syndicates
- Pacific States
- Union State
- United States
Added Events to:
- Bulgaria
- Combined Syndicates
- Cuba
- Dominican Republic
- German East Asia
- Pacific States
- Union State
- United States
- West Indies Federation
Added Decisions to:
- Combined Syndicates
- Cuba
- Dominican Republic
- Pacific States
- Union State
- United States
- West Indies Federation
- New/Redone portraits for: Michael Collins (IRE), Hugo MacNeill (IRE), Ernst Thälmann (GRU), Kurt Eisner (BAV), Karl Liebknecht (DDR), Franz Jacob (NGF), Paul Frölich (RHI), Charles Marx (LUX), Rudolf Hilferding (GRU), Stjepan Radic (ILL),Uladzimir I (WHR), Paul Frölich (RHI), Tim Buck (CAN), Art Ruteledge (HAW), Tom Mann (ENG), Rüdiger von der Goltz (BAT), Otto Zeltins Goldfelds (BAT), Hans Baron von Manteuffel (BAT), Farabundo Marti (CEN,ELS), Jack Wayne Hall (HAW)
- New CSA fighter model and assigned plane and tank models from vanilla to many tags
- Several new focus ideas around the globe
- Kaiserreich now has a taskbar icon
- New flag for the LEC and slightly improved Polish flag
- New flags for Commonwealth and Totalist CSA
Music Mod
- Songs Added for Cuba: Cuban Overture, Cubanacan, La Negra Quirina, La Rebambaramba and Mosaico Cubano.
- Songs Added for the Dominican Republic: Compadre Pedro Juan,El Carabiné, El Jarro Pichao, Luna sobre el Jaragua, Perfidia, Sarambo, Seguire a Caballo and Tu no podras Olvidar.
- Songs Added for the Arab Nations: Bashraf Farahfaza, Bint al Balad, Hussak Samai, Longa Farahfaza, Longa Shahnaz, Samai Bayati, Samai Shahnaz and Yamurru Uyaban.
- Songs Added for Egypt: Alf Lila wa Lila, Alwan, Aziza, Banat Iskandaria,El Sheitan, Farha, Misirlou, Mosika Amar and Ya shandi al halhan.
- Song Added for the Levant: - Buzuq & Ud.
- Songs Added for Morocco: Al-Kasbah, Fi L'Rawd ana Shouft and Lamma Bada.
- Songs Added for Tunisia: - Chember Nawa and Wasla Mezmoum.
- New Versions of: A las Barricadas and Hijos del Pueblo
- Song added for the British Empire and Wales: Men of Harlech.
- Song added for Brazil: Aquarela do Brazil
- Songs added for Yunnan: Bùxiu shén de xìngfú, Yèxí, Dingtianlìdì and Bagua.
- Songs added to Spain and the CNT-FAI: El turu ru ru ru, Eres Alta y Delgada, Nubes Y Esperanza, A la Huelga, En la Plaza de mi Pueblo and La Paloma de la Paz.
- Song added for the West Indies Federation: Swine Lane Gal.
- Song added for Wales: Men of Harlech
- Song added for Russia: Borodino March
- Most of the versions of the Internationale are now dead, instead we have a single instrumental version of the Internationale which saves us a whole lot of space
- Monarch dynasties and titles (his majesty etc) removed
- Added a sound to the ‘country joins faction’ notification
- The AI will now only take impassable states in peace conferences if they have claims on neighboring states
- Deutsch-Mittelafrika renamed to Mittelafrika, Deutsch Ostasien renamed to German East Asia, Allg. Ostasien-Gesellschaft renamed to A.O.G., Iran has been renamed to Persia at the very start of the game, Venice has had its name shortened
- Added Technology loc/flavor to Brazil, Piratini, Sao Paulo, Portugal, Vera Cruz, Guararapes, Bahia, Grao Para, Angola, Mozambique
- Added ship name lists to Russia, Albania, Serbia, Central America, West Indies Federation, and copied lists from nations to their colony/puppet tags
- A little more tech icon assigning across the map. There should be no more dlc icons anywhere
- Reorganized Irish tree slightly
- German splinter states have had their leaders, party names, generals, etc sorted
- Serbia will now always create the Belgrade Pact when a player is on Romania or Greece
- Greece now transfers occupied areas of Bulgaria to Serbia when leaving the Belgrade Pact
- Remaining Russo-Japanese and Sino-Russian Alliance references removed
- Synced up Russian annexation events with the decision system
- Natpop Mexico will no longer be able to join the Entente
- Chile now joins the 3rd Internationale if they beat Argentina, instead of after the Third Chairman election.
- Colombia now no longer gives Peru Pastaza via its annexation event when it is attempting to restore Gran Colombia
- Bolivia’s foreign policy is now decision-based
- Removed Oman’s tree to ally with Egypt
- Added diverse logging, with support for targeted decisions
- Changed the names of several German Pacific Islands
- CSA Commander stats altered to better reflect their most likely skill level at the time, within context of lore
Incomplete Content
- Haiti; sadly still not finished even with the delays we have had. We will have it on the back burner to be stuck in a later patch down the line.
Notable Fixes
- Fixed nations not being able to take the first naval aviation decision when the seaplane carrier is already researched
- Fixed several potential CTD’s in the annexation events
Other Fixes
- Fixed many bad portrait paths
- Spelling and grammar improvements all around
- Removed references to nonexistent events
- Removed field marshal traits from many commanders around the map
- Several focus tree paths across the game now function when a puppet
- Many unlocalized flags, ideas, tooltips, etc fixed
- Changed non-continental news parameters to work as described
- Fixed small graphical problem with flags on the menu
- Fixed a broken research group icon
- Fixed a missing icon for seized equipment
- Several ship techs which never became obsolete now can become so
- Marked many duplicate ship classes needed for our naval setup as obsolete
- Fixed the third naval infrastructure event lacking a description
- German social-liberal coalition now gives social-liberal ministers
- German focus to attack poland is now much less buggy
- German single factory focuses reduced in time
- Balanced german production speed maluses that were redundant
- Several German askari divisions now have required equipment
- Germany-In-Exile no longer has focuses without effects
- German East Asia naval oobs now function properly
- Fixed several bugs with Mittelafrika’s collapse and breakaway tags
- The Mittelafrikan collapse cannot happen if the war with Portugal is still raging
- Neue Völkerschau chain now more sensical
- UoB electronics focuses nerfed
- Fixed UoB IRA icon without any gfx
- CoF’s focuses to invest in the America’s are now easier to comprehend
- The Union of Britain ideas “Class War” and “Silence After the Storm” can now only go into effect if the country is either at war with Canada or Germany (or both)
Habsburg Empire
- Czechia/Bohemia can no longer end up without cores in a fringe situation
- Countries aren't released as independent from the Austrian Ausgleich under some circumstances
- Fixed the way Flanders-Wallonia’s military trees are begun
- Localised unlocalised focuses for Flanders-Wallonia, Wallonia, and Flanders
- Flanders-Wallonia can no longer attempt to produce tactical bombers via focus without the necessary tech
- A few Flanders-Wallonia military focuses now function when not allied to Germany
- Added checks for various Wallonian ultimatum effects
- Fixed Flanders and Wallonian naval oobs
- 980 (Lille) instead of 29 (Duinkerke) but replaced the core at the end with just a small amount of manpower instead. #FforRijsel
- Germany will no longer sometimes attempt to declare war on Wallonia endlessly to no avail
- Fixed improving relations with the Netherlands decision not having loc
- Fixed a few Dutch socialist focuses not bypassing
- Alphonso no longer can lead a Spanish Republic
- Removed a duplicated leader for Carlist Spain
- Ireland can no longer have its immigration chain randomly cut short by finishing the focus right at the end of the year
- The UoB-Irish trade war chain no longer happens unless both nations exist
- Sanity checks for risorgimento focuses
- Sardinia now receives the proper number of slots for its naval dockyard focus
- Two Sicilies now receives the proper number of slots for its Napoli dockyard focus
- Checks on focuses that involve both Venice and the RoI
- Chain for Austria to enforce a monarchy on Italy should now actually fire
- RoI can no longer join the Donau-Adriabund twice
- The SRI must control all the states for its railroad focus in order to complete it
Eastern Europe
- Two Poland-Lithuanian focuses are no longer way below the rest of the tree
- Poland and the Commonwealth cannot join the Reichspakt when threatened by Russia if they are already in a faction
- Ukrainian annexation events should now properly set monarchy/republic/socialist with corresponding flags and leaders
- A Bulgarian focus now gives bonuses to mountaineer techs that you don’t start with
- Added events for Balkan border area annexations
- Serbian ship focuses/events now function properly
- The player now gets a say in the peace involving Russia and Bulgaria rather than Russia simply white peacing the player without their consent
- Russia’s annexation decision for Mongolia doesn't pop back up when they try to integrate the area
- Fixed Russian puppet Sinkiang receiving airplanes without an airbase
- Russian puppet Georgia can no longer claim Lazistan when Russia attacks TUR/OTT
- When Russia chooses Moscow as its capital, the capital will be properly reset to Moscow when Saint Petersburg is lost and retaken in war
- Russia’s street clashes events now do not happen endlessly in certain circumstances
Middle East
- Delhi is now notified when Oman becomes a puppet via its focus tree
- Oman’s focus to control the hinterlands now has an effect
- Fixed a potential CTD where Iraq could be released while already existing
- Egypt can no longer declare war on GEX when a puppet
- Fixed Syria remaining at war with the Ottomans after all other participants peace out
North Africa
- Morocco’s German Military Mission event chain now works
- The Tunisian revolt chain now actually ends
- Added checks for events pertaining to war between NFA and Morocco
- When Action Francais restores the monarchy and pick Henry outright, it now properly gets the Kingdom cosmetic tag
- Fixed several oddities in cores in China
- Dzungaria now properly has a mountain pass on the mongolian border
- Changes and fixes for Mongolian annexation events
- Fixed a potential CTD where Mongolia would puppet a non-existent Qing
Co-Prosperity Sphere
- Transamur now no longer starts with electronic_mechanical_engineering tech
- Fixed a rare case where the wrong party would be put in power in Transamur
- Fixed Japan receiving a Transamur event about Japan
- Japan can no longer annex TRM after Mitsuei dies without consequence
- Japan can no longer get a reactor via focus
- Japan now starts with a claim on its colonies
- Fixed Japanese land reform decisions never hiding
- Japan no longer gets nonexistent opinion modifiers
- Fixed an edge cases where Japan would surrender out of the blue
- Fixes to the Japanese Army-Navy rivalry
- Rebalanced Korean events and setup completely
Southeast Asia
- Fixed a broken tooltip for Insulindia
North America
- Hawaii can now changed government-type focus trees given outside intervention
- Canada no longer needs to own a state in the middle of Colombia for the Great Lakes Waterway decision
- Canada’s social credit event now adds building slots
- Natpop Mexico can no longer reconquista as they please when a puppet
South America
- Fixed a potential CTD caused by Bolivia’s battleship oob focus
- Fixed an ARG-Chile event that wouldn't fire
- Brazil now no longer loses a socialist focus idea right away when radical socialist
- Fixed FoP still having cores when Argentina is annexed and united under the ARG tag
- Fixed up broken chains for intra Southeast Asian events
- Checks for Brazilian and Argentine foreign policy decisions
- Fixed Argentine divisions having raw strings for names
- Peru’s shipyard focus should now always have effects
- Fixed Colombia’s focus to form Gran Colombia requiring the wrong part of Guyana
- Argentina will no longer sometimes get two annexation events for Chile
Central America
- United Central America now no longer completes a Salvadoran focus
- United Central America annexation events can now go away with all outcomes
- United Central America can no longer get a -50% consumer goods bonus
- Fixed Costa Rica’s social conservative political decisions relating to the press
- Honduras’s American Mandate path should now function properly
- Honduras no longer buys fighters from the wrong countries
- Honduras no longer has a Bulgarian idea
- Nicaragua now gets the correct number of guns when they win their border wars
- Fixed the island of Nassau not being coastal
- Added checks to border wars
- Fixed Mexico’s late game socialist elections radsoc option setting syndicalist as the ruling party
- Centroamerica can now improve more than just Costa Rica
- Panama now has a basic minister list and ministers switch with the ruling party
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.8.4 'La Bella Antillana' as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Denizz, Devastator, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Imhungry5462, JacKob, Jeankedezeehond, Khalil, Kracc, Maltesefalcon, MantisToboggan, Medizine, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Paul, Pietrus, Rangerage, Raptor Jesus, Rinbro, Roniius, Roparex, Rylock, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, Sjarlewis, Stekpanna, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaország, VirtualHummingbird, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte, Yard1, Zaddy-Chan and Zankoas
A tiny update to fix a typo in the version embarrassing...
- Learned how to spell 'Truce'
0.8.3 - 'Christmas Truce'
What a year hey? Three major releases as well as many smaller patches; we have been busy. Sadly the Caribbean rework is still not finished but it didn’t feel right to leave you without a final update for 2018 so instead we are doing another hotifx. This patches brings a total overhaul of all the American code, both fixing bugs but also adding new features, not to mention plenty of tweaks and fixes for other nations, including squashing an annoying CTD. We hope you have a happy new year!
Notable Additions
- Overhauled how Canada intervenes into the American Civil War in order to make it easier to balance and slightly more sensible:
- Canada now cannot go to war against the CSA during the ACW unless either Canada has an authoritarian government or Mexico has intervened on the CSA’s side. Its decision to attack the CSA can still always be used after the CSA has won.
- If Canada doesn't grab American territory, its support to an ACW faction will consist of volunteers and equipment, as well as a modifier to help their war efforts. Should their supported faction win, it’s much more likely they’ll join the Entente.
- If Canada doesn't grab New England, the USA will get some units there. A player USA can opt to reverse Canada's decision so they grab it anyway.
- Canada now has some additional decisions to prepare for possible war with the CSA.
- Greatly reduced the performance impact of state renaming
- Did an extensive bug-fixing pass on the event, decision, and national focus files for the USA, CSA, AUS and PSA, so they should be less buggy. The primary/election events in particular have been overhauled, and flavour events now fire on a schedule - rather than being clumped together after 24 months - so you should actually see them in an average playthrough.
- Rewritten 70% of CSA’s descriptions, 20% of AUS’s, 10% of USA’s. Numerous changes to pre and post-civil war events. Pre-war CSA militia now called “Red Guard”, IWW fights AFL during and after revolution, Huey’s nepotism leads to deaths, Radsoc CSA believes in Business Unionism, Vanguardists now value Craft Unions and call themselves political centrists, Long and Reed both deadlier during pre-civil war era, CSA social revolution changed.
- New mechanic for CSA Constitutional Convention to determine Interim president elections (so the path is determined by the choices in the convention, not solely by who is the interim president, chosen in the very last event).
- Both the Business Plot path and the Pelley path for AUS have been revamped, giving them a chain of events post-assumption of power where they must either succeed (at a price) or they’ll lose power once again. Some work has been done on the flavor events for both.
Reworked/expanded focus trees of:
- Uruguay
Added Events to:
- American Union State
- Combined Syndicates of America
- New England
- Uruguay
- New/updated portraits: Herbert Hoover (USA), Quentin Roosevelt (yes, again) (USA), Earl Kemp Long (TEX), George Van Horn Moseley (TEX), Earl Browder (CSA), Norman Thomas (CSA), Frank Merriam (CAL), Roman von Ungern-Sternberg (MON), Mindaugus III (LIT), Kazimieras II Tiskevicius (LIT), Napoleon IV (NFA), Avila Camacho (MEX), Pablo Gonzalez Garza (MEX), Emiliano Zapata (MEX), Pancho Villa (MEX), Roman Dmowski (POL), Alfonso XIII (SPR), Manuel Azana (CNT), José Buenaventura (CNT), Durruti Dumange (CNT), Christian Christensen (DEN), Mohammed Alim (TRK), Sisowath Monireth (CAM), Gordon Hoon (HAW), Long Yun (YUN), Getúlio Vargas (BRA), Lala Rajpat Rai (BHC), Subhas Chandra Bose (BHC), Lakshmi Sahgal (BHC), Kaylani Sen (BHC), Jawaharlal Nehru (BHC)(DEH), Ganga Singh (DEH), Osman Ali Khan (PRF), Lala Lajpat Rai (BHC), Val Peterson (CAL)
- Loading screen of “German eagle on Europe” map redone
- Replaced event picture for Jack Reed
- Added proper event pictures to Canadian events
Music Mod
- Added some big band swing music for all American tags: Strike Up the Band!, All or Nothing at All, I've got a Pocketful of Dreams, I'm Saving a Dime Out of Every Dollar, The Bombardier, Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer, Pistol Packin' Mamma, A Zoot Suit for my Sunday Gal, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, G.I. Jive, Rum and Coca-Cola, American Patrol
- Added the following to the USA: Marching Through Georgia, The Marine Corps Hymn, My Maryland March, Anchors Aweigh, Semper Paratus, The Invincible Eagle March, The Hands Across the Sea March
- Added the following to the CSA: New version of John Brown’s body sung by Paul Robeson, The Ludlow Massacre
- Added the following to Chile: Adios al Septimo de Linea, Yo Tenia un Camarada
- Added the following to Mexico: Fe, Sangre, Victoria for the Sinarquistas, Mexican National Anthem, Corrido de Felipe Angeles, Corrido de Heraclio Bernal, Corrido Villista, Jarabe Tapatio, La Adelita, La Marieta, La Valentina, Marcha de la Fuerza Aerea Mexicana, Marcha Ecos de Mexico, Marcha Lindas Mexicanas, Marcha Matias Ramos, Marcha Viva Mexico, Marcha Zacatecas, Yo soy Mexicano
- Added the following to Poland: Wojenko Wojenko, My Pierwsza Brygada, Przybyli Ułani Pod Okienko, Moj Rozmarynie, Nie masz nad żołnierza dzielniejszego człeka, List do Cara, Piosenka O Belinie
- Added the following to Tsarist Russia: God Save the Tsar
- Added the following to South Africa: Sarie Marais
- Added the following to Serbia: God of Justice, March to the River Drina
- Added the following to Spain: Marcha de Cadiz
- Added the following to the Union of Britain: We’re Going To Hang out the Washing on the Siegfried Line
- Added the following to Sweden: March of Obligations, The Day is Corrupted, Youth March
- Added the following to Switzerland: Wettsteinmarsch und Vaterlandshymne
- Added the following to Belgium: March of the Paratroopers
- Added the following to Eastern Europe: Dmitri's Shostakovich’s Waltz nº2
- Added the following to Ethiopia: Anthem of the Empire of Ethiopia
- Added the following to Greece: Aegean Sailor March, Black is the Night in the Mountains March, Cavalry March, Evzonaki March, Greece Never Dies March, Famous Macedonia March, March of Greek Monarchism (For when the Monarch wins the Referendum), Our Flag March, The Army Passes March, Returning from the Battle March, To the Cannons March, The Artillery March
- Removed the following from Greece: Mavra Korakia (It mentions Stalin and Fascism, and neither is relevant in the KRTL)
- Added the following to Hungary: Attila Induló, Honved Banda Szol a Stefanian!
- Until the civil war is over, the ACW countries will be known by an adjective other than just 'American'
- The ceasefire between the PSA and the last ACW country has variable borders, depending on how far PSA has pushed; its name is either “Rocky Mountain Ceasefire”, “Great Plains Ceasefire”, or “Mississippi Ceasefire” depending on roughly where the border is drawn
- AUS now has the option as to whether or not they retain the AUS flag and name - so long as they remain on the Huey Long path. The option appears once they’ve re-taken the entire continental USA. Pelley will always switch to the Commonwealth flag and name, and the Business Plot path will always switch to the USA flag and name
- New England once again starts as a Canadian puppet. It has a focus to ask for home rule. If home rule is refused, it receives a decision to outright declare independence later - removing it from the Entente as well - which Canada can refuse, meaning war. Legitimacy is now tracked for New England as in how legitimate a government it is viewed, as opposed to a Canadian stand-in
- New England no longer claims to be the 'last American democracy'. It has a decision (costing legitimacy) to claim that mantle if PSA doesn't exist and USA either doesn't exist or is a dictatorship. Once it claims the 'last American democracy' mantle, New England gets claims on the rest of America and may use a decision to attack other ACW nations
- Added a decision for USA/PSA/AUS to peacefully reunite with New England. If New England has insufficient legitimacy, they cannot refuse (and a player New England will switch to the new owner). If they agree, they must first ask Canada (if they’re in their faction), who can agree, refuse, or demand the new owner join the Entente. Note that if New England is still a Canadian puppet, the country negotiates directly with Canada, as before
- Canada has the 'Yankee Rebellion' events restored, should they retain direct control over New England. Once order has been restored in owned New England states, Canada receives decisions to get resources and some manpower from the region (to make this path a bit more valuable, now that the region cannot be cored)
- Decisions to support a faction in the ACW now won't appear except for syndicalist countries, majors, and countries in North/South America
- Rebuilding decisions for the ACW countries now remove the cores of the other ACW factions
- Players will no longer switch to CSA/AUS/PSA and discover the AI has started a focus for them
- Removed option for Liberia to become puppet of Mittelafrika or National France after the ACW begins - they can only go free or stay loyal
- Added the West Mongolia state
- PER now starts the game called Persia, and can change their name to Iran via decision after 1937. Ideologies other than Paternal Autocrat will do this under the AI
- Added multiple companies to Persia
- The Kaiserreich team now officially recognizes China’s claim to Kashmir
- Several smaller map changes to Xinjiang
- Removed one of the impassables between Tibet and Bhutan so Tibet can access its claimed territory
- Overhauled Mexico’s internal wars to use variables letting you see the progress
- Mexico now gets fewer factories from focuses
- Ethiopia’s Eritrean rebellion now occurs once the Somalian War starts if they have been taxed but not integrated
- Mexico now has a lighter green colour
- The Carlists can once again assassinate Juan, allowing Jaime III to come into power
Romanian and Bulgarian populations have been rebalanced, particularly Dobrogea
- Bulgaria now starts on Extensive Conscription
- Bulgaria’s Mobilise the Reserves idea is now reduced to 1.5% conscription and -10% training time initially, with the final idea giving 3.5%
- Mexico can no longer take focuses when capitulated
- Made the Cristero War no longer trigger from non-Calles Laws events
- Removed building slots added with air bases for Mexico
- Gave a civ to Yucatan and gave Mexico a dockyard at start
- First focuses in the socialist democracy trees for Mexico now give 5% popularity and 100pp
- Lowering Mexican doctrine bonuses
- American Union State Commonwealth flavor events now match the bleakness of their descriptions
- South Africa now gets cores on Rhodesia and Bechuanaland in their Federation path
- Paramount chief forces for South Africa are now only added to the Dominion side if the civil war occurs, the focus itself now just adds stability and PP
- South Africa decision added to demobilize the Askari if native service focus is later taken. This removes the template and adds manpower. Most locked templates added during the SAF civil war are now removed afterwards
- When the Canadian PM dies another HoG minister is put in his place
- If an ACW country is attacked post-civil war, after it has demobilised and while it is still in recovery, it will recall up to 20 infantry units for the duration of the war
- Canada's Bill C7 event now adds proper building slots as well as factories
- The Belgrade Pact now no longer insta-surrenders if Serbia is capitulated - Ottomans, Romania, and Greece are treated as majors during any war where Serbia is their faction leader
- AI Italy, Poland, Serbia, and Romania no longer throw themselves into suicide wars against Austria - they wait for Austria to be vulnerable or for one of the other countries to be waiting on its attack focus (and thus expected to join in)
- Germany and the Reichspakt now once again ignore Portugal if they go to war during the border war with Mittelafrika
- Crete is now owned by Greece at gamestart
- Astrakhan state was enlarged and is now owned by Russia at gamestart
- Russia should have a harder time in the early game thanks to stronger debuffs, also the *Russian AI no longer cheats
- Added a whole lot of VPs to Russia and Eastern Europe
- Added a namelist for the Argentine army, so you can now have immersive division names.
- Added Army general descriptions for Mexico, New England, Hawaii, Pacific States of America, American Union State, Combined Syndicates of America.
- Added some Army General descriptions for the United States of America.
- Removed Joseph Beyrle from the CSA (he was 13 in 1936, and 14 at the start of the civil war).
- Demoted Chennault to Brigadier General and promoted Devers to Field Marshall.
- Moved Lemuel Shepherd from the AUS to New England (He was doing a Marine course in Rhode Island in 1937).
- Resources focuses for Canada now unlock decisions instead. The polymer focus for Canada no longer adds rubber in Ontario - instead it provides tech and grants a free synth factory instead.
- New Admiral for BHC, Kaylani Sen.
- Quentin Roosevelt II and Quentin Roosevelt are now two different men and both can be elected.
Incomplete Content
- The Caribbean rework is still not ready sadly, it will be included in a later patch though still no ETA for that
Notable Fixes
- Canada/New England starting a war with an ACW country will no longer potentially mean the 'civil war over' flag never gets set (which causes all sorts of issues, for New England in particular)
- Central America should now get the generals it is supposed to when it forms
- Egypt now actually seizes the Suez Canal when they seize the Suez Canal
- Fixed a crash bug if Greece built a battleship using the decision, but didn’t have battleship tech
- New England now has working elections
- Some AI logic has been added to the Republic of Italy’s war focuses, meaning they should drag Austria into suicidal/nonsensical wars a bit less often
- The events for the Egyptian-Ethiopian rivalry will now actually occur, allowing the Nile Proclamation and Somalia joining the Cairo Pact
- The possible variations to the starting size of the CSA and AUS, depending on earlier events, now works as originally intended
Other Fixes
- Adding extra checks to the Mexican decision file
- All countries affected by the New England Hurricane now see the event
- Baku is now Bakı and Rasulzade’s name has been properly translated
- Bolivia can no longer join the International when it’s a puppet
- Canada can no longer end WK2 if it makes peace with AUS or CSA after they’ve joined a faction
- Canada’s IEDC no longer invests in countries not in the Entente
- Egypt can no longer demand the Suez from Germany when they’re a puppet
- Egypt no longer has two cities called Aswan
- Fixed an issue where non-syndicalist Hawaii could retain the syndicalist name and flag
- Fixed three cases of Mexican elections electing the wrong ideology
- Japan will no longer get a decision to release Malaysia if it claims it
- Maple Line focus cannot be taken by Canada if New England owns Upstate New York
- Puppeted Tunisia will no longer use it’s overlord’s name like it’s a colony
- Removed a random 2nd option in event mexico.41
- The Internationale can no longer go ham in the ACW through Mexico
- The adjective for Azerbaijan is now “Azerbaijani” instead of a made up word
- The description for “The Fate of Lithuania” decision is now actually about Lithuania instead of the Union of Britain and Australasia
- When the Hawaiian monarchy is restored, it now goes straight to the royal election, rather than resurrecting Prince Jonah (who died OTL in 1922 to heart disease)
- Plus a lot more bugs fixed while the American code was redone
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.8.3 - 'Christmas Truce' as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Akamber, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Denizz, Devastator, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Flamefang, IratePirate, JakeR2000, Jeankedezeehond, Khalil, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Paul, Pietrus, Rangerage, Raptor Jesus, Rinbro, Roparex, Rylock, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, Sjarlewis, Stekpanna, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, Vidyaorszag, VirtualHummingbird, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte, Yard1 and Zankoas
We've been processing a lot of feedback from both 0.8 and 0.8.1, a lot good and a lot not so good. In addition to a lot of bug fixes, we have made more changes to the American Civil War, worked on how wars work in the Balkans and adjusted factions around the world. While I can't promise we always act on your feedback or always act in the ways you want, I can promise that we are listening and making changes. Thanks for your continuing support!
Notable Additions
- A new unique mechanic has been added for New England
- Added new flavour events for CSA totalists
- Fourth Internationale has been removed as a faction, other faction options added to replace, details below
- Further changes to the setup of the American Civil war
- Lots of new decisions and events for New England
- Major changes to the AI of nations in the Balkans, should have less random and unfun war declarations
- Many changes to the New England’s tree
- Russia can no longer join the Reichspakt
- A few truckers have defected to Huey Long’s side in the civil war
- A handful of mils have been moved from the CSA to places where the AUS and PSA can more easily grab them
- Added a way for Peruvian National Populists to remove the APRA spirits in their focus tree
- Austria no longer has a focus to declare war on Bulgaria against her own interests and for absolutely no valid reason
- Boris is now immediately removed as a general in the Syndicalist coup as Bulgaria instead of waiting for the military purge
- Bulgaria now has a higher chance of being accepted into the Internationale
- Changes in Liberian focus times, industrial focuses now take longer since you’re Liberia while political and military focuses are shorter
- Comrade Stubbs has been informed that a battalion of his heavy tanks has gone missing from the CSA’s army
- John Martin Jr. has had his portrait resized
- Liberia AI will no longer randomly cause WK2 and playing them should be more fun and viable overall
- MAF can no longer coup Liberia just because Goering is evil
- Made Chaco a core for Bolivia but changed Tarapaca to be a claim
- New World News events for the various CSA outcomes
- Paraguay joining the Internationale is now a decision
- Peru can now join the Internationale
- Post-Civil War America is now depicted as the horrible hellscape it probably would be IRL
- Removed manpower buffs from Guatemala
- Renovations to the ways Bolivia and Paraguay do their political trees, should now do them if you puppet them and they’re the correct ideology
- Slightly lowered focus times in the Yemeni rebellion tree and made the AI go down it more
- Streamlined Dutch naval focuses into decisions
- Syndicalist Venezuela is now named the Socialist Republic of Venezuela
- Syndie PLC AI will no longer immediately call in France starting the Weltrkieg in 1936
- Venezuela now gains Authoritarian Democrat party popularity in the Black Monday focuses if you have the coup
Notable Fixes
- Fixed issue whereas you were unable to see the social conservative ministers in the minister lists
Other Fixes
- Australasia no longer erroneously invited to the League of American States
- Austria will no longer declare war on Bulgaria if it joins the Reichspakt
- Bulgaria can now remove Black Monday if it goes down agriculture recovery and does not own Macedonia
- Deadlock in Centroamerica is no longer limited to only Social Democrats
- Fixed Quebec and Royalist Romanian unit models glitching out horribly
- Fixed Totalist Venezuela being named Venezualac
- Fixed a Bolivian event that would make them think the Second Weltkrieg is here if *Argentina joined a faction and went to war with anyone, making them declare war on a *Paraguay that doesn’t own the Chaco and a Chile that doesn’t own Antofagasta.
- Fixed cases of unit models looking funky without Together for Victory
- Fixed firing range of cruiser 4, 5 and 6
- Fixed other cases of units in South America and Africa not having non-generic unit models
- Fixed the Syndicalist Bulgaria spirit “Political Protests” lacking text
- Huey Long will stop stealing the popularity of Pelley or Moseley
- If you puppet Canada, Canada will no longer have King Edward as a ruler
- Mexico can now declare war on Central American countries
- North Carolina and Tennessee have been told to pick a side, we’re at war
- Risorgimento is now easier to take, no longer need to be at peace to begin it
- Syndicalist Bulgaria no longer gets the same national spirit twice
- The CSA and AUS will get their event for building ships rather than random countries
- The Coup path for the Centroamerican totalist is now not totally broken anymore (locks paths, adds ministers)
- The Italian Empire is a federal empire and respects the sovereignty of the Papal States, thus the Emperor of Italy has its capital in Naples not Rome
- The Italian Republic’s future elections now actually happen
- The Pope will now read his mail instead of forwarding to the Italian Republic
- The Red Devils have been told that the vacation programme is happening after the war and they need to come back from Mongolia and fight it
- The Republic of Italy now joins the Austrian Empire’s faction when it is formed unless nat-pop
- The Republic of Italy now will call itself the Italian Imperium
- US elections should have their proper portraits
- Various forgotten event spawned OOBs updated for the naval rework
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.8.2 as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Akamber, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Delincious, Denizz, Devastator, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Flamefang, Herkles, IratePirate, JakeR2000, Jeankedezeehond, Khalil, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Paul, Pietrus, Rangerage, Raptor Jesus, Rinbro, Roparex, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, Sjarlewis, Stekpanna, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, Vidyaorszag, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte, Yard1 and Zankoas
Every cloud has a silver lining; while 0.8 was, as we feared, less balanced and more buggy than we would have liked, we have received huge amounts of feedback since release. The many bug reports people have submitted has really helped us in getting this hotfix out as soon as possible and crammed full of as many fixes as we can manage. We have also listened to your feedback and made many tweaks all over, especially to the initial setup of the American Civil war. Thanks for all your help and please keep it up as we start work on 0.8.2 and beyond!
Notable Additions
- Made sweeping changes to initial setup of the American Civil War, both in terms of units and the events behind it
- A united Central America can now be released if all relevant land has been conquered
- The number of divisions required to send volunteers has been reduced from 30 to 20 to account for increased manpower costs
- Music Mod
- Added songs for Australasia: Along the Road to Gungadai, By the Great Big Blue Billabong, Colonial song, Invercargill March, Merry *Widow, Maori Battalion, a new version of Po Atarau, Song of Australia
- Added songs for Austria: Rainermarsch
- Added songs for the Bharatiya Commune: Ekla Choro Re, Qadam Qadam Badhae Ja
- Added song for the Dominion of India and Afghanistan: Da Pukhto Tair Hair Awazona.
- Added song for Greece: Dimitradis Mavra Korakia
- Added song for Hawaii: He Mele Lāhui Hawaiʻi
- Added song for Mongolia: Mongolian Solider (I don't speak Mongolian, so I'm not even gonna try to translate that)
- Added songs for South Africa: Afrikaner, dis jour land, Die Alibama Polka, Gijima Mfana, Golden Swallows, South African Anthem, Pack Your Things and Trek, Stellenbosch Boy
- Fixed a small loc error that made the song Desteaptă-te, române display as Des?eaptă-te, române
Miscellaneous Changes
- Added a few more flavor events to New England
- Added army general descriptions for Guatemala and Nicaragua
- Added in an event for the USA if Japan seizes American motor companies
- Added more flavor events to the CSA, including the Totalist options
- Added new textures for El Salvador's troops
- Added several events to New England
- Added some more text to particularly short events in Centroamerica
- Added the ability to demand territory back to the USA and its breakaways
- CSA now can get their Heads of Government
- Changed and added small a number of VP’s all across the world
- Changed numerous files from .dds to .tga to improve performance and memory footprint
- Changed the Liberal Peru focus icon to the market liberal icon and made it so democratic parties gain popularity from the elections
- Céntroamerica can now join the Internationale
- Gave more variety to USA event photos
- Improved performance of all annexation events
- Many previously ‘raw’ OOBs now hidden and have a tooltip
- Merged a handful of duplicate annexation decisions
- Removed Yemen’s extra troops that spam when rebelling
- Removed a restriction on Japan researching both rockets and nukes
- Reworked oil quantities around the world to be more historically accurate
- Russia’s OOB has been overhauled to remove redundant templates and improve their equipment black hole
- Slightly improved performance by removing cores of other nations in Mittelafrika, these are now added via the events that spawn the nations in question
- Slightly increased Japanese focus times, minor buffs to compensate
- The Secretary for exporting the Revolution has informed the president of America that there are more capitalist countries in the *Americas that need to be liberated
- The Secretary of War has delivered new color plans for defending America to the President
- The official Photographer for the White House was able to get a better picture of President Quentin Roosevelt, a clearer photo of *Alf Landon and another for interim President Moseley
- Transamur repeatable events converted into decisions
- Yemen had some civ factories changed to offmap factories
- You no longer have to choose between Bridges, Bridges and Bridges in the CSA primaries, among other instances where options had the wrong loc assigned all over the US
Notable Fixes
- Added checks to CEN ministers so you can’t have Ubico as your Social Democrat Military Intelligence
- Canada properly gives territory away to its ally and faction of choice with the US civil war
- El Salvador now properly checks for being democratic when forming Central America
- Fixed a number of CTD’s related to deleting templates that didn’t exist
- Many fixes to the rocky mountain ceasefire
- Socialist Central American fixes for Heads of State’s not appearing and remaining the council
- The USA and its breakaways can now properly core territory following the civil war
- Trade between non-embargoed nations now actually transfers the resources rather than giving you nothing
Other Fixes
- A lot of localization fixes for the USA and it’s breakaways
- Added missing Shangqing core to Tingzhang
- Added several missing icons to Centroamerica
- Added several missing ministers to Centroamerica
- Amelia Earhart is now a woman, among other numerous typo fixes and clarifications for the US
- Company icon fixes for the USA and its breakaways
- Fixed Mongolia convincing Turkestan to betray their rightful overlords
- Fixed Soc Con Honduras having trouble participating in Central American politics
- Fixed a bug with some blank PSA events
- Fixed wrong flags and cleared up localisation for the army path for Centroamerica
- Fixes transliteration for a handful of Russian names
- Henry H. Arnorld got his photo taken and thus now has a portrait
- Lee Pressman now has a proper minister portrait
- Lowered the MTTH for the ANI to revolt against the Austrian imposed monarchy to avoid issues
- Made the Canadian demand of the Panama canal have matching text and effects
- More general logging fixes
- Moseley and Pelley now realize that they have their own set of cronies and appoint them after taking power
- Quentin Roosevelt is no longer looks like Alf Landon
- Releasing Guatemala and Nicaragua now correctly gives them Belize and Matagalpa respectively
- Second Bill of Rights is now properly available
- Stopped Switzerland spawning in troops in enemy territory
- The AUS and CSA can trade with other countries
- The AUS can now have Central America join the League of American states
- The AUS knows that it is Canada not Mexico who is occupying New England
- The Great Migration to the PSA obviously now requires the PSA existing in the first place
- The Grim Reaper is no longer drunk and now properly kills off Moseley and Pelley in the 50s like he was meant to
- The Hawaiians can now go syndie
- The House of Savoy is no longer prevented from coring the rest of Italy and move back to rome should they become the kingdom of Italy again
- The Presidents of New England now knows how to select a cabinet upon becoming President
- The Savoyard king of Italy realizes that he should move back to his family’s palaces in Roma
- The US navy no longer research out to date cruiser models
- The USA and its breakaways can now properly join with the Russians in an alliance.
- The emperor of Italia realizes that the eternal city of Roma should be his capital not Naples
- The government of the Republic of Italy has noticed a dramatic decrease in nationalism in Italians, no longer do they want to core Italy twice
- The post civil war debuffs now properly affect both sides following the rocky mountain ceasefire, not just the PSA
- The secret Guatemalan cloning machine is now hidden from the world, preventing two Arbenz generals
- The secretary of state for the AUS is also no longer drunk and knows that it is Germany, not Russia, who leads the Reichspackt
- The various Company trials now do stuff for both effects
- Various fixes for Mexico’s involvement in central America
- Various localisation fixes for Honduras
- When the Yucatan rebels the Yucatan now gains a core on the Yucatan
- When you go Authoritarian Democratic as mexico they now have their own elections instead of the left wing candidates
- You can no longer have Ubico as your Military Intelligence minister right after staging a coup against him
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.8.1 as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Akamber, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Delincious, Denizz, Devastator, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Flamefang, Herkles, IratePirate, JakeR2000, Jeankedezeehond, Khalil, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Paul, Pietrus, Rangerage, Raptor Jesus, Rinbro, Roparex, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, Sjarlewis, Stekpanna, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, Vidyaorszag, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte, Yard1 and Zankoas
0.8 - 'Divided States'
0.8 'Divided States' is here! The long awaited US and Central America reworks are now live as well as the fabled Naval Tech Rework. Naturally, we have also fixed plenty of bugs and made many quality of life changes, including some focus time adjustments. We enjoy you enjoy this taste of things to come as we put our full focus towards the legendary China rework!
- The KR4 team
P.S. We are also doing the final part of our move, more information on that here:
P.P.S. We’ve open a feedback thread based on some concerns we have, please take a look and keep feedback to that thread rather than in here:
Notable Additions
- A brand new naval tech tree has been added
- All fleets have been redone and rebalanced
- Naval stats and graphics have been changed across the board
- New naval decisions for most nations have been added
- The US and all breakaway nations have been reworked from the ground up
- Central America has had a full overhaul with new nations, an updated map and the old nations reworked
- All ministers now cost 50 political power but also have less powerful effects
- Work has been done on our UI; try clicking on the version number or our new logo at the main menu
- All land manpower and infantry equipment costs have been multiplied by 1.5 to reduce division spam
Added Focus trees to:
- Costa Rica
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Yucatan
Reworked/expanded focus trees of:
- American Union States
- Canada
- Centroamerica and the UPCA were removed and replaced with a formable Centroamerica, Central American Republic and Central American Confederation, all represented by the CEN tag
- Combined Syndicates of America
- Hawaii
- Ireland
- Japan
- Mexico
- New England
- Ottoman Empire
- Pacific States of America
- United States of America
Added Events to:
- American Union States
- Central America
- Colombia
- Combined Syndicates of America
- Costa Rica
- Germany
- Guatemala
- Hawaii
- Japan
- Mexico
- Mittelafrika
- New England
- Nicaragua
- Ottoman Empire
- Pacific States of America
- Panama
- Patagonia
- Portugal
- Switzerland
- The Papal State
- United States of America
- Yucatan
Added Decisions to:
- American Union States
- Central America
- Colombia
- Combined Syndicates of America
- Costa Rica
- Guatemala
- Hawaii
- Iran
- Ireland
- Japan
- Mexico
- New England
- Nicaragua
- Ottoman Empire
- Pacific States of America
- Panama
- Patagonia
- Portugal
- Switzerland
- United States of America
- A bunch of new idea and focus GFX
- New portraits around the globe including and not limited to Pytor Krasnov, George V, Leon Degrelle, Joris Van Severn, José Urquiza, John Garner, Wendell Willkie, Karl I and many more
- Purchased Jose Agripino Barnet new glasses
- Replaced the default infantry icon with a German Stahlhelm
- Revamped many of North and Central America’s flags
- Tons of naval tech icons
- Updated the Militia unit icon to better match the vanilla style
Music Mod:
- Changed the Main Menu song to: Johnny comes Marching Home!
- Added songs to the Bolivarian Region: El Miranchurito, Conticinio, La Gata Golosa, San Pedro en El Espinal
- Added songs to the Andean Region: La Cuchara de Palo, Andean Improvisation, La Danza del Sicuri, Cordilleras, Alturas
- Added songs to the Platinean Region: Por una Cabeza (Moved from Argentina), Puente Alsina (Moved from Argentina), Cambalache, Caminito, Yira Yira
- Added songs to the Ottoman Empire: Hicazkar Sirto, Üsküdara, Ah Bis Ataş Ver, Çanakkale içinde Aynalı Çarşı, İttihat ve Terakki, Uzzâl Peşrev
- Added songs to Spain: Santiago de Murcia, Capricho Árabe, Xacaras, ¡Viva el Ejercito Español!, Marcha de San Marcial, Marcha de Los Voluntarios, Himno de los Regulares, Himno de la Armada Española, Himno de la Infantería, Frente al Cabo de Palos, Cálzame las Alpargatas (For the Carlists), La Marcha de Oriamendi (For the Carlists), Ay Carmela (For the CNT), Si me Quieres Escribir (For the CNT)
- Added songs to Bulgaria: Balkan Rhapsody Vardar, Bože Carja ni pazi!, Stani, Stani, Junak Balkanski!, Tih Bjal Dunav, Vjatr eci Balkan Stene, V'rvi, narode v'zrodeni, Pesen na Truda
- Added songs to El Salvador: Himno al Soldado Salvadoreño, Marcha de Gerardo Barrios
- Added songs for the Central American Region: Ahora, Bajo el Almendro, Valtz Istmenia, Vals Leda, Obertura Indigena, Himno al 15 de Septiembre.
- Added songs for Costa Rica: Patriótica Costarricense, Duelo a la Patria, Oh! Costa Rica!, Saludo a la Bandera, Inspiraciones Costarricenses
- Added songs for the German Empire: Kaiser Wilhelm Siegesmarsch, Alte Kameraden Marsch
- Added songs for Argentina: La Marcha Peronista, La Marcha de San Lorenzo, La Defensa de Buenos Aires, Alberto Williams’ First Concert Overture, Aurora, Ituzaingó, Marcha de Capibary, Marcha de Bahía Blanca, Marcha de Punta Congreso
- Added songs for the FOP: Guerra a la Burguesía, Guitarra Roja, Pan
- Added songs for France: On ne passe pas
- Added songs for Paraguay: Infierno Verde, Juky, Marcha del Chaco Boreal, Marcha al Mariscal López, Marcha Verde Olivo, Al pie de tu reja
- Added songs for Uruguay: La Cumparsita
- Added songs for Chile: Himno de Carabineros
- Added songs for Mexico: Carabinas 30-30
- Added songs for Austria: Die Bosniaken Kommen
- Added songs for Guatemala: Amor Patrio, El Caballero Cadete 6-40, El Número Cinco, La Democracia, Compañía de Cadetes
- Turned Die Wacht am Rhein and Siegesmarsch von Metz into Generic music
- Added new version of Waltzing Matilda
- Added songs for Italy: Fischia Il Sasso, Vincere, Il Canzone della vittoria, Marcia Reale de Ordinanza, Marcia Principessa Giovanna di Savoia, Vivere!
- Added song for Greece: Ýmnos is tin Eleftherían, Inno a la Roma (For whoever controls Rome)
- Added Song for Qing: Cup of Solid Gold
- Added song for Poland: Szara Piechota
- Removed Go on Home British Soldiers and Broad Black Brimmer
- Replaced Oró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile and A Nation Once Again for better versions
- Removed the Argentinian national anthem
- Added songs for Brasil: O Guarani, De Pé, Brasil!, Cisne Branco, Quatro Tenentes, Hino do Partido Constitucionalista, Sentinela do Brasil, O Corta Jaca!, Brasil Brasileiro, Quanta Tristeza
- Added customised loc for nations joining the Belgrade Pact to the GUI
- LYB tag converted to vanilla LBA
- Minor overhaul to the Dominican-Haitian provinces, altogether adding five more to Hispaniola along with a Haitian victory point
- Approximately 1.3 million dead Kazakhs have risen from the grave
- Rebalanced Iran’s conquering focuses so that Iran is more limited on going to war depending on their government type
- Iran intervening in the Ottoman-Cairo Pact war has been moved from an event to a decision
- Changed New Zealand’s color from the generic purple PDX uses
- Fixed the placement of the Panama Canal Zone to go around both sides of the canal rather to the east of the canal
- Made the United Kingdom’s focus tree 35 days rather than 70, also nerfed many effects to compensate
- Canada now starts with claims on home
- Added some cities to Mongolia
- Redid much of the underlying code for Japan to make any future changes easier
- Improve game performance by removing redundant events in Japan and Mittelafrika
- Add elections to Japan’s history
- Removed many unused OOB’s
- Nerfed several Japanese ideas
- Shorted Georgia's name to better fit onto the map
- Shorted Afghanistan's name to better fit onto the map
- Shorted Philippines’s name to better fit onto the map
- Removed all ahead of time research bonuses
- Random party popularity events have been removed, now decision based
- Border war idea added to Mittelafrika
- Changed the Irish trouble events to fire after 365 days rather than 730
- Slightly shortened Uruguay’s focus tree times
- Added some companies to Iran
- New national focus display to more easily show a focus’ requirements and other useful information, as well as to sow chaos among the general populace
- Japan can now buy resources from a puppet Fengtian at a discount
- Added in a logo for the Coop, something we are a proud member of, more info on their discord here:
- Reorganised logo positions on the loading and main menu screen
- Updated the credits to reflect new members to the team and fallen comrades
- Reorganised the credits to read better
- Removed many unused GFXs
- Changed Portugal’s focuses to be 56 days long rather than 70, nerfs to match
- Changed Belorussia’s focuses to be 56 days long rather than 70, nerfs to match
- Changed Poland-Lithuania’s focuses to be 56 days long rather than 70
- Changed Oman’s focuses to be 56 days long rather than 70
- Changed Ethiopia's focuses to be 56 days long rather than 70, nerfs to match
- Changed Somalia’s focuses to be 56 days long rather than 70, nerfs to match
- Changed Morocco's focuses to be 56 days long rather than 70, nerfs to match
- Changed South Africa’s focuses to be 56 days long rather than 70, nerfs to match
- Changed Libya's focuses to be 56 days long rather than 70
- Rewrote several German East Asia tooltips to be clearer
- Swapped Russia’s and USA’s position on the start screen
- Rewrote large amount of Japanese foreign policy to be more reliable and be easier to change come the Chinese rework
- Made the Mittelafrika collapse now depend on stability and not Political Power
- Adjusted Ausgleich MTTH
- Revised a_new_hungary localisation
- Betraying Hungary over promises made during the Ausgleich will make them properly declare war
Incomplete Content
- The Caribbean rework has been delayed but will be making it into a hotfix soonTM
Notable Fixes
- Sardinian event to move capital to Rome and gain cores will now function
- The MAF-POR border war has been redone, again, and should now work reliably, for real this time
- Switching tags from Italy to Venice no longer breaks the war
- 100% Party Popularity now displays correctly
Other Fixes
- Canada’s event following capture of USA cores will not repeatedly fire if the option to simply occupy the country is selected
- Panama’s capital is now in the correct location
- Fixed numerous incorrect used of new lines in localisation
- Canadian decision to Demand Oregon now requires that Washington’s owner actually controls the state
- Fixed a Commune of France focus referring to the integration of Romandie
- Fixed a tooltip in Venezuela not showing correctly
- Abyssinia now starts with mountaineer tech
- Fixed the African divisions events for Germany not working as they should
- Annexation event for Albania now properly refers to Northern Epirus, the Greek renaming event for Gjirokastër now changes it to Northern Epirus
- Added exception in peace conference code so countries don’t grab the Aland Islands if Finland, Russia, or Sweden is at the conference
- 1942 elections for Germany should now fire properly
- Fixed a UI bug with the multiplayer setup window
- Fixed a broken bypass in the SRI focus tree
- Redid Venezuela's OOB to avoid AI issues
- Redid Eritrea's history file to fix some fringe issues
- Fixed a misleading tooltip for Oman
- Spelling and grammar fixes for CAN and GBR
- Fixed a variety of bracket errors that may have caused strange bugs in weird places
- Fixed Japanese domestic events not firing in the right over
- Fixed a Japanese home defence event not working as it should
- Fixed a minor cosmetic bug in the SRD tree
- Fixed a multitude of bugs in Japanese foreign policy
- Fixed the broken Mantetsu Collapse icon
- Fixed Leader Description errors for Saud Bin Abdulaziz, several other leaders
- Galicia will properly join the anti-Austrian revolt during the Military Occupation path
- And many other bugs fixes we forgot to write down!
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.8 'Divided States' as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Akamber, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Delincious, Denizz, Devastator, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Flamefang, Herkles, IratePirate, JakeR2000, Jeankedezeehond, Khalil, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Paul, Pietrus, Rangerage, Raptor Jesus, Rinbro, Roparex, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, Sjarlewis, Stekpanna, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, Vidyaorszag, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte, Yard1 and Zankoas
A small save game compatible update to change the opening warning message to reflect us changing location. More information here:
- Changed the opening warning message
As a team we are very proud of 0.7, while the nations that were worked on weren't to everyone's liking, we still were able, perhaps for the first time, to release a stable patch on day one. That is a great achievement for us and something we hope to continue with the North American and China updates coming soon. Assuming nothing goes wrong this will be the final hotfix for 0.7 and we turn out full attention to 0.8. Aside from the normal minor fixes we also fixed a rare CTD and found time to add in a new UI notification for nations joining factions.
Notable Additions
- Added a pop up window for nations joining factions so you aren’t taken by surprise when Liberia suddenly unleashes a World War
- Reworked fort levels all over Europe
- Added a new Greater Romania focus icon
- Added a new Zhang Zuolin portrait
- Added in Air OOB for Argentina
- Adjusted the distance at which VP's are viable
- Buffed the Argentinian starting industry
- Carles can now die, F for the Grand Saviour of South America
- Changed around the underlying code for tags in the Austrian empire to be more efficant
- Frank Berryman has been given a buff
- SRI focus to attack Italy now also includes Venice, if it won the war against Legionnaire Italy
- Ukraine’s population has been adapted to the fact that the Holodomor didn’t happen
Notable Fixes
- Fixed Peru not being able to advance on the socialist tree
- Rewrite the MAF-POR war events, fixing several bugs in it as well as making it less annoying
- Rewrote the Icelandic event chain, including a CTD bug if Iceland is puppeted while at war
Other Fixes
- Added a missing NP name in Shanxi
- Added localisation to the Argentinian inter-service rivalry ideas: no the coup isn’t random, you just decided to give the army everything it needs to overthrow you
- CSA Catholic Workers event now targets Papal States
- Carlists can now actually get the victory event in their focus tree
- Dutch no longer control the Westerschelde when the Flemish have planted their flag in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen
- Fixed AI not aware that Argentina’s Strike Now focus leads to war
- Fixed Argentina decisions Pressure Uruguay and Join the Reichspakt visible when Uruguay or Germany do not exist
- Fixed Argentina event which would fire peace deal with Paraguay even if they weren’t at war
- Fixed Dahomey’s Buy Foreign Arms decision
- Fixed PSA separation event so if it’s player-controlled it can still get Idaho and Nevada
- Fixed a Legation Cities event firing for the wrong nation
- Fixed a bug in which Frank Berryman would go to New Zealand instead of Leslie Morshead
- Fixed a detached focus for Sao Paolo
- Fixed death of Petar Bojovic events not checking if he is the current leader
- Fixed missing effect to syndie focus for PAR
- Fixed missing localisation for country flags PAR
- Germany can no longer trade with a non existent Argentinian dictatorship
- Integralist Brazil now properly releases Araucania in southern Argentina, instead of a second “Argentina”
- Political focuses for Venice now fire for Venice instead of Austria
- Removed some left over Japanese events to do with a puppet Taiwan
- Replaced Niclas y Glais’ portrait for Wales
- Replaced Sanming and Tingzhou VPs with Nanping and Longyan
- Replaced all Wallonians with Walloons (no Walloons were hurt in the making of this patch)
- Rostock now actually looks like a plains province
- Some Spanish protest events are now prevented from firing (late) if the kingdom has won with an election
- Totalist leader of Bolivia got his face back
- Treaty of Arlon now has the correct loc
- Various tweaks to Colombian foci
- Von Falkenhausen has been kicked out of Wallonia
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.7.2 as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: Akamber, Anbory, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, DDago, Denizz, Dr. Njitram, Flamefang, Herkles, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Liegnitz, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rinbro, Roparex, Rylock, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, Vidyaország, VirtualHummingbird, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte and Zankoas
To our pleasant surprise, 0.7 was the smoothest release we have had yet. Now that isn’t to say it was perfect; we have several major fixes below including some CTD’s. Nevertheless, we have had time for some QOL tweaks and should soon be putting full effort into 0.8! As always we owe a great debt to all those reporting bugs, it has been a huge help.
Notable Additions
- A Unified Argentine Commune can now join the Third Internationale if they haven’t elected Baldomero or haven’t had the Fonte coup
- Whether the rigging of the Greek monarchy referendum is discovered or not is now an event available to the player’s control
- Added a redone portrait of Jose Felix Estigarribia
- Added a redone portrait of Niclas y Glais
- Added an improved portrait for Zhang Tianran
- Added annexation decisions for Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Palestine, and Kurdistan
- Added event for Mittelafrika to seize Equatorial Guinea from CNT
- Added event to move Greek capital to Constantinople
- Added new portrait for Said bin Taimur of Muscat
- CNT and Carlist Spain buffed slightly
- Moved Haute-Savoie state to Southern France strategic region
- Peru’s focuses cut to 56 days
Notable Fixes
- Fixed a CTD when Oman tried to puppet itself during a war
- Some additional peace conference AI work, primarily for situations where peace conferences don’t involve any major powers, also added some exceptions for conferences in South America and Russia.
- The Axis-Ottoman peace deal has been redone, ensuring there are no longer some paths where Iran or Arabia don’t get their claims and also ensuring that everyone involved is informed of what happened
Other Fixes
- Added additional sanity checks to Dutch East Indies and Insulindia factory buildup.
- Added missing Fengtian core in the Daming state
- Added missing effects to two Greek syndicalist focuses.
- Argentina can now annex Chile after conquering it if the player chooses to
- Belarus now peaces out from the Reichspakt wars when it chooses to abandon Germany and its faction.
- Brazil can no longer ally with the USA while the ACW is still ongoing
- Brazil should now drop out of existing factions when it is overthrown
- Brazilian CSN focus now fires the correct event
- Corrected the “Minheu” state-name to “Minhou”
- Fixed Ecuador having double elections when you restore democracy with Gallo
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the sultans from taking power from Tan Malaka
- Fixed a few Australasian events so that they display their title
- Fixed a wormhole between Chinese provinces and the Sahara
- Fixed annexation decisions which didn’t take into account civil war tags
- Fixed spelling mistakes all over
- Germany AI now less likely to invade Batavian Commune if they’re locked in a war with France
- Germany can’t ask Gibraltar from a spanish ally anymore
- Ho Chih Minh is no longer a general for Shangqing
- If Netherlands is at war with Insulindia and is in the Reichspakt or Entente when they capitulate by event, they’ll no longer automatically peace out with each other
- Liberia is now puppeted to Germany when they take the German bailout path
- Mismatched option names for SRI Fifth Congress syndicalist victory event have been fixed
- Nigerian focus for Brazil now applies the correct idea
- Qing now has access to the “Fate of Mongolia” event tied to its focus tree
- Removed misplaced LEP core in southeastern China
- Returned CHI (Republic of China) to its proper color
- Russia doesn't get 3 civil war national spirits anymore
- Sardinian dockyard focuses should now add two buildings slots rather than just one
- Slightly changed the effects of some Insulindian companies.
- The Entente should now ignore the AUS if Canada is at war with both the AUS and the CSA. Canada now also attempts to peace out with the other ACW factions it’s at war with if it attempts to peace out with one.
- The Soviets can now fully integrate Armenia
- Tuareg Confederation no longer uses the annexation decision to release Niger as a puppet
- When Mongolia is released by the annexation decision, its extra cores are now first removed
- When releasing Tibet via the annexation decision, only states which aren’t cores/claims of the releasing nation are given to it
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.7.1 as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: Akamber, Anbory, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, DDago, Denizz, Dr. Njitram, Flamefang, Herkles, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Liegnitz, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rinbro, Roparex, Rylock, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, Vidyaország, VirtualHummingbird, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte and Zankoas
Small hotfix to fix a bug in Insulindia, save game compatible.
- Fixed a bug in the ‘Defend Java and Sumatra’ mission that in return prevented the peace deal from firing
0.7 - 'El Condor Pasa'
And on time as well! This patch brings the overhaul of South America, the Indonesian rework and a special treat; the Greek rework! We know you’ll like this one. Also coming in this patch is several overhauls of several key systems, polishing and finishing work started in 0.6, notably stability. Finally, it of course has the usual splattering of bug fixes and tweaks, we hope you enjoy!
Notable Additions
- Full compatibility with 1.5.4
- The focuses for Canada to intervene in the ACW have been moved to decisions. As a side-effect, you should see Canadian intervention occur a lot more often now
- The AI production system has been completely overhauled. You should now see the AI building a wider variety of units and do so more sensibly. Most notably the AI will now build tanks and motorized units
- The peace conference system has been completely overhauled. While this still isn’t perfect (it’s a finicky system), you should see a lot fewer bizarre results when a war ends in a regular peace conference rather than by event
- Note: there’s still a vanilla bug which affects any country which is in more than two separate wars - when it capitulates, not all enemy countries get invited to the peace conference. We haven’t been able to fix this one sadly
- The annexation events have now been moved to decisions - or, more precisely, they’ve been moved to missions. Once they become active, you have 60 days to select the decision or else the game assumes you are occupying the territory permanently and applies the penalty
- Stability has been totally overhauled, now fully utilizes the new stability counter rather than being a fusion of the old and new systems
- Party popularity totally overhauled, now based around the new counter added to the UI
- Garrison units have been removed, the AI could never use them right and balancing them was near impossible
- The April Fools joke has been removed, near no-one was playing it but it required checks to be run in every game, a performance nightmare
- The combination of the above, along with some behind the scenes work, has improved performance by 5%-10%, though of course your mileage may vary
Added Focuses to:
- Argentina
- Baltic Duchy
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Dutch East Indies
- Dutch Government in Exile
- Ecuador
- Greece
- Insulindia
- Patagonian Worker’s Front
- Peru
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
Added Events to:
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Dutch East Indies
- Dutch Government in Exile
- Ecuador
- Greece
- Insulindia
- Netherlands
- Patagonian Worker’s Front
- Peru
- Siam
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
Added Decisions to:
- Argentina
- Baltic Duchy
- Brazil
- Canada
- Dahomey
- Deutsch-Ostasien
- Dutch East Indies
- Dutch Government in Exile
- Greece
- Insulindia
- Patagonian Worker’s Front
- Peru
- Siam
- Venezuela
- New unit models for the Dutch East Indies, Insulindia, German Government-in-exile and the Austrian sphere
- Russian tsars have had their portraits re-done
- Tech GFX added and assigned around the map, generic infantry weapons especially have almost been crushed
- Added Privacy Policy button, we love you GDPR
- Added a new reference to Winston Churchill
- Added checks to many of the Italian nations to try and stop that suiciding into much larger nations
- Added impassable areas in the Amazon
- Converted Ottoman focus tree over to relative_position_ids to make changes easier to do in the future
- If Canada nears the point of surrender, it has an event to disband the Entente as the king flees into exile.
- Localisation file structure has been redone, fixed a major bug (see below) as well as making things easier for translators
- Much of the mod files have been formatted for readability, anyone working on submods should enjoy this
- Much of the mod has been cleared of trailing white spaces, should again help anyone working on submods and getting merge errors
- National France now begins the game as a major
- Nerfed the Ottoman electronic research bonus from four to two
- Redid the Ottoman Jewish events to avoid some edge case issues
- Redid the Ottoman coring events to not be a performance nightmare
- Removed Facebook button
- Removed devil event kr.political.666, seems to have been a joke that someone sneaked in before we had proper quality control, it just gave you +1% Syndie popularity, I’m not kidding I swear
- Removed war support modifiers for being in an offensive or defensive war, they didn’t play nice with our civil wars
- Reworked Algerian States
- Reworked Chinese States
- Reworked South American strategic zones
- Vietnamese and Australian English Voice Over added
Notable Fixes
- While not a fix in this patch, we thought we’ll mention here that the infamous ‘37 crash was fixed a few weeks ago with PDX’s help
- Several other, rarer, CTD’s have been fixed involving puppeting nations due certain conditions
- A major bug causing vanilla localisation to overwrite mod localiation has been fixed. We aren’t exactly sure have common this bug was, but if you suddenly see a lot more flavor text, this’ll be why
Other Fixes
- A couple of misaligned VPs have been fixed
- A lot of spelling fixes all over, notably to the Italian nations and Transamur
- Added some AI logic to National France’s declaration of war on France
- Belgrade Pact peace events will now include Romania even if Romania dropped out of the faction due to its civil war
- Bulgaria no longer joins the Weltkrieg if it’s a puppet
- CSA strike focuses for PSA and New England can now actually work
- Fixed Russian focus to deal with syndicalist Ukraine to actually check that Ukraine is syndicalist
- Fixed a broken Japanese unit model
- Fixed a bug with Japanese ministers caused by trying to assign dead minister to government posts
- Fixed a missing MAF OOB tooltip
- Fixed event chain where Ireland could potentially peace out its entire faction from a war
- Fixed several MAF ministers being convicted of treason, but then allowed to still be generals
- Fixed several MAF ministers being in two places at once
- Fixed several UoB events firing as news events
- Fixed two Ottoman events that weren’t firing due to checking for the tag ‘NOT’
- Fixed, another, issue with the Japan-Russia-Mongolia-Transamur events where one nation was pupped by a third party
- Japan can no longer invite Hawaii or Philippines into their faction if either country is at war or is a puppet
- Mexico is no longer able to finish invalid focuses
- Several misaligned ports have been realigned, mostly in the Caribbean and Indonesia
- Ships can now pass through the Panama Canal if neutral with the owner
- The Sudanese revolt now actually gives Sudan some units
- The “deal with the devil” between AUS and CSA now works
- Turkestan no longer gets a core in eastern Siberia
- Two rounding errors in Bulgaria fixed
- Wallonia and AFM Australia can no longer peace out the entire Weltkrieg
- When countries are puppeted and then restored to their previous government type by the code, the ideology popularities will now also be reverted - it’s not exact, as but it’s better than before
- And many many other fixes we forgot to note down
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.7 - ‘El Condor Pasa’ as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: Akamber, Anbory, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, DDago, Denizz, Dr. Njitram, Flamefang, Herkles, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Liegnitz, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rinbro, Roparex, Rylock, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, Vidyaország, VirtualHummingbird, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte and Zankoas
Small hotfix to add back in the release nation button, but now with a large warning about using it.
- Added back the release nations button
- Added a large warning about using the release nations button
This ended up being a larger hotfix than we expected, with some nice extra changes we think you will enjoy. While we fixed many CTD’s, the exclusive ‘1937 Crash’ escaped us, we have typed up some advice for people and a longer explanation of it here: Crashes
Otherwise, this patch is looking good and, bar finding a solution to the above, will be the final hotfix for 0.6 and we will turn our full focus to 0.7!
- Added the start of our own custom UI for party popularity, expect more changes in this vein in 0.7
- Rewrote several core parts of our AI code that were behaving in very strange ways
- Added Decisions to Australasia
- Many unit models no longer reset to generic upon researching infantry weapons 3
- Fixed several cases of infantry units not having the proper animations when moving/attacking
- Reduced usage of the generic infantry unit model across the mod
- Miscellaneous
- Button to release countries manually has been removed - there are too many problems when this is done by the player, who would likely be unaware of the issues it could cause
- Party popularity has been added to the top bar interface
- Reduced times for many of the Australasian focuses
- Renamed Benelux strategic region
- Added more flavour events for Australasia
- Nerfed to Austria across the board
- Austrian Status Quo path no longer annexes countries
- Austrian focus tree is stricter about which Ausgleich outcomes allow which path
- Add some more logging
Notable Fixes
- White peace no longer needs to be made with each individual member of a faction any longer (in most cases). This should prevent the frequent glut of white peace pop-ups.
- Fixed French capitulation event not always firing when it should
- Fix for ideology pie chart being unusable due to textbox being too large
- Fix for two possible CTD’s if Papal States or Sardinia agree to puppetry in exchange for their lands, but are still at war
- Fix for possible CTD’s when Russia or Japan puppets Mongolia while it’s still at war
- Fix for rare CTD when two countries receive the annexation event for Cape Verde-Guinea at the same time
- Fixed a major issue with the AI that could cause it to produce far too many garrison and militia units
Other Fixes
- Some minor localisation fixes for Siam
- Transamur is no longer automatically annexed by Japan in 1940 by Mitsue’s death, regardless of whether or not he was the governor
- The UK no longer declares war on the Princely Federation when Carlist Spain refuses to hand over Gibraltar
- It is now possible for the revolters in the South African and Bharatiya civil wars to win again
- Fixed Romania and Greece not being able to leave the Belgrade Pact to declare war on Serbia
- Sardinia can no longer declare war on a non-existent SRI
- Fixed white peace in Russia-Iran war
- Mittelafrika cores/claims are now removed upon its collapse
- Various fixes to Bulgarian & Ottoman/Axis events
- Fixed loc for CSA/AUS surrender events
- Fixed Germany getting an event meant for Qing
- Fixed opinion modifiers upon USA joining the Reichspakt all being reversed
- UoB no longer tries to undermine a syndicalist Norway
- Liberia now also peaces out with Mexico following the ACW
- If the UoB releases an independent Scotland and Wales, they’ll now be added into the Internationale
- Added a work-around to try to get rid of “ghost provinces” that often appear during the Spanish Civil War and the ACW
- Fixed some localisations of city names appearing garbled in certain popups
- Fixed republican cosmetic tag for Portugal
- Removed buggy event chain where Qing negotiates with Mongolia after it conquers Ma Clique
- Reduced cases of Germany stealing Poland away from Austria’s faction
- Restored the post-annexation event of Australasia for the Entente, which wasn’t firing properly
- Home Coming focus for Canada no longer adds claims to the home isles if the United Kingdom already exists
- Indochina no longer sells rubber to Germany with a discount
- Retake California focus for Mexico revised to have more sensible requirements
- Germany’s deal with National France to return their land now actually does so
- PSA can no longer join Germany’s faction if Germany is no longer a faction leader or doesn’t exist
- USA now dismantles the American Alliance before joining the Entente
- Japan can now use Issue Colonial Ultimatum on GEA even if Germany no longer exists
- The Ottomans will no longer be asked whether they’d like to assist Bulgaria in the Balkans War if Bulgaria is at war with them or stole Edirne
- Austria no longer recruits Greece or Albania into its sphere while they’re at war
- Belgium can now actually become independent again
- Leon Degrelle is no longer a field marshal at game start
- Removed a legacy event allowing Fengtian to suddenly join Qing and spam other factions with confusing event text.
- Added missing Shangqing cores to new states in Western China.
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.6.3 as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Akamber, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, DDago, Delincious, Denizz, Dr. Njitram, Flamefang, Herkles, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Liegnitz, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Packard, Pietrus, Rinbro, Roparex, Rylock, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, VirtualHummingbird, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte and Zankoas
0.6.2 - ‘Podcat's Gift’
1.5.3 is out and fixed a lot of our issues, both performance and stability wise. We’ve also got a new logging technique that has greatly sped up our hunt for CTDs and OOS errors so we’ve finally got some of the stranger ones. If all goes well this will be the final hotfix for 0.6, but we’ll keep an eye out for any major issues. With all the fixes and quality of life changes this is the release of 0.6 we wanted, so naturally we owe PDX a big thank you for their help, and as always, a big thank you to you, our players!
- Full compatibility with 1.5.2
- Full compatibility with 1.5.3
- Fixed a major performance drain due to incorrectly scripted focus checks, should see a gain of 5%-10%, though your mileage will vary.
- Added logging for the mod’s events, focuses and decisions - you’ll see them in the game log and it’s a useful tool for us to see what’s happening in the game and to track down errors (such as crashes). It won’t solve all problems, but it’s useful and is something a user can include in bug reports to us.
- Added some new icons for the Commune of France
- Added new tech icons courtesy of Lamp’s Equipment Icons and Unique Infantry Equipment
- Refined several Austrian GFX assets
- Changed the generic admiral portraits to have the same framing as other portraits
- Added new Japanese tech icons
- Gave the Pope new Roman based GFX
- De-Nazified generic German generals
- Carlist Spain no longer cores or claims Olivença
- The white peace event of Ostasien-Indochinese war is now a decision
- Many smaller refinements to Iran, both bugfixes and QOL changes
- Adjusted the featured ideas for Germany
- Improved the Iranian AI
- Bulgaria no longer outright seizes Edirne
- Removed pagan imagery from the Roman Kingdom path for the Papal State, Deus lo Vult!
- Updated the credits
- Hid unfinished Ottoman focuses that did nothing
- Added a large number of sanity checks to the Lithuania focus tree and accompanying events
- Added an event explaining that Albanian and Bulgaria do have foreign policy, it is just handled via decisions rather than focuses
- Added decisions to let Iran core some of the land it conquers
- Removed some performance hogging checks relating to injured army leaders
- Added proper peace events for the main participants in the ACW, to get around the recent peace conference issue where multi-sided wars could end up with some participants not being invited to the peace conference
- Added Siamese leader localisation
- Germany's 'Expand Singapur Airstrip' now also work if GEA owns Singapur
- O'Duffy dying naturally no longer blocks the non-syndicalist military branch of Ireland's focus tree
- Added addition sanity checks to the Shammar focus tree
- Reduced Iran's starting factories a bit
- Added event for Liberia to peace out with the ACW victor
- Germany will now ignore Portugal during the war with MAF, it will also ignore MAF's various rebellions
- Added all sorts of sanity checks to the MAF collapse
- Replaced Commune equipment bearing the names of NFA companies
- Austria is now informed when Switzerland wants to join their alliance
- Reorganised German events for Black Monday
- Adjusted German VP
- Malta no longer has a core at gamestart
- Optimised the old April Fools joke code, what a sentence
- Removed a strange one-in-a-million Sino-Russian alliance
- A significant number of quality of life changes, sanity checks and minor adjustments to Mongolia
- Added several sanity checks to UK focuses
- Added several sanity checks to Albanian decisions
- Added several sanity checks to Bulgarian focuses
- Added some missing bypasses to Bulgarian focuses
- Added a peace event for a failed Serbian intervention in the Romanian Civil War
Notable Fixes
- Fixed a CTD in the Bulgarian decisions
- Fixed several CTDs in the Lithuanian focus tree
- Fixed a CTD and OOS issue caused by a naughty trio of Yunnan events that would loop forever, probably a performance nightmare as well
- Fixed a bug in the Lithuanian focus tree that could cause WKII to end suddenly
- Fixed a bug in the Ireland focus tree that could cause WKII to end suddenly
- Fixed people jumping between two different stability levels when they’re sitting at the threshold between them
- Fixed a major bug preventing the Austro-Hungarian war from firing
- Fixed several CTDs caused by puppeting nations while in a complicated war
- Fixed a CTD caused by missing checks when trying to puppet the United Baltic Duchy
Other Fixes
- Fixed a number of exploits in Germany’s naval construction programme
- Fixed some GFX not showing due to capitalization errors
- Fixed a ton of leading spaces in localisation
- The Soviets can no longer inspire a coup in a non-existing Transumar
- Fixed some typos in Libyan and Sardinian localisation
- A multitude of bug fixes for USA, Canada and UK
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the switch from Russia to the Soviets happening when it should
- Fixed Siamese duplicate division name list bug
- Fixed a bug when the same leader is presented on both sides of the Siamese Civil War
- Siamese CW no longer triggers the “Fall of Bangkok” news event (and thus no more meme for you)
- Fixed the Ottomans changing to Turkey in the middle of a war
- Fixed Germany stealing land from MAF in a few strange places
- Fixed several bugs in the Siamese political tree
- Sardinia no longer needs to own Flanders in order to core Piemonte
- Fixed faulty Portugal trigger which was preventing them from joining the Entente when intended
- The USA can no longer grant states it doesn't control to Mexico during their war
- Fixed the Unite Italy decision
- Wilhelm II can no longer come back to life, sadly
- Several miscellaneous fixes for Najd
- Fixed several opinion modifiers being applied to dead nations
- Fixed an oversight that rendered the Dutch junta path unable to fix Black Monday
- Fixed Portugal joining the entente prematurely, which should also fix the Entente getting involved in the Rumuva War
- Fixed several instances of faulty localization in Shammar and Nejd
- You now need to own Kuwait to upgrade Kuwait’s ports
- Fixed Gabon not getting French equipment after successfully begging
- Prevented 1/10th of all events fired in a standard Kaiserreich game being the Philippines changing their flag
- Fixed some incorrectly sized Dutch flags
- Fixed a missing Kurdish core
- Fixed several Chinese lakes having no owners
- Removed Pilsudski's conditional immortality
- Removed MacArthur’s immortality for good measure
- Fixed several broken bits of Austrian localisation
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.6.2 - ‘Podcat’s Gift’ as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Akamber, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, DDago, Delincious, Denizz, Dr. Njitram, Flamefang, Herkles, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Liegnitz, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Packard, Pietrus, Rinbro, Roparex, Rylock, Sbadkins4, Sea Lion, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, VirtualHummingbird, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte and Zankoas
Minor save game compatible update to tell users to play on 1.5.3 now that it is released.
- Updated warning about 1.5.2 to now direct players to 1.5.3 rather than 1.5.1
Another small save game compatible hot-hotfix to fix a small sound bug
- Fixed a minor issue with the white peace sound
Small save game compatible hot-hotfix to fix, for real this time, Yemen's missing leader
- Fixed Yemens leader having a blank portrait
Got a lot to say about the last few days, so much in fact I can’t fit it all here, see all we know here.
The short version is things aren’t perfect, but very much improved from release; steam is all good again at the very least. Thank you for bearing with us and we hope you enjoy 0.6.1!
The KR4 team
- Added Austrian decisions for greater influence over the outcome of the 1936 elections
- Added Ottoman decisions to influence the war a bit more
- Added German East Asia decisions to regain the cores in Cochinchina
- Added event explain 1.5.2 slowdown and what can be done about it
- Added event explaining dynamic focus trees (No they aren’t missing…)
- Added more tech icons from Lamp’s Eqpt Icons have been integrated (thanks again 电灯弗里曼)
- German East Asia now has German equipment GFX
- Al-Hajara and Kuwait are now in the Arabian strategic region
- Bulgaria can now continue the war against the Ottomans after the treaty of Edirne
- The Ottomans can now flood the Tigris-Euphrates plain to slow down Iranian-Arabian advances
- Egypt is now less likely to piss of Arabia when Iran wins the Ottoman war
- Rashidi-Saudi war has been rebalanced so it doesn’t last as long
- Wallonia now no longer starts an early WK without player intervention
- Turkey is now a soft red instead of flashy green
- Slightly changed Iran's starting units
- Changed automatic communard names to remove aristocratic-sounding ones
- You can now retain the Panama canal when annexing Panama
- Nerfed the Dmitri path for Russia
- Tried to make the Russian Civil War a bit less likely
- CNT receives slightly less units when spawning
- Removed an absolute warning from Japan
- If Germany joins Ostasien-Indochinese war, Indochinese Union will receive volunteers from the Internationale
- Germany now begins with an Imperial Pride spirit which raises their surrender limit
- Credits updated
- Readme updated
- CSA has less starting units
- Yemen now has a portrait for its leader! And other related issues from steam have been fixed
- Various fixes to the Netherlands, including focus bypasses not having to be done manually anymore
- The Ottoman Empire will no longer defend Cyprus like a bunch of rabid crusaders
- Saudi Arabia no longer has claims on Yemen territory which led to early wars
- Iran won’t magically spawn Egypt out of thin air anymore
- The Last stand idea for the Ottoman Empire now gets removed in case of Ottoman victory
- Egypt will no longer take Kurdish territory without asking Kurdistan
- Sea Doggos have been sent packing
- Doggos have also been removed from the tech screen for those running on 1.5.1
- The Land Reform event chain of Indochinese Union can be correctly finished
- Pluralist Austria should be less of an industrial juggernaut
- Various Iran bugs fixed, including peace with Entente, peace with Germany spam for German player, the Shining Democracy idea having the communist picture, Reza Khan name fix, and Azerbaijan war changes.
- Ukrainian units will no longer have ? in their names
- Nikolai Yudenich will never be the leader of the United Baltic Duchy for anyone else than Russia
- Fixed being able to annex Transamur as Russia without any opposition if Transamur was a puppet of someone else than Japan
- Numerous annexation event fixes including Egypt no longer released with its Syrian holdings
- When Germany capitulates, countries will no longer peace out with countries they don’t border (either personally or through an ally/puppet) on another continent if they control any coastal state in that country
- Sweden’s Black Monday spirit can now actually be removed. Keep in mind that Sweden is still WIP and not really fully playable.
- Ireland can now actually remove their Black Monday effects
- Kingdom of Spain and Carlist Spain joining factions now works once again
- Mittelafrika no longer goes independent with the Goering focus - it was only ever intended to become a nominal puppet
- Australasia’s Oversized Fleet spirit now goes away on its own if their fleet size drops significantly
- Australasia’s carrier no longer starts with too many planes loaded onto it
- Ethiopia’s constitution chain no longer has a chance of stalling if two or more of the ideologies are equal in popularity
- CNT’s focus which used to sponsor a syndicalist coup in Portugal now just gives them a war goal against Portugal instead
- Significant localisation improvements for nations added in 0.6
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.6.1 as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Akamber, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, DDago, Delincious, Denizz, Flamefang, Herkles, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Liegnitz, Medizine, Miklos Horthy, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Packard, Pietrus, Rinbro, Roparex, Rylock, Sea Lion, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, VirtualHummingbird, Wladyslaw Sikorski, WordZero, Wyandotte and Zankoas
0.6 - ‘Garibaldi's Nightmare’
It’s been a while hasn’t it? We have been thoroughly enjoying Waking the Tiger and all the new tools it has brought us; I’m sure you will enjoy what we have done with them. Not only that, but this patch also brings the Italian and Middle East reworks which will hopefully spice up gameplay in those areas, not to mention new content to many other nations all over the world. Waking the Tiger is not required for this patch, for more information see the ingame starting events. While 1.5 ‘Cornflakes’ is very exciting it has also brought with it many things that need changing so bugs are to be expected, please be patient with us and report on the github with as much detail as possible. Finally, thank you for bearing with us for what has been a very, very long wait. We promise it was worth it!
The KR4 team
- Completely reworked the Italian peninsula, complete with new tags
- Completely reworked the Middle East, complete with new tags
- Compatibility with 1.5 ‘Cornflakes’
- Compatibility with 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 hotfixes
- Added German East Asia as a starting tag
- Added division namelists for all tags in the game
- Added preliminary decisions
- Preliminary updates to the new ‘Cornflakes’ stability system
- Reworked map in China in preparation for future rework
- World tension is now controlled via scripted major events rather than via peace conferences and minor events
Added focus trees to:
- Albania
- Australasia
- Dahomey
- Emilia
- Gabon
- German East-Asia
- Indochina
- Iran
- Jabal Shammar
- Katanga
- Lombardia
- Morocco
- Muscat
- Nejd
- Papal State
- Sardinia
- Sudwestafrika
- Tripolitania
- Tuscany
- Two Sicilies
- Venice
- Wallonia
- Yemen
Reworked/expanded focus trees of:
- Austria
- Bulgaria
- Carlist Spain
- Egypt
- Flanders
- Flanders-Wallonia
- Germany
- Mittelafrika
- Netherlands
- Republic of Italy
- Socialist Republic of Italy
- Switzerland
- Union of Britain
Added events to:
- Bulgaria
- Egypt
- Emilia
- Flanders
- Flanders-Wallonia
- Germany
- Iran
- Jabal Shammar
- Japan
- Katanga
- Lombardia
- Mittelafrika
- Muscat
- Nejd
- Ottoman Empire
- Papal State
- Republic of Italy
- Sardinia
- Socialist Republic of Italy
- Switzerland
- Transamur
- Tripolitania
- Tuscany
- Two Sicilies
- Venice
- Wallonia
- Yemen
Added decisions to:
- Albania
- Belgrade Pact (Serbia, Greece and Romania)
- Bulgaria
- Burma (Wartime Decisions)
- Cairo Pact (Mashriq, Egypt, Tripolitania, Najd, Jabal Shammar, and Iran)
- Deutsch-Ostasien
- Flanders-Wallonia
- Indochinese Union
- Republic of Italy
- Royalist Romania (Civil War)
- Siam (Wartime Decisions)
- Socialist Republic of Italy
- New unit models for Carlist Spain (courtesy of A Carton of Juice), Iran, the French Republic, Sicily, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania, The Papal State, Sardinia, Jabal Shammar, Nejd, Oman, Netherlands, Flanders-Wallonia, Dominican Republic, *Norway, Greece, Albania, Liberia, Venezuela, Piratini, Deutsche Ostasien, Ma Clique, Kikuyuland, Hausaland, Zanzibar, Lombardia and dozens of other nations around the globe
- Added some tech icons to Flanders-Wallonia and the Netherlands
- Added tech icons to Germany and the RoI courtesy of 电灯弗里曼 of “Lamp’s Eqpt Icons”
- Dozens of new portraits and pictures for all nations
- Fixed the Union Flag proportions and redid the coat of arms for the Union of Britain flag
- Gave 500+ ministers pictures who were previously either missing them, had low quality ones or had pictures of totally different people
- Many lower quality portraits have been updated
- Many new focus and idea icons
- Annexed Northern China can now be passed to an ally or puppet Fengtian
- Japan can now backstab Russia if they so wish
- All countries now have a proper independent peace AI
- A whole of heap of redundant code and art assets removed
- Improved file structure
- Redid Communard borders and states
- Tripolitania will now fix its horrendous western bordergore if it's in the same faction as Egypt
- Flanders-Wallonia now controls Dunkirk (Duinkerke!)
- Redid Flandro-Wallonian-German border
- Updated Flemish-Wallonian OOB
- Redid Benelux states
- Gave Adalbert I a new suit and promoted him to Field Marshal
- Changed the Wallonian early WK scenario to be less volatile
- Split Baden-Wurttemberg
- Merged Saarland into Moselland
- Communards now control Nice and Savoie, but Switzerland now controls Haute-Savoie. The former Romandie crisis now primarily focuses on Haute-Savoie as a result.
- The Union of Britain is now a member of the Internationale at game start
- Added and/or updated leader localisation to South Africa, National France, Union of *Britain, United Kingdom, Canada, Poland, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Lithuania, *Dominion of India, Germany, Germany-In-Exile, and Portugal
- Expanded state renaming for Polish, German, Lithuanian, Latvian, Occitan, Belarusian, *Turkish, Arabic, and Estonian
- Portugal now properly renames Zambia/Vorbecksland to Lacerdia once the Pink Map is completing and has names in Portuguese for states in the area
- Localized many state names
- White Ruthenia renamed to ‘Belorussia’
- Oman renamed to ‘Muscat’
- The Axis has been reformed into the Cairo Pact and is Egypt’s Faction
- Country colors for the nations of the constituent nations of Austria-Hungary and splinter-states of a Balkanized Germany have been redone
- Portugal’s starting OOB buffed, especially on the naval front
- De-Sykes-Picoted Middle East: new state borders and new releasable configuration.
- Updated Central American & Caribbean population numbers
- The Sudan has more States.
- Redone Congolese borders and updated population
- Indonesia renamed to ‘Insulindia’
- Redone states in the Indonesian archipelago and updated population numbers
- Complete update of Syrian, Iraqi, Palestinian and Kurdish parties and leaders
- Removed free units for Romania during the civil war as countries send volunteers
- Serbia will now almost always intervene in the Romanian Civil War. If Serbia intervenes for Iron Guard Romania, they will guarantee them to prevent Bulgaria from easily conquering them
- Serbia is much less likely to create the Belgrade Pact if the Romanian Civil War is still going on
- Voice Over now works properly for TfV and DoD owners
- Added Portuguese VOs
- Improved Japanese peace deals with Germany to respond better
Incomplete Content
- While the China and USA rework is coming along nicely, they won’t be ready for a while yet. We know you have been waiting for them for a while, but it will be longer yet I’m afraid.
- Vietnam, New Zealand, Royalist Romania, Sweden, Japan and Greece were all scheduled to get reworked in this patch, but sadly got cut due to time or unforeseen circumstance. Hopefully they will make it into next patch.
- Much planned content for releasable nations, notably in Africa and Southeast Asia, was also sadly cut due to time, again hopefully will make it into next patch.
- The German and associated ME rework was sadly not able to be completed fully in to, some of the preliminary work is in, but expect the full rework to follow soon.
Notable Fixes
- Over 100 rare CTD’s fixed
- Many of these would be more common in multiplayer games that lasted into the 1940’s, so may have been the cause of the issues there
- Fixed map errors in southern Canada, Florida, Finland, Hungary and the Balkans that caused the AI and frontlines to do funky things
- Fixed a major bug in our AI peace conference code that impacted a lot of nations but notably led Austria to only annex Greece, only for the Balkan nations to declare war upon them again. No more 14th Balkan War!
- Significant bugs that were preventing vital Mittelafrika events firing have been fixed
- Significant bugs caused by duplicate events fixed in the Russia-Japan-Mongolia events
- The German capitulation event chain has been completely re-written. Among the notable effects: occupied states by non-faction members will be retained after the capitulation, so long as they connect to either their home territory or the coast. German troops will no longer remain indefinitely in Germany. Territory occupied in Mittelafrika and AOG will be retained in much the same manner as in Germany, and some additional logic has been added to the exchange of territories throughout.
- An issue regarding units sitting around in former enemy territory after a white peace (it’s a vanilla issue, but one Paradox hasn’t fixed yet) meant instituting a system where the AI can get military access for 30 days to countries it doesn’t have access to. This gets the units moving, so if you notice the access happening that’s why. It is indeed removed after 30 days, however.
- Several 1000 errors in minister files have been fixed, everything from wrong ideologies to totally missing effects
Other Fixes
- General localisation improvements for Japan, Russia, Portugal, American Union State, *Combined Syndicates, Flanders-Wallonia, Lithuania, and Switzerland
- Fixed various localisation errors for Belorussia, Mittelafrika, Canada, Mexico, United *States, Ukraine, Combined Syndicates, Union of Britain, Poland, Anarchist Spain, Siam, *Germany, Switzerland, Flanders-Wallonia, and Mongolia (and probably more)
- Added missing localisation for Belorussia, Mittelafrika, Canada, Ukraine, Transamur, *Combined Syndicates, Union of Britain and Mongolia
- Kolchak is no longer referred to in Transamur annexation if he’s already dead
- Russia is no longer happy when Japan pardons the Mad Baron
- Sternberg is now removed as a commander when killed
- Everyone now hates expansionist Russia like they’re supposed to
- Fixed Peru not being able to enforce a union with a totalist Bolivia
- Fixed Peru forming a union with a Puppeted Bolivia
- Removed constant re-spawning Union of Britain leaders
- Optimized overall Union of Britain and Russia event code
- Philip Snowden no longer remains as head of the Federationists if Mosley or y Glais gets a majority in Britain
- Philip Snowden is no longer a possible Exchequer for the Union of Britain
- Union of Britain leaders no longer retire if they’re still politically active
- Having Horner pick G.D.H. Cole as General Secretary no longer makes Britain go Totalist
- Fixed Union of Britain post devolution election not setting ruling party properly
- Eric Blair becoming a Radical Socialist during a cold, wet day is no longer a secret
- Added missing flag to Centroamerican trade policy event
- Nat France now gains a core on 'Alpes' when returning to the mainland. Returning now also removes claims on cored provinces.
- Renamed a Communard design company
- Fixed certain Ottoman planes not having a spectral map
- Fixed small Azerbaijan flag having wrong dimensions
- Fixed Belorussian election allowing two focus paths to be taken
- Fixed Russian focus 'Demand Greater Armenia' requiring both Turkey and the Ottomans to exist.
- Fixed a few province renaming bugs
- Fixed bug where Denmark releasing Iceland would leave Canada unable to demand the other Danish overseas territories
- Independent Namibia is no longer called ‘Südwestafrika’
- Restricted a puppet Centroamérica from starting wars with other nations
- The US succeeding in a coup against Mexico now kicks Mexico out of whatever faction they’re in
- Centroamerica and the United Provinces now have cosmetic tags for when they are divided by a foreign nation (Guatemala and Nicaragua)
- Ukrainian economic events now add/remove buildings to predetermined provinces rather than at random
- Bonus for United Kingdom’s ‘Liberal Welfare’ reduced
- Independent Flemish leaders no longer have Adalbert's leader description
- Belgium can no longer reroute all German shipping through Antwerp when they are enemies
- Germany must have created the Kaiser Wilhelm Society before Switzerland can join it
- Optimized spawning of the Kaiser
- Communard France no longer like themselves for staying out of the Romandy crisis
- France no longer invites countries that don’t exist to the First Congress
- Merging the French chairmanships no longer causes Faure to die and Valois to clone himself
- Russia no longer sends itself an ultimatum to release Tannu Tuva
- Wrangel no longer has to die to be coronated as Tsar
- If Germany dislikes women’s rights, France now dislikes Germany instead of the other way around
- The Bharatiya moderates winning the election is no longer overshadowed by the fact that Gandhi exists
- Fixed backwards logic on the Russian focus for declaring war on Japan - it no longer requires Japan NOT to own the Japanese islands for Russia to attack them
- Fixed Russian focus tooltip using wrong state names to refer to Fengtian states
- The Russian focus to demand Greater Armenia no longer cancels itself constantly
- Fixed a bug where Russia demanding Greater Armenia would result in an Ottoman exclave in Lazistan
- Fixed a bug where Russia backing down from Georgia would make Azerbaijan, not Georgia, happy
- Communard France shouldn’t declare the acquisition of Romandy a success before it has actually happened
- Fixed the Qing asking themselves for help if Japan attacks them
- Change the focus descriptions of Russia’s “Bjorko Act” and “Intervene in the Second Weltkrieg” to indicate that they can entail Russia joining a faction
- Fixed Russia being asked whether they want to release Belorussia the second after they chose to integrate it by way of national focus
- Fixed Ukraine being mad at Germany for abandoning them even if Germany chose to help
- Allow Russia to retake their Baltic territories if the Duchy has exploded and Estonia and *Latvia are in a faction with France or Germany
- Fixed a bug where the Paris Summit would accidentally make the PSA return cores to the CSA. Now only cores owned by Mexico will be returned.
- Fixed a bug where Russia got the event to support the rebellion against a Russia-friendly Pribaltika
- Changed dates for the release of Modern Times and the Battle of the Overpass
- Attendees of the Second Congress of the Internationale now like each other instead of an empty void
- Fixed Sorelian and Anarchist foreign policies being mixed up at the 1941 French Congress
- Central American state and victory point names are now entirely localized to the languages of their respective nations
- A French amy no longer spawns in Brussels with the outbreak of the second Weltkrieg
- Germany now actually cedes Luxembourg to Belgium when they agree to do so in the Treaty of Arlon
- The Swiss idea “Memories of Geneva” can now actually be removed
- Generals are now transferred between countries in the South African and Spanish civil wars, rather than deleted and re-created, so gained levels and traits are no longer lost.
- Fixed an issue involving a Fengtian general’s defection, thanks to new Cornflakes mechanics.
- If Germany has made a deal with Canada to return British land, they will consider doing so before they decide whether to release British puppets. The return code now takes into account Scottish and Welsh land, which might not have British cores by this point.
- The Canadian decision to restore the UK now allows for Canadian puppets to own the land and automatically takes them into account. The code for GBR release has been cleaned up and some bugs with it fixed.
- Fixed some instances where New England could be released with territory not belonging to the releasing country.
- PSA becoming the USA after Civil War victory now lets USA inherit PSA’s technology.
- Additional sanity check added for the Siamese Civil War, hopefully works perfectly now
And many other fixes we forgot to write down
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.6 ‘Garibaldi's Nightmare’ as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Akamber, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Cinzya, CrazyZombie, DDago, Delincious, Denizz, Flamefang, Herkles, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Liegnitz, Medizine, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, Packard, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rinbro, Rylock, Sea Lion, TheBeezKneez, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, TornadoWatch, VirtualHummingbird, WordZero, Wyandotte, Zankoas
A small save game compatible fix to resolve a CTD added in 0.5.4, with some minor other fixes to boot.
- Fixed a CTD in the German naval focus tree
- Fixed a number of localisation errors added in 0.5.4
- Fixed an OOB error for Bulgaria
- Fixed main menu song not playing
- Updated main menu song with a higher quality version
Released due to missing some changes in the initial upload.
- Fixed Plock getting left out of peace deals
- Typo fix for Bulgaria
- Updated Die Wacht am Rhein to a new Christmas version
0.5.4 - 'Birthday Cake'
I’d like to give an extra thanks to all the new team members who helped with this patch, this patch would have either been much smaller or much later without their work. This patch is mostly polish, with many quality of life changes and bug fixes, notability fixing front lines and lakes which I think we can all agree has been a pain for awhile. Hopefully this will be the last patch for 0.5 and we can focus on 0.6, but we will keep an eye out for major bugs as normal. Finally, another thanks to all those using the new bug reporting system, it has made our lives much easier.
The KR4 Team
- A few minor optimisations to do with redundant checks and events
- A victorious France is now more likely to partition Germany, and less likely to directly seize the Rhineland.
- Added a small arms design company to Ukraine
- Added leader and idea descriptions to the Kingdom of Spain
- Added leader localisation to Austria, Bharatiya Commune, Commune of France, Flanders-Wallonia, Japan, Mexico, Mongolia, Poland, Portugal, Princely Federation, Ukraine and White Ruthenia
- Added missing annexation events for MLY and TRM
- Added missing focus descriptions for Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela and the United States
- Added proper state names for Switzerland
- Added several new war names
- Added ‘Secure Nis’ focus for Bulgaria
- Added/improved states in Australasia, Bulgaria and Greece
- Centroamerican localisation totally overhauled and now complete
- Changed Roman von Ungern-Sternberg to be a paternal autocrat rather than a national populist
- Cleaned up Bolivian idea descriptions
- Cleaned up event descriptions for Icelandic fuel deal chain
- Cleaned up some rouge spaces and tabs in code
- Improved localisation for several news events
- Made all lakes part of states
- Major border refinements in Bulgaria and Greece
- Nerfed Bulgarian ideas ‘Call to Arms’ and ‘Bulgarian Militarism’
- Several small QoL changes for Germany
- Several small QoL changes for UoB
- Significant QoL changes for Mongolia
- United Provinces localisation totally overhauled and now complete
- Updated localisation for Egypt, Germany In Exile, Legation Cities, Mongolia, Ottoman Empire, Ukraine and White Ruthenia
- Added new Dutch sound effects
- Added sprites for Russian mechanized and motorized
- Added Tuvan portraits
- Fixed some minor errors in new flags added in 0.5
- Minor refinements to a few Russian portraits
- New GFX for Mongolia added
- Several new GFX added for Australasia
- Updated and expanded Dutch airplane sprites
- Notably, several major bugs fixed all over the place caused by people using goverment rather than government in code
- A few small fixes for the Centroamerican focus tree
- Added several missing bypasses in the German focus tree
- Added three missing Serbian general portraits
- Can no longer become a absolute monarchy when you’re syndicalist Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
- cuba.4 will now fire correctly for Cuba rather than Canada
- Fix Bulgaria-Serbia peace affecting Belgrade Pact members when not in the war
- Fixed CAR/CNT not getting proper ideas when elected
- Fixed Colombia not requiring the Galapagos islands to take the 'Pacify Ecuador' focus, nor gaining a core there after taking the focus
- Fixed Germany not gaining a core on Vorarlburg when annexing Austria and choosing to go Grossdeutschland
- Fixed Japan annexing mongolia instead of Russia in several event chains
- Fixed a typo in the Danish army
- Fixed an event option for gerdom.56
- Fixed an incorrect state reference in some Russian events
- Fixed an issue where Centroamerica couldn’t annex the Canal in certain circumstances
- Fixed japfor.39 firing when Japan didn't control German East Asia
- Fixed mixed up Ho Chi Minh events
- Fixed multiple broken focus descriptions for Chile
- Fixed multiple broken focus descriptions for Venezuela
- Fixed multiple focus GFX not showing up when taken
- Fixed numerous bugs with the CSA constitutional convention
- Fixed several Siam events firing more than once when they shouldn’t
- Fixed several bugs caused by people thinking CA = CV
- Fixed several war names added last patch not working as they should
- Fixed the Cyprus annexation event not working as it should
- Fixed two broken German companies
- Germany can no longer sell Ceylon to a non existent Princely Federation
- Germany owning Plock is no longer a prerequisite for some Polish focuses
- Improved bypass detection in the Russian focus tree
- Lots of localisation fixes
- Made Belgium correctly peace out of wars when they leave Mitteleuropa
- MassachusettEs? Massachusetts
- Multiple outstanding Mongolian bugs fixed
- Reclaim Oregon focus now checks if the PSA controls Idaho
- Several more wrong way round opinion modifiers fixed
- Several unknown character errors fixed
- Various fixes for Bulgaria focus tree
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.5.4 ‘Birthday Cake’ as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Ahearne, Akamber, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, BattleSarge, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Cinzya, CrazyZombie, DDago, Denizz, Flamefang, Gibzit, Herkles, Indyclone, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Kraken, Medizine, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Packard, Raptor Jesus, Rinbro, Rylock, Sea Lion, Skullcrusher, TheBeezKneez, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, VirtualHummingbird, Wyandotte, Zankoas
0.5.3 - 'Third Strike'
Sorry for the wait on this patch, but on the up side it is bigger than we planned. There are a lot of bug fixes here, notably a fix for the Ottoman CTD. We also have some minor content additions along with some quality of life fixes; Germany has received a buf, Morocco is now released at game start, wars now have custom scripted names and more localisation work has been done. We are hoping this will be the last patch for 0.5, but we will keep watching and if any issues do arise we will of course issue a fix. Finally, thanks to everyone using the new bug tracker, it is making our lives much easier.
The KR4 team
- Added a Central Asian namelist
- Added an event for Germany in Exile to gain a German Empire cosmetic tag
- Added an event to let the overlord of Romania choose whether to create a republic or keep the monarchy
- Added new localisation to Austria
- Added new localisation to Fengtian
- Added new localisation to Liberia
- Added new localisation to Mexico
- Added new localisation to Siam
- Bulgaria now has a claim on Nis
- German-Polish border has been redrawn
- Germany can now keep Crete if they annex Greece
- Improved German AI
- Japanese party names overhauled
- Marginally increased German early game PP
- Minor balance changes to Fengtian
- Minor balance changes to Siam
- Nerfs to Siamese, Filipino and Vietnamese military commander stats
- New Leader and Commander list for the Indochinese Union
- New Leader and Commander list for Vietnam
- Morocco now starts as a puppet of Germany
- Reduced impact of Romanian oil shortage on Germany
- Reduced the time for several German focuses
- Reverted reordering of German political focuses in 0.5.2
- Updated team credits
- War localisations are now scripted with custom flavour names
- Added new focus icons for Iron Guard Romania
- Added new focus icons for Royalist Romania
- Added new focus icons for Serbia
- Added some new sprites for Germany
- Updated a few older idea icons
- Updated a few older portraits
- A rare bug where Russia would defeat Japan but not get Transamur fixed
- Another fix for the Japanese Centralist route
- Australasia will no longer get the Dominion of India’s Imperial Conference event and vice versa
- Ethiopia will now core all of Eritrea as it should
- Event for annexing Commune of France as Germany event is no longer broken
- Fengtian will now get the “War of National Reclamation” idea, even if not declaring war on Qing via focus
- Fixed Ethiopian and Somalian focuses not bypassing their respective wargoal focuses once one is already a puppet the other
- Fixed George V retiring when he should be dying
- Fixed Germany research bonuses being the wrong way round at times
- Fixed Ireland joining the Entente after Germany has capitulated
- Fixed Soviet claims not apply correctly
- Fixed a Siamese event firing for not Siam
- Fixed a Tibetan event firing endlessly
- Fixed a building slot error in the Egyptian focus tree
- Fixed a few news events firing when they shouldn’t
- Fixed artillery localisation for Liberia
- Fixed some Fengtian events firing endlessly
- Fixed the AoG getting annexed after asking for help
- Fixed ‘Women Soldiers’ idea icon not showing for the Union of Britain
- ISAC focus for Delhi now works as intended
- Japan will no longer give aid to a rebellious Fengtian
- Many fixes for annexation events
- Minor fixes to Monoligan localisation
- Minor spelling fixes for Germany
- Minor spelling fixes for Switzerland
- Missing Cyprus annexation event added
- Poland should no longer take anti-German focuses once puppeted
- Several missing sanity checks for White Ruthenia have been added
- Several missing sanity checks for the Commune of France have been added
- Soviet anime studios are no longer a thing, this upsets us as well
- Various fixes to the German language text for MAF
- Various minor fixed for Ireland
- White Ruthenia should no longer take anti-German focuses once puppeted
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.5.3 ‘Third Strike’ as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Ahearne, Akamber, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, BattleSarge, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Cinzya, CrazyZombie, DDago, Denizz, Flamefang, Gibzit, Herkles, Indyclone, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Kraken, Medizine, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Packard, Raptor Jesus, Rinbro, Rylock, Sea Lion, Skullcrusher, TheBeezKneez, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, VirtualHummingbird, Wyandotte, Zankoas
0.5.2h - 'Spooky Scary Skeletons'
Happy Halloween everyone! As a little treat, we have a special Halloween update for you. It is just a cosmetic update, and will be 100% save game compatible. Now I am aware we have promised that before, so if you are having issues, remember you can download old version from the forums here:, we hope you enjoy your Halloween, and remember to check out our progress reports every Friday to see how 0.6 is coming along.
The KR4 team
- Added magic™ Halloween GFX
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.5.2h 'Spooky Scary Skeletons' as much as we did making it!
How To Stop Being A Puppet In Hoi4
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Ahearne, Akamber, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Cinzya, CrazyZombie, Denizz, Flamefang, Gibzit, Herkles, hyvinvointinionvaakalaudalla, Indyclone, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Kornilov, Kraken, MaelTec, Medizine, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Packard, Raptor Jesus, Rylock, Sea Lion, Skullcrusher, TheBeezKneez, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, Wyandotte, Zankoas
0.5.2 - 'Second Strike'
As is becoming a worrying tradition for us, 0.5 was not an ideal release. That being said, the 0.5.1 hotfix seems to have fixed nearly all the issues, so we are almost proud to give you a slightly smaller hotfix. Along with many bug fixes, there are also several quality of life changes; the Union of Britain will no longer take Devolution until WKII is over, the nerfs to industrial tech have been mostly reverted, puppets will take industry focuses and the AI will no longer drown in occupation policy costs. These things aren’t as exciting as new focus tress, but nevertheless, we hope you will enjoy these changes.
The KR4 team
- Significant localisation work has been done, particularly on nations that got new content in 0.5
- The industrial tech nerfs have mostly reverted
- Factory costs have been increased by 10% to compensate
- Added a new National Spirit icon for Fengtian
- Added a new flag for the Soviet Union Internationalists
- Added a new portrait for Frank Merriam
- Added new flags for Mozambique
- Added new flags for the United Kingdom and her subjects
- Improved the portrait of Napoleon IV
- New Icon for the R.E.D Focus, thanks to Discord user Celt
- Added an event warning the player about unfinished Chinese nations
- Added unique localisation to several Mittelafrikan events that were sharing localisation previously
- Altered some Fengtian localization for better clarity
- Changes have been made to the AI code so that puppets will now take their industrial focuses
- Devolution for the Union of Britain now requires the Weltkrieg to be over before it can be taken
- Fengtian no longer gets extra PP via high and very high popularity ideas as part of the National Irredentism branch, and instead moves from low to medium popularity, then gaining a special timed PP Spirit instead
- “Preservation of the Xinhai Order” National Spirit now gives slightly more PP to compensate for the above
- Fengtian’s post-reclamation war conquest events will now fire at a slower pace
- Made quenched militarism harder to remove for Germany
- Mantetsu Influence Spirits now have stronger negative effects
- Mexico now won’t take any more states in the American Civil War than the ones it claims
- Minor tweaks to the United Baltic Duchy history files
- Nerfed Germany focuses by 120 political power
- Overhauled Fengtian’s starting OOB
- Removed several broken Spartakiade events
- Several balance tweaks to Egypt
- Several balance tweaks to Fengtian
- To help the AI, gentle occupation policy now has no political power cost
- Tunisian can now get a white peace with National France if successful in its revolt
- Tweaked Serbia AI to make it less willing to take war foci when they are weak
- When Canada refuses to sell the HMS Lion, Serbia now gets a small bonus for heavy cruiser research instead
- You can now ask for greater armenia as Russia if Turkey holds it
- A backlog of bugs for Canada, the United Kingdom and the Union of Britain has finally been cleared
- A few minor errors in the peace AI have been fixed
- A lot of bug fixes for Mittelafrika
- A CTD found in the Legations Cities events has been fixed
- Fixed Japanese political events not setting ruling party correctly
- Fixed an error in which the small flag for National-Populist Mexico would display its default one
- Fixed dynamic localisation in Serbian events not working
- Fixed instances of one-time minister costs being applied incorrectly
- Fixed localisation in several Fengtian minister events
- Fixed normal Bulgarian annexation event firing for Belgrade Pact members
- Fixed the colours of Great Britain’s flag
- Fixed the proportions of the Soviet Union Syndicalist flag
- Germany will no longer send aid to an already defeated Bulgaria
- In rare cases certain Russian events could fire for others nations, this has been fixed
- Multiple fixes for annexation events
- Several smaller fixes for Egypt
- Several smaller fixes for Fengtian
- The American civil war will no longer refire
- The Italian Black Monday idea will now be removed as intended
- Worldnews.120 will now fire correctly
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.5.2 ‘Second Strike’ as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Ahearne, Akamber, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, Beelzebub, Blackfalcon501, Cinzya, CrazyZombie, Denizz, Flamefang, Gibzit, Herkles, hyvinvointinionvaakalaudalla, Indyclone, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Kornilov, Kraken, MaelTec, Medizine, Nijato, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Packard, Raptor Jesus, Rylock, Sea Lion, Skullcrusher, TheBeezKneez, TheBlackWinds, Thomahawk2k, Wyandotte, Zankoas
0.5.1 - 'Hot Safarix'
One day we won't need a hotfix, but that day isn't today. 0.5.1 includes some minor content additions that didn't make it into release, along with a lot of bug fixes. We have also reduced the increase to factory cost to a quarter of what it was in 0.5. As seems to be our modus operandi, we added new CTD's even as we fixed dozens, but thanks to your bug reports they have been far easier to find than last time, though as always, I doubt this will be the only hotfix we need. Also please remember that even among hotfixes, save game compatibility is not guaranteed, so if you are having issues download the old version from the PDX forums or start a new game.
- Added some extra events to the Fengtian Government
- Rebalanced AI weighting on researching techs
- Reduced the increase in factory cost by 75%, what a mouthful
- Removed the Kaiserbund in preparation of further changes
- Added Nepalese sprites
- Added Turkestani sprites
- Added an event picture to Fengtian
- Added portraits for the Philippines
- Slightly changed the colours of the Belgian flags
- Added Qing and Fengtian Government claims to Mongolia
- Added a peace event between National France and Wadai if both AIs manage to stall the war
- Added a research slot to Fengtian’s “Mantetsu Research Wing” focus
- Added additional tooltips to the Fengtian Focus Tree for clarity
- Added missing convoys to Somalia
- Balanced Flanders-Wallonia Tank bonuses
- Buffed research bonuses on Fengtian’s Focus Tree
- Converted Fengtian railway construction events to triggers instead of MTTH
- Fengtian’s Hiroshima Proposal events now add equipment instead of transferring it
- Fengtian’s “Yanshan Plan” focus now spawns four divisions of mountaineers
- General Wu Peifu now has the “Old Guard” trait
- Minor improvements to the Japanese AI
- Nerfed the tuareg and friends revolt
- Phibunsongkhram may now pass away naturally if he survived the assassination attempt
- Prince Kan’in Kotohito can no longer be poisoned, shot and bombed all at the same time
- Prince Kan’in Kotohito is now less likely to be poisoned, shot, or bombed
- Re-balanced factories given by Fengtian investment events
- Rebalanced Fengtian’s starting weapons cache
- Reduced Fengtian’s starting weapons cache
- Removed a redundant division type in Fengtian’s Order of Battle
- The “War of National Reclamation” idea no longer gives bonuses to planning, but now gives bonuses to attack and out of supply factor
- The “Year of Righteous Effort” idea now gives bonuses to planning
- War restrictions on some late Liberian focuses loosened up a bit
- AI puppets will now build more than five divisions
- AI will no longer focus on Industry and Air Doctrine tech at the expense of all else
- Bulgaria and its neighbours now have an opinion malus from the start
- Fall of Madrid city capture news event loc fixed
- Fengtian will now always leave the Co-Prosperity Sphere when declaring war on Japan
- Fengtian will now properly seek peace with Mongolia after capturing Chahar and Suiyuan, provided that Japan has not begun Operation Kuma
- Fix Yugoslavia not having small flags
- Fix for the Nepali flag
- Fixed Albert I abdicating when the Liberals win the election
- Fixed an oversight in Prajadhipok’s death event
- Fixed CTD when taking the “Rikshirden” focus
- Fixed Carlist Economic Cooperation idea remaining even when CAR was at war with Portugal and Italy
- Fixed Flemish Adalberts discovery of the Fountain of Youth
- Fixed Germany Black Monday ideas being reversed
- Fixed Germany in exile instantly getting back all of its european territories
- Fixed Mittelafrika suiciding against a Portugal that is in the Entente
- Fixed Portugal’s king being assassinated in the middle of the SCW
- Fixed a bad flag setting which made one path in the Romandy Crisis event chain shut down Switzerland’s focus tree progress
- Fixed an issue in which Nigeria would use its old Kaiserbund flag
- Fixed edge case in which the Chilean focuses that required an alliance with Brazil fired when they were both puppets of syndicalists
- Fixed missing loc on some of the “Treaty of Scandinavia” events
- Fixed numerous Fengtian Minister events (thanks for the feedback guys)
- Fixed several instances where Japan wouldn’t release Fengtian as a puppet before declaring war on it
- Fixed some incorrect tech bonuses in the German naval tree
- Germany in exile now gets a tech transfer from Germany
- Japan will no longer demand Indonesia when already at war
- Liberia becoming puppet at the outset of the ACW no longer changes its government type
- Liberian coups no longer happen if it’s at war
- Localization has been ported for several legacy Chinese events
- Marcel Cerdan won’t go in New-York if it’s hold by the CSA or in the middle of a civil war anymore
- Phibunsongkhram finally gets some rest and leaves his Field Marshal position if he’s assassinated
- Phibunsongkhram’s hair no longer changes colour when he becomes the Prime Minister
- Portuguese peace deal with Mittelafrika fixed
- Qing will no longer arbitrarily annex the Legation Cities
- Removed Belgian ingenuity and capped research slots at 5
- Siam can now get a share of Germany when it capitulates
- South Africa no longer loses HoG if Smuts is made Governor General
- Various Egyptian Bugs fixed
- Fixed a lot of other stuff we forgot to add to the bug tracker
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.5.1 ‘Hot Safarix’ as much as we did making it!
The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Ahearne, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, Blackfalcon501, DDago, Delincious, Denizz, Dskod1, Flamefang, Gibzit, Herkles, hyvinvointinionvaakalaudalla, Indyclone, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Kraken, Kornilov, MaelTec, Nijato, OMD, PPsyrius, Packard, Rylock, Skullcrusher, Strategia, TheBlackWinds, VincentDN, Wyandotte and Zankoas
0.5 - 'Heia Safari'
The Kaiserreich team are proud to present alpha 0.5 ‘Heia Safari’. Been a long wait hasn’t it? We are very excited to bring you the Africa rework, and encourage you to step out of Europe and play somewhere new, we promise you won’t regret it. This patch also comes with more bug fixes than the last two major patches combined, from small bugs that had been left gathering dust on our bug tracker to dozens of CTD’s and save game corruptions. We have also done our first batch of optimisation work as well as some early balance work. All of which means KR4 0.5 is the most polished version of Kaiserreich yet!
The KR4 team
P.S. I’ve put details on our optimisation process and balance process as well as some thoughts on the topic at the bottom so skip to the end if that is your cup of tea, think of it like a mini dev diary
P.P.S. If you are interested in helping make Kaiserreich the best it can be, head to our discord ( and check the pinned messages in welcome_room
- Early balance changes done
- First performance work done
- General rework of Africa
- General rework of Portugal
- Now compatible with 1.4.2
- Significant map work
Added focus trees to:
- Egypt
- Ethiopia
- Flanders
- Flanders-Wallonia
- Germany in Exile
- Legation Cities
- Liberia
- Norway
- Portugal
- Serbia
- Siam
- Somalia
- Switzerland
- White Ruthenia
Reworked/expanded focus trees of:
- Canada
- Germany
- Japan
- Mittelafrika
- National France
- Russia
- South Africa
- Transamur
- Union of Britain
- United Baltic Duchy
- United Kingdom
Added events to:
- Belgrade Pact
- Canada
- Central African Emirate
- Egypt
- Ethiopia
- Fengtian Government
- Flanders
- Flanders-Wallonia
- Gabon
- Germany
- Germany in Exile
- Japan
- Kikuyu
- Kongo
- Legation Cities
- Liberia
- Mittelafrika
- Namibia
- National France
- Norway
- Portugal
- Russia
- Serbia
- Siam
- Somalia
- South Africa
- Switzerland
- Tanganjika
- Transamur
- Uganda
- United Baltic Duchy
- United Kingdom
- White Ruthenia
- Zanzibar
Added GFX for:
- Added colourised portraits for USA and all ACW nations
- Added colorized portraits for all Serbian generals
- Added colourised portraits for all generals of both Iron Guard and Royalist Roumania
- Added new sprites for Alash Orda
- Added new sprites for Arab/Middle Eastern nations
- Added new sprites for Armenia
- Added new sprites for Azerbaijan
- Added new sprites for Bolivia
- Added new sprites for CNT-FAI
- Added new sprites for Colombia
- Added new sprites for Georgia
- Added new sprites for Haiti
- Added new sprites for Japan
- Added new sprites for Libya/Tripolitania
- Added new sprites for Panama
- Added new sprites for Paraguay
- Added new sprites for Peru
- Added new sprites for Portugal
- Added new sprites for Russia
- Added new sprites for The Dominican Republic
- Added new sprites for The Sultanate of Malaysia
- Added new sprites for Tibet
- Added new sprites for Transamur
- Added new sprites for the Philippines
- Added new sprites for the United Baltic Duchy
- Event images for Fengtian Government
- Event images for Japan
- Event images for Portugal
- Event images for Siam
- Event images for Somalia
- Event images for the Legation Cities
- Generic portraits now work for all parts of the world, for both army commanders and political leaders - new generic portraits have also been added
- Many older and low quality focus icons have been redone
- Many older and low quality idea icons have been redone
- Many older and low quality portraits have been redone
- New Idea icons for Fengtian
- New focus tree icons for Bhartiya Commune
- New focus tree icons for Commune of France
- New focus tree icons for Dominion of India
- New focus tree icons for Japan
- New focus tree icons for National France
- New focus tree icons for Peru
- New focus tree icons for Princely Federation
- New focus tree icons for Russia
- New focus tree icons for Siam
- New idea icon for Japan
- New idea icons for Legation Cities
- New idea icons for Siam
- Several flag revisions and changes; Portugal is now properly White and Blue
- Lots of stuff we forgot to write down
- New 3d models from Diday’s Common Units Of WWII, thank you to Danse Pied-Tendre and Team:
- New 3d models from 魔人ぐだ子’s various unit reskins and unit packs:
- A lot of equipment localisation has been added
- A lot of nuclear focuses for minor nation have been removed
- Added annexation events for the whole of Africa, including a Cape Verde-Guinea tag to better handle Portuguese Africa
- Added new renaming events for France, Vive la Commune!
- Added new renaming events for Mexico, Viva México!
- Added new victory points in National France
- Added non-English localisation to tell you to play in English
- Added ship names for Chile
- Added ship names for Portugal
- Added unique name lists to almost all starting nations
- Basic Mitteleuropa code done, will be finished at a later date
- Bulgaria now starts with all of Dobruja, not just the south
- Bunkers added along the Qing-Fengtian border
- Bunkers and naval fortifications added to Tsingtau to represent the city’s pre-weltkrieg defenses
- Bunkers and naval fortifications added to Vladivostok to represent the city’s pre-weltkrieg defenses
- Changed Qingdao to Tsingtau to represent German ownership
- Changed the “Mukden” Victory Point to “Shenyang” to better illustrate Chinese vs Manchu identity
- Changes to daily political power gain to make tooltips clears, end result is the same
- Combined Syndicates of America have been nerfed
- Constantinople gets its glorious Greek name when controlled by Greece
- Continuous air production has been nerfed
- Continuous political effort has been disabled as it was making balance near impossible
- Continuous tech share has been disabled as it was causing issues
- Corrected a lot of English names in places that definitely don’t speak English
- Credits have been moved from a starting event to the actual credits list
- Crete has been removed as a starting tag
- Daily login rewards added to give our loyal fans a bonus before we add microtransactions
- Fengtian and Transamur now begin with a non-aggression pact
- Fengtian now has a specialized Minister System
- Fengtian now starts with specific production and trade
- Fengtian tree Political Power and Party Popularity re-balanced
- Idea descriptions added for Fengtian ideas
- Illyria now has some starting ideas
- Industrial tech has been nerfed to slow unit spam down and make it less of a no-brainer choice
- Ireland has been nerfed
- Japan has been nerfed
- Japan now has a chance of joining Fengtian’s wars if it is close to defeat
- Leader description added for Zhang Zuolin
- Many lines of redundant code have been removed
- Mittelafrika now holds Ivory Coast from the start
- Mittelafrika’s fleet has been reduced in size to match its status as a colony
- Mittelafrika’s fleet is now based out of Sansibar instead of Mombassa
- Most Chinese factions have new starting infantry equipment gfx
- Most Chinese factions now have small arms equipment descriptions
- National France now holds Sierra Leone from the start
- New generals for Canada
- New generals for the Union of Britain
- New generals for the United Kingdom
- No more incorrect white peace messages, the treaty message correctly displays that a peace deal was made
- Ottomans now gives military access to Germany and Bulgaria
- Party popularity in Fengtian no longer alters Popularity
- Peru has been nerfed
- Petry Krasnov now has an aged portrait
- Portugal no longer gets its land stolen by it’s own allies when in the Entente
- Qing is now notified when Zhang Zuolin announces that he will conquer them within one year
- Reduced infrastructure in Jehol and Nenjiang, added infrastructure to Fengtian Province
- Related to the above, all Party Popularity/Influence changes in Fengtian are now represented through party-specific custom tooltips for better clarity
- Reworked ‘’Nature of the Union’’ focus for La Plata
- Russia and Transamur now embargo each other
- Russia has been nerfed
- Serbia holds Kosovo from the start
- Several changes from 1.4.2 have been ported over
- Several files have been fused to help with navigation
- Several impassable mountain ranges have been shrunk or removed to be less annoying
- Several new straits have been added to represent defended naval chokepoints
- Several states have been given real populations rather that someone just pulling a number out of their head randomly
- Several unused files have been removed
- Small improvements to AI tech code have been made
- Somali ministers and companies are no longer a part of Abyssinia
- Swap idea command is now used where possible
- Tang Yulin can now ride a tiger
- The Fengtian Government Focus Tree and a number of events now include additional tooltips for better clarity
- The Legation Cities’ relations with the treaty powers are now reflected accurately in game
- The cost of factories has been increased to slow unit spam down
- There are no longer hills and mountains in the middle of a coastal plain in Northeast China (because vanilla cannot always into topography)
- Tweaks have been made to the Legation Cities OOB
- Tweaks to the UI to remove useless options
- Victory Points added to Northeast China (Qiqihar, Chaofeng, Chaoyang, Shanghaiguan)
- Zanzibar naval base count increased from 1 to 3
- A lot of miscellaneous QOL tweaks and minor adjustments, far too many to list, have been done
Incomplete Content
- Georgian focus tree, unfortunately the Georgian dev has left the team so the tree has been delayed
- Japanese focus tree, sadly an unexpected departure from the team caused a gap that had to be filled, delaying other things, such as the Japanese rework
- Expansions of the Siamese, Fengtian, National French and Egyptian focus trees were partially done, but unable to be completed in time
- Notable Fixes
- Fixed THIRTEEN CTD’s hidden away in the OOB
- Fixed a CTD in the Lithuanian focus tree
- Fixed a CTD caused by save game corruption caused by the (mis?)use of timed flags
- Fixed a Legation Cities/Qing CTD
- Several errors that wouldn’t have affected Windows players but would have been catastrophic for mac or linux players have been fixed
- A prolific bug causing ideas to not apply has been fixed
- A significant error causing the add equipment command to not work has been fixed, this was present in 100’s of events, and lead to some options making no sense
- Fixed a number of logic errors (such as confusion over greater than vs greater than or equal to) in some core code, which could break things such as stability or party popularity
- A lot of errors in the Legation cities events have been fixed
- A lot of fixes for mitteleuropa events, both in localisation and how they work
- A lot of fixes to the Balkan wars
- A lot of localisation errors caused by things sharing a name (like a focus and an idea)
- A lot of missing German localisation has been added
- A lot of missing opinion modifier localisation have been fixed
- A lot of wrong-way-round opinion modifiers have been fixed
- A minor error in the Combined Syndicates of America naval OOB has been fixed
- Bulgaria no longer has mysteriously purple unit cards
- Civil war against a non-puppeted syndicalist Ireland no longer happens
- Corneliu Codreanu no longer ends up as NatPop leader of Serbia
- Ditto with Korea
- Fengtian will no longer randomly capitulate due to legacy China events
- Fix Greece not getting Eastern Thrace after defeating Bulgaria
- Fixed Italian events pictures not showing up correctly
- Fixed Italian focuses bypassing at incorrect times
- Fixed Japan being able to ask favours of Transamur mid-way through their independence war
- Fixed Japanese and Russian Mongolian events firing for the wrong nations
- Fixed Japanese puppet rebellions happening at incorrect times causing nonsense wars
- Fixed LEC OOB unit names.
- Fixed Russia getting incorrect news events
- Fixed SPG being unusable
- Fixed a Greek General missing a name
- Fixed a bug in the Japanese political events that would lock the player out of all paths
- Fixed a rare bug which would break the american civil war event chain causing all sorts of nonsense to happen
- Fixed incorrect localisation in Italian events
- Fixed issues with AI La Plata attacking Chile too early
- Fixed missing GFX in the Union of Britain tech tree
- Fixed several South American nations being able to take focus they really shouldn’t while a puppet
- Fixed some AUS (Austria) cores listed at TEX (American Union State) cores as the reverse
- Fixed some Fengtian events
- Fixed some general China events
- Fixed some missing localisation for Japan
- Fixed the Golden Gate bridge events talking about a non-existent PSA
- Fixed the Taiwan rebelling never firing
- Fixed wrong countries getting Paraguayan elections due to bad trigger scope
- Germans are no longer confused as to if they like or dislike a German king on the Polish throne
- If Austria annexes Poland it will annes all of it
- Indochina is not longer missing it’s name
- Japan’s “On the Basic Principles of National Defence” no longer fires repeatedly
- King Rama VIII/Ananda Mahidol no longer side with the Syndicalists
- Many fixes in the annexation events
- More spelling fixes than we have words
- Pittsburgh is not Philadelphia
- Romanian focus ‘Nationalize the Oil Industry’ now also checks for Germany having the Schachtplan or Grönerplan
- Several broken Bulgarian events and focuses have been commented out
- Several errors causes by POL-PLC confusion have been fixed
- Several fixes related to event not being told about the new states we have added
- Several focuses have been rescued from underneath another focus
- Several legacy Chinese events have been disabled as they were conflicting with newer events
- Several logic errors in the minister events have been fixed
- Several logic errors in the stability events have been fixed
- Several missing checks in the American Union State tree have been added
- Several missing checks in the Combined Syndicates of America have been added
- Several missing checks in the United States of America tree have been added
- Several missing focus tree icons have been fixed
- The Head of State for a country is now called that instead of ‘Leader’
- The fourth and third International are not the same thing
- United Baltic Duchy can no longer colonise land they don’t own
- Fixed a lot of other stuff we forgot to add to the bug tracker, like, really a lot, really really a lot
So let's talk performance first.
Rather than testing in absolutes (it takes 21 minutes for a year to go by compared to 17 in vanilla for example) we test in percentage of vanilla speed. The last patch, 0.4.8 ran at 68% of vanilla speed. In early August we ran tests on our dev build and found speed had crashed down to 45% of vanilla. We had to, painfully, tear out our own content and go back over existing code to optimise it to bring this back up. Cutting code is never fun, and our AI team lost will over half of their work. Fortunately it wasn’t in vain, and this patch runs at about 77% of vanilla speed. That’s right, it is 11% faster than last patch even after all the extra content we have added.
DISCLAIMER: Your mileage my vary of course, every system is different, every game is different, and we can’t test after every change we make. We take as much care as we can with our testing, but we are limited in both time (we have real lives you know?) and resources (no money :-( ) so take these numbers as illustrations more than abosutles.
And balance.
Since last patch we have been collecting a lot of data from our wonderful beta testers, thank you to all of you who have helped us past and present. We have also reached out to multiplayer groups as well as continuing to have our own in house games. This has given us a lot of information which we are using as best we can. Also if you happen to be part of a large KR multiplayer group that does regular games, please get in touch with me, I’d love to get some feedback from you.
But balancing Kaiserreich is a nightmarish task; totally asymmetrical gameplay, large amounts of randomness, huge interlocking systems, AI micro control, AI macro control, massive amounts of content produced at different times by different people sometimes for totally different games. Some of the code was written by people who have not only left the team, but are completely out of contact. A while ago we said that one of out event chains for Austria was as long as the entire Russian file in vanilla. That wasn’t a lie, but it isn’t a good thing. Maintaining that kind of code is difficult, and performance and balance wise it is a disaster waiting to happen.
But enough whining, what have we done? We have identified three key areas that we are going to work on. First, the start of the Second Weltkrieg, who is able to start the war and when is very important, it is meant to be the defining event after all. So we are working to expand, remove or tweak the starting event chains and focuses for the war to ensure it starts when it should, and offers up a good fight. Second, we are taking a look at focus length, and reduced the length of many focuses in order to improve balance. A 70 day focus is 70 political power spent, and the rewards you get from it need to reflect that. Finally, we are cutting some of the more broken content until we figure out what to do with it, highlights include Qing getting 3x50% boosts to Nuclear tech and Ireland being able to mobilise over 40% of its population. Some of these changes are in this patch, the rest will be coming soon after.
DISCLAIMER: Balancing is an ongoing effort, and if I had to guess I would say we are less than 10% of the way to a balanced game. And that is if we will ever get there, all the new content is working against us giving us more variables and more code to look over. But we are trying, and if you do find game breaking exploits please get in content with me.
We hope you enjoy playing Kaiserreich 0.5 ‘Heia Safari’ as much as we did making it!
- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Ahearne, Anbory, Autovonbismarck, Blackfalcon501, DDago, Delincious, Denizz, Dskod1, Flamefang, Gibzit, Herkles, hyvinvointinionvaakalaudalla, Indyclone, Jeankedezeehond, Kaiserbot, Kraken, Kornilov, MaelTec, Nijato, OMD, PPsyrius, Packard, Rylock, Skullcrusher, Strategia, TheBlackWinds, VincentDN, Wyandotte and Zankoas
0.4.8 - 'To Russia With Love'
- Fixed a CTD involving Lithuanian trying to puppet itself
- Fixed some errors in the annexation events
0.4.7 - 'Cherry's Maiden Voyage'
- We swear we have people who can actually do photoshop for the main menu logo
- Countries will now start at their correct stability
- Fixed a CTD involving the CSA's naval lineup, guess the ship's name?
- Various bug fixes for the United Baltic Duchy
- South German Federation no longer uses the Bavarian flag
0.4.6 - 'CTD No More?'
- Reverted changes to the AI which upped the threshold at which units considered themselves low strength or low organisation, and thus were held back from invasions
- Added GFX for Thailand
- Added GFX for Mittel-Afrika
- Minor balancing changes for Japan
- Minor improvements to the Japanese AI
- German ship localisation added
- Austria event localisations no longer consist of 'Blablabla'
- Ireland's Black Monday event chain now works as intended
- Some missing focus GFX has been added
- Some missing localisation, mainly for Austria, has been added
- Several missing VP's have been added
- A CTD involving the Somali OOB has been fixed
- Several Austrian foci have been rewritten to be less broken
- Italian Federation's peaceful union event with SRI now works as intended
- Kingdom of Italy focus now takes into account that Karl can be on the Austrian throne and not just Otto
- Austrian annexation event which creates the Kingdom of Italy no longer uses one of the papal portraits for the new king
- Indian states no longer start the game with their units being largely unequipped
- Lots of other fixes that didn't get written down, we were in just a little bit of a hurry to get this patch out
0.4.5 - 'Danube, Alps and Adria'
- KR4 is now compatible with DoD
- KR4 is now compatible with patch 1.4
- KR4 is now compatible with patch 1.4.1
- Somalia is now present at start
- Lots of mountains ranges, deserts and other no-go zones are now shown
- Loading messages now have a Kaiserreich twist to them
Added focus trees to:
- Socialist Republic Italy
- United Provinces
Reworked/expanded focus trees of:
- Austria
- Japan*
Added events to:
- Austria
- Baltic Duchy
- Cuba
- Fengtian Government
- Ireland
- Japan
- Nepal
- Siam
- Socialist Republic Italy
- Transamur
- Union of Britain
- Added GFX for:
- Abbas II now has a new portrait
- British planes
- Burmese infantry
- Canadian planes
- Carol II has a new portrait
- Fathy Pasha now has a portrait
- Fengtian Government events
- Hu Shih now has a portrait
- Japanese ideas
- Mohammad Shah Qajar has an updated portrait
- Multiple new portraits across South America
- Multiple new portraits for Indochinese Union generals
- New portraits for Bhutan
- New younger portrait for Nikita Kruschev
- Niclas y Glais has a new portrait
- Oswald Mosley has a new portrait
- Replaced the Scottish Kaiser Tot with an age appropriate portrait
- Spanish planes
- Lots of other things
- Added AI improvements from Vanilla+, thank you to Sleight of Hand:
- Added German ship localisation
- Added Italian ship localisation
- Added Japanese ship localisation
- Added Norwegian generals
- Added USA ship localisation
- Added cosmetic country tags custom colours
- Added events for a UoB annexation of Ireland
- Added new generals to La Plata
- Balancing changes to Japan all over, mostly in ideas and focuses
- Balancing changes to Lithuanian Black Monday idea
- Balancing changes to the Indian civil wars
- Black Monday event chain for Ireland added
- Dominionist South Africa can now rejoin the Entente after the civil war
- Illyria now has a name list for generals and admirals
- Japanese AI substantially improved
- Multiple changes to Egypt including an army debuff and a readjusting of it's industry
- Multiple leaders now have descriptions
- Multiple new World News events added for US Presidential Elections, the Second Internationale and rebellions in Lithuania and White Ruthenia
- Nationalist South Africa can now join Mitteleuropa after the civil war
- Optimisations to the Japanese code
- Qing Focus Tree now has unique localisation
- SWAT teams have been deployed for security to avoid any more minor nations been taken hostage, we will catch you /u/Al-Horesmi you monster
- Transylvania asks to join Romania when they somehow become independent and are no longer a puppet
- Transylvania, Banat, Vojvodina and Bukovina states & cities are now renamed when owned by Romania, Austria or Serbia
- A LOT of fixes for Japan, notably in events not firing, in peace events and in foreign policy
- A number of minor file conflict errors have been fixed
- A small number of missing localisations have been found and returned to where they should be
- A very rare combination of events would cause the whole ACW event chain to break, now fixed
- AUS will no longer get both the AUS and CSA victory messages
- Bulgarian focuses 'Examine the Economy' and 'Military Investment' added two factories each, but only one building slot, now fixed
- CSA, TEX and PSA cores are now correctly removed after the Second ACW has ended
- Centroamérica can now correctly establish relations with capitalist countries
- Fixed some missing minister localisation
- Germany can now Bailout the Junker Estates and progress down their tree if Poland joins the Entente
- Idaho and Nevada will no longer get given to a non-existent PSA
- Mexico can now join The Third Internationale instead of United Provinces, thanks John_Sux
- No longer does Texas provide multiple National Guard Divisions to the USA
- Numerous fixes relating to Chinese and Russian interaction events such as Port Arthur, thank you to everyone who reported this
- POR.13 is no longer missing localisation
- People living in Berlin will no longer think they have been conquered by the Lithuanians when it was actually the Polish
- Portugal can no longer politely decline to be invaded, thanks Mad_Scientist_Hououin_Kyouma
- Portuguese events now have the correct localisation
- 'Relations with Capitalist Nations' will now fire correctly
- Royalist Romania no longer releases Transylvania when starting the civil war
- Russia can no longer create it's own faction if already puppeted by another nation
- Sweden can once again remove the Black Monday idea, thank you to everyone who reported this
- The American Union State can no longer integrate federal officers twice
- The Fall of Denver news event now has the correct options
- The Poland black Monday event chain will now work as it should, thanks Dr. Njitram
- The Turkestan Khanate will no longer appear out of thin air, thanks Rathoz
- The Union of Britain intro event now has the correct localisation
- The sale of Crete will now give PP as it should, thanks Fraggy ツ
- Ukraine will no longer lend money to Germany if it is at war with them
- Various errors with AUS cores fixed
- Various errors with CSA cores fixed
- World news event 'The Fall of Denver' will no longer have several conflicting answers
- worldnews.25 now has the correct localisation
- worldnews.282 has been corrected to mention Poland instead of Lithuania, thanks Askooin
- amcivwar.31200 is no longer missing localisation
- rusd.150 is no longer full of spelling errors
- Fixed some other stuff we forgot to add to the bug tracker
We have decided to go against our usual policy, and ship the incomplete Japanese rework rather than waiting for it to be finished. Japan has been unmaintained for several months now, and thus we believe that however buggy the unfinished rework is, it can only be better than the live version. The rest of the rework, foreign policy in particular, will be in at a later date, until then bug reports are even more appreciated than normal.
- We forgot to put the German focus tree in...
0.4.3 - 'PDXCON'
- Added an event chain of sorts to remove faction joining limits, check the startup event for more details
- Adjusted the April fools joke to be multiplayer compatible but still unable to be used to ruin games
- First parts of a Japan rework are in, expect QOL changes and bugfixes
- Miscellaneous improvements to Ottoman code
- Prince Joachim of Ireland now has a portrait
- Added GFX for Ottoman support divisions (marines, mountaineers, etc.)
- Added GFX for Ottoman planes
- Fixed several Ottoman putsch bugs
- Fixed the Ottoman OPDA bug triggered by the annexation of Austria
- Fixed some other stuff we forgot to add to the bug tracker
- Fixed small bugs in South America
- Grammar fix in the Reclaiming the Pacific description, thanks 54e_TNTDragon11
- Fixed reversed PP modifiers for capturing American cities, thanks gentledoom
- Swedish politics can no longer be left and right at the same time, thanks Iamunow
- Fixed a missing decimal place for Swedish focuses, thanks EAminy
- CSA will no longer ask for New England if they own it already
- Reed will no longer investigate himself for terrorism, thanks Violent Beetle
- Fixed inaccurate focus descriptions for the CSA, thanks Violent Beetle
- PSA core related events now actually work, thanks Beavertails Eh?
- 'Henry Stimson's ingame portrait is...General Omar Bradley's!' fixed, thanks Saint Elysse
- THE GOD DAMN AUS AND CSA REAPPEARING ON LOADING A SAVE GAME BUG IS FIXED, thanks literally everyone and their mother who reported this one
- A (rare?) CTD caused by merging fleets has been fixed, thanks Saint Elysse
- Iwane Matsui no longer holders several ranks in the Japanese army at the same time, thanks Hopit
- 'After Muhammed Ali Jinnah died he was resurrected by the muslims to run in 1940 for PM', fixed, thanks Djamti
- Missing picture from worldnews.257 fixed
- Carlists Banned event will no longer fire more than once, thanks Pheasant-One
- PSA tech transfer now works as intended, thanks Beavertails Eh?
- Worldnews.315 is no longer missing localisation
- Ukrainian language event for the Don-Kuban Union no longer fires more than once, thanks Steve Spangler
- The CSA no longer hates left wing Filipinos, thanks Violent Beetle
- Forming the German empire as Austria is no longer a looping event chain, thanks TE FluffyBastard
- Reintegration of the PSA now gives cores as it should, thanks Xiuhcoatl
- Fixed some other stuff we forgot to add to the bug tracker
0.4.1 - 'Stars and Fixes'
- The April fools joke is no longer activated by event, see in game event, no pun intended, for details
- Who would have thought you couldn't trust people to activate it in multiplayer
- World tension has been reduced slightly
- Frequency of random political events has been reduced slightly
- A missing polish event has been added
- A few Germany admirals have been added
- Fengtian's sole admiral now has a portrait
- Several missing localisations have been added
- Occupation costs have been reduced significantly, this is a possible fix for the AI inactivity issues some people have been having, credit to Cohacq for the idea
- Added some flavor events for entente nations
- Added additional events for Fengtian
- Mantetsu influence will fire less often for Fengtian
- S.K.M. Sigismund I of White Ruthenia now has a portrait
- Friedrich Christian von Wettin now has a portrait
- A huge number of fixes for USA and associated nations
- Fixes for Ukraine surrounding Black Monday
- Several fixes for Fengtian
- Several fixes to the AI, both peace and general
- More fixes to the annexations events
- Fixes to localisation all over the place
- A game breaking bug that had been hiding in the temporary Chinese focus trees has been fixed, this may have been the cause of the madness that was happening over there
- Fixed several Shangqing and Yunnan events and ideas
- Worldnews.17b is missing localisation fixed, thanks Indyclone77
- Worldnews.17 not displaying correctly fixed, thanks Miyokari
- The Anniversary of the Lublin Union firing twice fixed, thanks Call_Me_Derpy
- Typo in worldnews.14 fixed, thanks Dr. Nijtram
- 'Syndicalism Spreads to Burma' will no longer longer fire for countries that aren't Burma, thanks Iamunow
- A bug with restoring the Italian Monarchy has been fixed, thanks Miyokari
- 'Power to the People' in the Italian Federation focus branch doing nothing fixed, thanks Djamti
- Ralph Chaplin portrait being off centre fixed, thanks Dr. Dispenser
- France lying about peacing out has been fixed
- CSA focus 'Join the Internationale' now does stuff, thanks [14e] Marmottin
- Some debuffs that were meant to be buffs in the CSA tree have been fixed, thanks moonborn
- Asking for a visa in Germany no longer sends volunteers to the CNT-FAI, I never thought I would ever type that sentence, thanks InvAsian
- Missing decimal place in German ministers fixed, thanks Shadow
- Missing mutually exclusive code in PSA fixed, thanks Violent Beetle
- Could still do the 'Reconstructing America' focus even though avoided the civil war fixed, thanks InterstellarWar
- Long is now longer a God who can move through space and time, thanks Cyborg Lincoln
- Longs reforms can no longer fire every time he gets elected, thanks Violent Beetle
- Fixed some other stuff we forgot to add to the bug tracker
0.4 - 'Pax Americana'
- Quick reminder that the flickering flag fix mod was added to the mod a few patches ago, so using it is 1) no longer necessary and 2) will cause conflict errors
- The Kaiserreich Music Mod is now being worked on by the whole team, so expect more frequent updates for it, to coincide with this release a new version has been release, so go check it out!
- Added a Q&A, accessed via the opening event chain
- Added a credits file to the mod files, go check it out!
- Added tech sharing groups for Japan, Germany, Canada, and USA
- Chile has had a total lore rework
- Ecuador has had a total lore rework
- The team has now learnt to spell Bharatiya, it's not Bhartiya or Bharatyara
- The team has now learnt to spell Fengtian, it's not Fentieng or Fentiang
- Kaiserreich has the beginnings of its own UI, WIP though
- Lend lease now unlocked for both the player and AI
- Many new ministers and leaders have been added
- Many news events and city capture events have been added
- Old send troops/equipment events replaced by in game mechanics
- Refined/rewrote/expanded the opening events
- Rewrote/added a significant amount of localisation, notably focus descriptions
- Send volunteers now unlocked for both the player and AI
- Several nations have been renamed for the sake of readability. While it is technically 'The Principality of Albania', if you can't read it, it doesn't mean anything, so is now just 'Albania'
- The AI has been taught how to use volunteers and lend lease
- The Balkans have had a total lore and map rework
- The partition and annexation events have been redone from the ground up
- Major border work has been done all over the place, more details under Miscellaneous
- Many irregularities in the vanilla map have been fixed, more details under Miscellaneous
- The conference AI has been further refined (Border gore is gone hopefully, at least in common cases)
- Lots and lots of bugs have been fixed, check the end of the change log for a list and credits for those who helped
Added focus trees to:
- American Union State
- Bharatiya Commune
- Chile
- Combined Syndicates of America
- Ecuador
- Fengtian Government (WIP)
- Hawaii
- Kingdom of Spain
- Mittelafrika
- New England
- Ottoman Empire
- Pacific States of America
- Paraguay
- Piratini
- Poland
- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
- Princely Federation
- Transamur
- Ukraine
- United States of America
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
Reworked/expanded focus trees of:
- Austria (WIP)
- Dominion of India
- Germany (WIP)
- Ireland
- Italian Federation
- Mexico
- Russia
- South Africa
Added events to:
- Afghanistan
- American Union State
- Armenia
- Austria
- Canada
- Chile
- Combined Syndicates of America
- Dominican Republic
- Dominion of India
- Don-Kuban Union
- Ecuador
- Ethiopia
- Fengtian Government
- Germany
- Greece
- Haiti
- Hawaii
- Ireland
- Italian Federation
- Mittelafrika
- New England
- Ottoman Empire
- Pacific States of America
- Poland
- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
- Portugal
- Princely Federation
- Russia
- Socialist Republic of Italy
- South Africa
- Spain
- Tannu Tuva
- Transamur
- Turkestan Khanate
- Ukraine
- United States of America
Added GFX for:
- A lot of ministers
- AOG units
- Arabic units voices
- Austrian units
- Baltic Duchy focus tree
- Brazil focus tree
- Chillan units
- Colombian focus tree
- Ethiopian units
- Fengtian focus tree
- German focus tree
- Military leaders for Bulgaria
- Military leaders for Ethiopia
- Military leaders for Spain
- Military leaders for all Indian nations
- New loading screens
- Ottoman tanks and airplanes
- Peru focus tree
- Platine focus tree
- Polish focus tree
- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth focus tree
- Qing infantry and cavalry
- Somali units
- Turkish units
- Turkish units voices
- A rather large bug has been squashed that was stopping focus tree GFX showing up, so it may look like there is a LOT of new GFX, depending on how badly the bug affected you
- Lots of other things
- Fixed a number of mistakes throughout the localisation thanks to Dick Bong, Ace of Aces:
- Fixed a number of mistakes throughout the localisation thanks to Halcyon Hush:
- Some cities now have their own custom banner thanks to Herr-Doktor Dire:
- A lot of skins have been added thanks to SilentAssassin:
- A whole host of new sounds have been added thanks to Tekoa:
- A lot of skins have been added thanks to Skyllio:
- A few incorrectly named files are now named correctly
- A new of new songs have been added to the music mod
- Added forts to French-German border
- Added generals to South American nations
- Added new name changing events
- Added oil related national spirits to Germany
- Added provinces and reshaped borders in China to fit the upcoming rework
- Added provinces to the Northern Amazon to make warfare there less of a pain
- Added several countries in Africa
- Added several new flags and portraits for African nations
- Added the Adalbert Canal
- Added the Haitian-Dominican war
- Added three new hats
- Algeria, Croatia, Serbia and many more now have period correct flags instead of modern day ones
- Centroamerica is now Centroamérica
- Chile's OOB has been completely revised
- If Germany is exiled to Africa it can now join the Entente
- Increased the political power costs of some of Ireland's events
- Kaiserbund events no longer fire for occupied zones
- Kuching's VP is no longer in the middle of South China Sea
- Minor map improvements to Africa
- Minor map improvements to Austria
- Minor map improvements to Bulgaria
- Minor map improvements to Flanders-Wallonia
- Minor map improvements to Germany
- Minor map improvements to India
- Minor map improvements to South America
- Missing far right Colombian ministers are no longer missing
- Multiple minor countries now have new colours
- Natuna Isles is now correctly under the Dutch control
- Nerfed Ulster, it is no longer completely overpowered
- Nerfed some of Ireland's idea bonuses
- Panama is now Panamá
- Removed the rest, in theory, of the double line breaks in the code
- Removed the rest, in theory, of the random spaces at the end of localisation
- Removed the rest, in theory, of the random spaces at the start of localisation
- Reorganised some ministers for Greece
- Revision of Siamese territories at 1936 start; all territories west of the Mekong river are now in Siamese hands while Pahang, Penang and Perak are in German hands
- Reworked Irish parties
- Reworked La Plata and Brazil states
- Russian Far East now get a long-lost lake that Paradox forgot on the Fengtian-Transamur border
- Several strange song name translations have been fixed in the music mod
- Siam has got a new army OOB
- South African Federation is now the Union of South Africa as was intended by lore, the flag has been updated as well
- (South) Rhodesia is back and in charge (under the South African Federation)
- Soviet events nerfed
- Soviet focus tree nerfed
- The Galapagos is no longer a desert but now a glorious hill
- The Russian-Mitteleuropa border now better reflects the actual Brest-Litovsk treaty
- Updated credits to reflect new team members
- VP have been rebalanced to make a bit more sense (more for India and reduction for South East Asia for example)
Incomplete Content
- Several extra focus trees and associated events were nearly done for release, but with the release of 0.3 in the back of our minds, we have decided not to add anything last minute. They may get added in 0.4.1, or just in 0.5 as planned. They are:
- Ethiopia's focus tree and associated events
- Flanders-Wallonia's focus tree and associated events
- Georgia's focus tree
- New Greek events
- Serbia's focus tree
- Siam's focus tree
- Turkestan's focus tree and associated events
- Legation Cities' focus tree. I know I know, delayed twice now, sadly the modder working on it hasn't been around much, so all I can say is soonTM
- Due to the length of this section, and me being only human, I have not spell checked/grammar checked/duplicate checked it as thoroughly as above, so here been bad English
- Lots and lots of localisation fixes all over the place
- More fixes for localisation of the old change logs
- Fixed election events for Canada so they will now fire
- A few minor bugs have been fixed in the music mod
- Fixed reversed opinion modifiers in Canada events
- Ireland now leaves its alliance if it turns Syndicalist
- The defeated country in the the Romanian civil war now loses their cores as they should
- Restore the United Kingdom option as the Dominion of Canada will now work, thanks michaeld1453
- Emotionally supporting artillery is no longer possible, thanks bartpp7
- AI leaving one state after peacing out is now fixed
- Irish American coalition NF doesn't create any kind of alliance like the text suggests now fixed, thanks Kanaric
- Britain and Canada cannot interact with Ireland via focus tree ('War' show of force focus for Britain cannot be chosen despite prerequisites being met) now fixed, thanks spartanlemur
- Fengtian will no longer surrender randomly, thanks Warden2054
- Lawrence of Germania is no longer lost, thanks JurisDocta
- Wilhelm II can no longer die twice, thanks Warden2054
- Mutually exclusive choices in the UoB focus tree are now actually mutually exclusive, thanks Airos
- Yeman is no longer randomly given Afghanistan, thanks Warden2054
- Austrian kings are no longer lost, thanks tkbacon99
- Austrian focuses are no longer obstructed by the UI in special cases, thanks I aPOROgise
- Cambodia now has a name, thanks Warden2054
- The gender identity crisis of the Dutch Queen has been resolved, thanks funkybunch416
- Hungarians have learned how to English, thanks ST Hélios No Game No Life
- Tension is less 'broken as ****', thanks angry-mustache
- Irish scientists can no longer duplicate themselves, thanks GodKingDarky
- Kamikaze no longer fires twice, thanks TheD3rp
- 50% is not the same as 5% in Peru, thanks DerAstrophysiker
- Lettow-Vorbeck no longer gives +0.00 division recovery, thanks PrussianBlue
- Qing years are now actually years, no Lizard ones, thanks Warden2054
- Mongolia will no longer try to puppet AND annex Ma Clique at the same time, thanks DerAstrophysiker
- Germany will no longer capitulate daily, thanks browd
- PSA will no longer have three capitals, thanks iain-d
- Coffee now has two e's, isn't that nice, thanks Oncle Neddy
- is fixed
- Ceylon will no longer lie in peace negotiations, thanks Jerman
- is fixed
- A fleet merge CTD has been fixed...somehow, we honestly have no idea how, but it is no longer happening I guess? Thanks gusscyprien
- Austria will no longer be given the chance to annex Spain when they already own Spain, thanks Oleghka2
- Focus requirements will no longer also bypass the focus in the German focus tree, thanks Roman von Ungern-Sternberg
- Missing effects in the Nat France tree are no longer missing, thanks Mordian Iron Guard
- Russia no longer gets the assassination of president kerensky twice
- GFX will no longer get lost in translation, thanks kj22
- Portugal can no longer be annex twice at the same time, thanks browd
- Death and being Tsar are now mutually exclusive, thanks Djamti
- In Soviet Russia gulag goes to you, now fixed, thanks Achillessc2
- Vladimir Kirillivich is no longer able to stay in Goverment even through death, thanks Djamti
- 1937 no longer happens twice in Russia, thanks Jergan
- Russia will no longer declare war on a Mongolia that doesn't exist, thanks Zhetone
- If all the workers are dead, why are they still striking? Thanks Eternium
- Soviet Russia has remembered how to create new armies, thanks Bob and Kvothe
- You can no longer being a Russian and Don-Kuban minister at the same time, thanks Zhetone
- White Ruthenia is no longer invincible, thanks znuzzo
- If Croatia isn't real, why is there still a focus called 'Invite Croatia'? Now fixed
- Anney Kenney no longer thinks Tom Mann and Arthur Horner are the same person
- Crete has a flag now, what a luxury
- Indian volunteers will no longer get lost on route and end up in South America, thanks Leddit
- AUS will no longer surrender when UNDER 85%, thanks Warden2054
- Opinion modifiers being the wrong way round now fixed, hopefully
- Jeddah is not the same as Mecca
- This may be a shock, but there are some roads in deserts
- Hawaii is no longer facing the wrong way, silly Paradox
- Worldnews.37 now has words, thanks Dr. Njitram
- Russian words are now the right size, thanks Oliver47
- Ships are no longer named after people who weren't important in this timeline, thanks snegovick
- Galicia now can be annexed, thanks MaximillanVoss
- Commune of France will no longer get the event 'Profit from Legation Cities no longer available', thanks Violent Beetle
- Stability events now have correct tooltips
- Cores in Germany are slightly less messed up, thanks DerAstrophysiker
- Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck's identity crisis has been resolved, thanks PrussianBlue
- Germany manpower will no longer get doubled
- When August von Mackensen says he is retiring, he now means it
- Armour localisation no longer missing, thanks Dr. Njitram
- delhi.205 has words, thanks Indyclone77
- beng.20 no longer has the same words for all options, thanks Indyclone77
- If I say you can have Romania, you can have Romania damn it! Thanks demanvanwezel
- Russia has learnt what puppets are, thanks Violent Beetle
- Korea is no longer totally messed up, we hope, thanks ventu
- Russia is no longer terrified of guarantees, thanks Violent Beetle
- Taiwan is no longer totally messed up, we hope, thanks kaiser41
- It pains me to say this, but the Mad Baron can no longer cheat death, thanks kaiser41
- Slovakia is...fixed? Thanks dr. Njitram
- Thomas Dewey will no longer be made leader of every single was this even possible?
- Fixed some other stuff we forgot to add to the bug tracker
- Removed April fool's joke from normal play for real this time, as before you can still trigger it if you want in the console with 'event april.1'
- Note that 0.3.5, 0.3.6, 0.3.6a should all be save game compatible with 0.3.4, but if you do get the all past events firing on save load bug, head here to download the old version:
- Removed April fool's joke from normal play, you can still trigger it if you want in the console with 'event april.1'
- The AI won't leave a single state in peace conferences anymore
- Fixed some other issues with the peace AI
- The Peace AI is now working for real and has goals for every country
- The Second congress of the internationale doesn't fire a year after it should anymore.
- Fixed some things with the Show of Force chain and the Words and War foci
- Fixed some things with the Irish-American coalition focus
0.3.3 - 'For real this is the last one'
- Removed some of the double line breaks in the code
- Removed some of the random spaces at the start of localisation
- Finland map reworked
- Found a catastrophic error in the peace AI and fixed it, we don't understand how no-one had noticed it, that's why the Peace AI wasn't working
- Moved Fengtian naval base and fleet to Yingkou
- Removed the atheist option in Ireland's religious direction event
- Irish research time bonuses nerfed
- Increased the Irish ai_chance of accepting Germany's offer in the German Treaty with Ireland focus
- Minor tweaks and improvements to the AI in a few specific places
- Romania now uses the actual Garda de fier flag
- Quenched expansionism can now be removed as La Plata without having to defeat Brazil
- Renamed four Bulgarian states
- 'Croatia' state renamed to 'Posavina'
- Increased Netherlands mainland population to 8.48 million from 8.09m in accordance with historical stats
- Added a missing notice for the German capitulation event firing for countries at war with it, thanks nathankris8
- Added events for Syndicalist Ireland to join the Internationale, thanks ComradeVosktov
- Added an event to give you cores on the Don-Kuban Union if you conquer them without the focus tree as Russia
- Added some new loading screen quotes
- Added a tooltip to warn the players about forming Scandinavia (it removes the Swedish focus tree)
- Added missing notice for Germany about UBD breaks away after SOP nationalists coup
- Added country goals for the peace AI for the Balkans and middle eastern countries
- Added events for an Irish annexation of Britain
- Added a Slovenian core on Slovenia
- Lots and lots of localisation fixes all over the place
- Fixed localisation for the old change logs
- Annexations events now doesn't release the cores of the owner
- Fixed two OOB's
- Fixed some localisation for Carlist Spain, thanks bartpp7
- Weird line in the generic focus tree fixed
- The Second congress for the CoF will now actually fire
- The Republic of China can't rise up anymore if a foreign power is occupying the AoG, thanks pewp3wpew
- Some fixes to the SPO coup for the United Baltic Duchy
- Germany doesn't get an event to release the UBD again when they have just integrated them
- Fixed missing decimal place in Wallonian population making it home to 16 million people instead of 1.6 million
- Fixed the 'Formalise the Union' event firing for everyone
- Balanced the split between North and South Wallonia
- Honestly guys, the Black Friday modifier can now be removed from Germany
- Fixed the 'Show of Force' event chain
- Fixed Japan getting a Transamur event in the Korean rebellion event chain
- Fixed the aluminium focus for Peru not actually giving aluminium
- Fixed Germany taking Spanish Africa even if it's not owned by the CNT
- Fixed flags accidentally saved as the wrong bpp
- Georgia and Armenia now have Russian portraits as generic ones
- Localisation fixes for Austria, thanks hopit
- Fixes for the Mexican-USA war and associated peace events, thanks jesse
- Mail meant for the Ottomans isn't now being accidentally delivered to the Bulgarians, thanks supertuho
- Soviets and other released nations are no longer stuck at average stability, thanks Kvothe
- United Baltic Duchy can no longer integrate itself, how on earth this was happening is still beyond us, thanks DerAstrophysiker
- Multiple fixes for the Mexican focus tree, thanks kanaric
- Republic of China no longer gets a phantom president for a few days
- The Entente will now actually declare war on the UoB, thanks airos
- Swedish event 'Major Hotel Strike' fixed, thanks airos
- German event chain surrounding Brecht fixed, thanks DerAstrophysiker
- Bulgaria cannot longer take the focus 'Victory in the Balkans' if it loses, thanks DerAstrophysiker
- Fixes for the Qing WIP focus tree, thanks iain-d
- Balkan war supports event will no longer fire every single day for Russia, thanks kj
- German puppets and allies will now peace out with the RoC as they should
- British focus 'Reformed Militia' fixed, thanks Tugas_EagleEye
- Fixed accidentally permanent modifiers for Fengtian, thanks Asha
- Fixed a missing decimal place in cruiser companies, giving them +50% Naval power rather than 5%, thanks Asha
- Fixed puppet events being reversed for Ma Clique, thanks Caspoi
- Fixed many spelling and grammar errors in the United Baltic Duchy, thanks Scootzyxd
- Fixed a missing decimal place in light tank companies, giving them +50% breakthrough instead of +5%, thanks j.gaasvig
- Lots and lots of spelling mistakes pointed out by greenrocket now fixed
- Liberating Portugal now actually gives its land back, thanks tikik11
- Canada can no longer fire the Irish-Canadian Treaty without protecting Ireland in the Show of Force chain first
- Fixed German partitions happening even if Germany didn't get out of the continent entirely yet, thanks MaximillanVoss
- Adapted the liberation of the UK event to work after a peace conference
- T.E Lawrence's portrait will no longer play hide and seek with the player, thanks Roman von Ungern-Sternberg
- Japan can no longer release Korea when it is owned by other nations, thanks Kanaric
- Fixed Vilnius having literally zero people living there, thanks Piktoonis
- Some bugs with Lithuania's independence war fixed, thanks Ottovski
- Labour Revolts MTTH increased from 30 days to 120 days
- Restoring the United kingdom no longer ends the game, thanks Piktoonis
- Fixed duplicated plane listing for the Netherlands in the airforce tree
- Fixed some other stuff we forgot to add to the bug Tracker
- Fixed missing flag GFX
- Fixed title screen GFX saying wrong version number
- Added some localisation for Transamur parties
- Added leaders to Transamur
- Main screen logo now shows correct version
- In game start event now shows correct version
- Readme now shows correct version
- Mongolian fix tree now not half deleted, thanks to Johgertt among others
- German volunteers events can now only fire once, thanks Martyrizing
- German focus tree now correctly removes Black Friday modifiers, thanks Cereal_Comma
- Minor fixes to Centroamérica
- Minor fixes to puppets
0.3.1 - 'It was optimistic to think we wouldn't need one'
- Irish focus tree and events are now polished and included
- Lots of new German generals
- Ministers for Turkey, Flanders, Wallonia and Yugoslavia
- Some new event pictures
- Qing empire companies
- Made Åland a demilitarised zone
- Fixed CTD's caused by the German volunteers.
- Fixed CTD's caused by the Peruvian guarantee on Bolivia
- Fixed ministers for Colombia and Ecuador
- Finished applying the company rework
- Lots of fixes, new bypasses and semi-dynamic wargoals for the Mongolian tree
- Fixed the Batavian commune stealing rightful french lands in Germany
- La Plata localisation corrected
- Corrections in the Baltic Duchy Localisation
- Swedish focus to end democracy now actually ends democracy
- Fixed the Congress of the Internationale for France not getting bypassed
- Fixed a Mexican NOT/NOR mix up
- Fixed the madras and Siamese events trying to trigger Dehli events (it's Delhi you moron)
- Austria no longer needs to own provinces in Spain for their focus tree
- Population fixes for Pas de Calais and Wallonie
- Fixed Russian and Soviet annexation events, the Soviets will no longer release Finland with Karelia
- Fixed new Austrian states not being released
- Fixed Peruvian aluminium focus and two icons in the tree
- Ausgleich news event now has a pic
- Fixed crush Venezuela focus crushing Ecuador instead for Colombia
- Fixed the Aftermath of the Civil War foci for Carlist Spain and the CNT
- Fixes to stop CNT being on Crack
- Spain now starts with fractured society, you can't avoid the civil war anymore
- Fixed the localisation for the Pragmatic Statesman trait
- Fixed the Swedish focus not transferring Åland after Finland accepted the deal
- Finland now has a slightly better flag
- Some more fixes we forgot
- Squished lots more spelling errors
0.3 - 'Eternal Peace'
- Now compatible with HOI4 1.3.3 (also fixed the mod saying it is compatible when it really wasn't)
- Carried over changes from HOI4 1.3.3
- Carried over changes from KRDH 1.8, credit to the DH team:
- Added a new and improved peace AI
- Added a readme
- Added starting ministers for (almost) all countries
- Company and ministers totally reworked
- Deleted many old/unused files/code from the mod
- Made significant improvements to the stability system
- Mod's file structure redone
- Renamed and gave titles to most files
- Spell checked the whole localisation
- Updated credits to reflect new team members
- So many bugs fixed, check the end of the change log for a list
- Changed the ingame browser to now lead to the new KR wiki, help moving content from the old wiki would be very much appreciated:
Added focus trees to:
- Bolivia
- Bulgaria
- Carlist Spain
- Centroamérica
- Colombia
- Mongolia (The mad baron rises!)
- Peru
- Sweden
- United Baltic Duchy
Improved and expanded the focus trees of:
- Austria
- Brazil
- CNT (Syndie Spain)
- Commune of France
- Japan
- Lithuania
- Netherlands
- Russia
- Union of Britain
Added events to:
- Alash Autonomy/Orda
- Bolivia
- Bulgaria
- Burma
- Chile
- Colombia
- Commune of France
- Dutch East Indies
- Ecuador
- Ethiopia
- Indochina
- Japan
- Legation Cities
- Mexico
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Russia (mostly involving Savinkov)
- Siam
- Ukraine
- Union of Britain
- United Baltic Duchy
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- White Ruthenia
Added GFX for:
- Japanese events
- Spanish events
- Intro events
- 'Manchurian Exploitation' national spirit
- Equipment (Russia in particular)
- Malaysian leaders
- Indonesian/Dutch East Indies leaders
- Laotian leaders
- Burmese leaders
- Siamese leaders
- Filipino leaders
- Dutch generals
- South American nations ideas
- Lots of other things
- The Sahara and Rub-Al-Khali are now fake lakes instead of wastelands, thanks to Yakez for this idea:
- Added twenty plane pictures to Dutch airforce tree from the 'Icons for Plane mod' by Schüewoo:
- Added Fengtian and Transamurian infantry models from 'Manchukuo Reskin' mod by SilentAssassin:
- Added Fengtian political parties
- Added a unique 'Royal Ploughing Ceremony' mechanic for some of the Southeast Asian kingdoms (Siam, Burma and Cambodia if liberated)
- Added an event chain for Germany to ask the old central powers for help if it is losing the war
- Added an event to select the amount of news events you want
- Added new separatist nations/Siamese Autonomous zones in Burma - Kachin, Mrauk-U/Rakhine, Mon and Shan
- Added our second Kaiserbot to the credits
- Added political parties to all South American nations
- Added renaming events for Alsace, Eastern Europe and some Japanese areas
- Added starting embargoes between some countries
- Added three Dutch admirals
- Added two new hats
- Austria nerfed, factories at the start reduced
- Changed the -500 factions joining malus to the can_join_factions = no rule
- Differentiated Security and Intelligence ministers
- Garrison and militia units rebalanced
- Gave Canada more building slots
- General map improvements (Italy, Austria, France, Spain, Canada, South east asia…)
- Germany buffed, AI is smarter, PP gains are higher, focus tree is stronger
- Intro events now fire on day one
- Made some minor changes to Dutch naval OOB
- Moved Fengtian's capital to Mukden
- Reduced early 1936 event spam
- Renamed a lot of cities and states, in Eastern Europe for example
- Renamed 'Hsinking' to 'Changchun'
- Renamed 'Warsaw' to 'Warszawa'
- Renamed 'Transamurian Admiralty' to just 'Transamur'
- Replaced modern day African flags with in-universe ones
- Reworked South American flags
- Reworked the Belgrade Pact event chain
- Reworked the Ausgleich event chain
- Streamlined starting events
- Switched Fengtian to authoritarian democracy from paternal autocracy
- UoB autonomist path now results in releasing both Scotland and Wales as integrated puppet instead for those who own the TfV
- The same change also applied to Siamese Autonomous areas being turned into integrated puppets instead of normal puppets
Incomplete Content
- We thought you couldn't wait any longer for 0.3...
- The following trees sadly couldn't be finished in time, so have had their groundwork added, and will be finished and activated at a later date:
- Ethiopia
- Ireland
- Legation Cities
- USA and associated revolters
- Qing and Republic of China decisions have been moved to a WIP focus tree, full focus trees coming later
- The rework of the German focus tree isn't done, and again, will be added at a later date, but some minor changes have been added in the meantime
- Siamese custom technological GFX were causing too many errors and couldn't get fixed in time so has been removed, will be redone and added back again later
- A few changes from HOI4 1.3.3 couldn't be ported across in time (Russian infrastructure changes for example), will be added later
- A few minor bugs haven't been fixed, but they are all just typos, cosmetic or missing GFX...with the exception of:
- Puppets are still not peacing out correctly, we have been trying really hard to fix this one, but aren't 100% sure we have been successful, so any saves with this bug would be priceless
- Note this isn't a complete list, it is really hard to record every single bug we fix. That being said most should be here, but don't lose heart if a bug you reported isn't listed here. Also sorry if this list is a bit of a mess, it has been copied straight from our bugtracker with very little clean up.
- Scenario selector not centralised
- Canadian ministers broken
- Missing Canada minister texture
- One SIA army chief who thought base control was a valid land doctrine
- Non-existent event canada.19
- Oregon territory ACW focus for Canada broken
- Canadian NF tree giving the Philippines free oil
- News events do not fire when they are supposed to
- Austrian Focus Tree - Air focus gives airports in Veneto, which is owned by Italian Federation at game start
- Carlist Spain gets cores in places it shouldn't such has Equatorial Guinea
- German PP balance is terrible
- When doing the naval exercise NF of CAN you can threaten the USA among other options. Choosing this option lowers the opinion of AUS (Austria) instead of TEX (AUS)
- More Qing bugs than I thought possible
- The post-war 'Annex Switzerland' event for Germany. If you choose the first option 'Annex all of Switzerland', nothing happens (you own all of Switzerland anyway), but the event will not be cancelled and repeat itself every two months or so
- When an Entente power conquers the SRI, they get the possibility to give the land to the Italian federation in exchange for an alliance. If you choose this option, the Italian Federation gets the land, but doesn't join the Entente or any other faction
- Can't restore the monarchy as Brazil
- Lots and lots of duplicate ministers
- Canadian events totally broken
- Some countries don't have a localisation for every ideology, Indochinese Kaiserbund and England for example
- Canada has events where both options do the exact same thing
- Commune of France events missing localisation
- 'The Internationale Congress' Focus in the Commune of France focus tree is broken
- 'World Revolution' Focus in the Commune of France focus tree is unavailable if the communists win the Spanish civil war
- 'Election day 4: The Economic Affairs' commie france event has slightly wrong code
- CTD if Integralist Revolt win the Brazilian civil war
- As Austria events for supporting both Spain and Carlists appear
- The 'Declaration of Port Arthur' event and its response cause Fengtian to be annexed by Japan rather than China
- If Korea is already a Japanese puppet, it remains part of the Co-prosperity sphere after being released
- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth missing leader GFX
- 'Annexation of Romandy' event is missing localisation
- Both 'Croatia sides with Hungary' and 'Croatia sides with us' can fire at the same time for Austria
- Event 'uob.45' has no possible options
- Ireland ministers broken
- Non-existent event: hungary.2
- CTD in mid 1936, credit to PPsyrius for creating and then fixing that one
- Countries not annexing everything in peace conferences
- La Plata focus 'Military Science' requires 'Special Forces of the Union', which doesn't exist elsewhere on the focus tree
- The Remilitarisation of Oltenia news event is too long, goes outside the pop-up
- Puppets can still join the Belgrade Pact, leading to very odd one sides wars
- If Bulgaria rapidly wins a war, then Romanian civil war fires, they lose their occupied land
- Bulgaria unable to get core in central Macedonia
- You can't demand Germany's pacific colonies as Japan if they've created the Malaysian Kaiserbund, because Germany needs to own Singapore, which becomes part of the Malaysian Kaiserbund
- Missing Italian localisation
- Batavian Commune missing leader GFX
- Arthur Ross national idea missing GFX
- 'Explore the north' Canadian focus missing GFX
- 'Our Popularity is rising event' fires too often
- Romanian creation of a Bulgarian puppet not working as it should
- The decision for the Qing Empire to deal with the Shangqing results in the Shangqing getting a wargoal to declare war on themselves and not a wargoal for the Qing Empire against the Shangqing
- Russia doesn't get cores as it should
- Sending Churchill to Russia event chain broken
- Event chain for Italy losing the war against Austria broken
- Totalist Poland still asks to join Mitteleuropa due to Soviet threat
- Code errors in Japanese focus tree
- 'Syndicalist Uprising in Manila' news event firing twice
- Some files have wrong encoding
- German capitulation event broken
- City captures events of the American civil war broken
- Mahidol line of succession events broken for Siam
- Indochinese nations using wrong flags - Laotian Kaiserbund using the Siamese flag in its colonial flag along with others
- Localisation for Japan and Fengtian is broken
- Spanish civil war sometimes has one faction get annexed at the start
- Countries not using the correct vanilla 3D model (such as Russia using Soviet ones, US ACW factions adopt USA model etc)
- Music mod separated to a sub mod again
- Added new portraits for Mexico
- Added alternative leaders for some SEA nations
- Added oil resources to Burma
- Added general portraits for national France
- Added partition of Switzerland
- Fixed puppeting events firing indefinitely
- Fixed code for Operation Tsunami
- Fixed faulty requirements for Joint Ventures in the Brazilian Focus Tree
- Fixed La Plata cores
- Defensive Positions in the Malvinas national focus
- Fixed localisation errors for Mexico
- Fixed event triggers for Mexico
- Fixed Filipino ministers
- Fixed South American ministers
- Poland-Lithuania now gets her cores
- Fixed companies for UoB (again)
- Fixed randomly turning into Georgia
- Fixed some bugs with Russia
- Korean Rebellion can only fire once now
- Intro event now acknowledges the existence of 0.2, even though he is still shocked by the news
- News events now fire properly
- The Maquisards focus doesn't require France to not exist if Occitania does anymore
- Fixed localisation errors for the protection of Liberia
- Fixed Wallonian name
- Removed the possibility to become free or to be annexed with the autonomy system
- Fixed the CNT not rising up
- Fixed the Carlists not getting their focus tree
- Fixed south American flags
- Added events and focus tree for Lithuania
- Added news events
- Added events for Australasia
- Added events and focus tree for Mexico
- Added events for Poland
- Added puppeting events
- Added events and focus tree for Netherlands
- Added events for Spain
- Spanish civil war implemented
- Focus trees for Carlist Spain and CNT-FAI
- Added events and focus tree for a restored UK
- Focus tree for Brazil
- Added events and focus tree for La Plata
- Added events for Chile
- Updated localisation for focus trees
- Added events for the Philippines
- Flavor events for Siam
- Expanded Japanese foreign tree
- Added companies for various countries
- Rebalanced Russia
- Music mod now included in the main mod, with some additional tracks
- Added events + focus tree for Iron Guard Romania
- Revised some map colours
- Expanded Ausgleich chain
- Changed colour for the Radical-Socialist ideology
- Added missing descriptions to focus trees
- Fixed a ton of localisation errors
- Fixed a ton of bugs
- Fixed CTDs caused by unit templates
- Fixed CTDs related to the Nevada militia for the PSA and the panzer focus for Germany
- Fixed continuous focus window clustering the focus trees
- Now compatible with 1.3
- Fixed some bugs
- Polish military staff traits
- Bohemian generals
- Brazilian, Hungarian, La Platan and Mexican companies
- Tweaked some existing companies
- Romania can now claim Transylvania and Serbia can now claim Bosnia during the Ausgleich
- Some tooltips for the Russian political choices foci
- Liberated UK now joins the Entente
- Partition events should now work properly
- All the releasable countries in Africa now have a proper colour
- The Heavy cruiser focus for Canada no longer takes 2870 days to finish
- American Union State HoG should now accept their place in the government and not leave
- The American Junta event now fires instantly
- The territory transfer between Canada and the US after the ACW2 should now give the entirety of the US to the American government
- Balanced PP loss events for Russia, she should now loose less PP
- Minor Localisation fixes
- Rebalanced political influence of early German events
- UoB's manpower has been buffed
- Removed Holy League tree for Italian federation
- Some new portraits
- Military adviser traits added for most playable countries
- Added tooltips for new mechanics
- Re-added ace pilot events
- Fixed some issues with the 'Show of force' chain
- Fixed numerous bugs with the AUS events
- Diplo-annexation of Ireland no longer fires constantly
- Fixed Japanese annexation of Hawaii
- Rhineland chain will no longer fire in 1936 and start WK2
- Fixed Shelling of Leval and some other prewar chains
- Popularity events should no longer spam the player
- Wilhelm III now gets correct portrait
- Fixed many bugs with Delhi's events and national foci
- Japan can now demand Borneo from Germany
- Soviets can no longer claim Haiti
- Russian states and cities no longer have Soviet names
- Russian partition of Germany should work correctly now
- Qing-Japanese peace treaties should fire correctly now
- Soviets now able to get all the trans-Siberian railway
- Lawrence's UK now leaves the internationale, and he can no longer cheat death
- Japan no longer gets Qing events
- National France can now only move its capital to Paris after the war is over
- Soviet fate of Poland no longer fires for random nations
- Taking states from Austria no longer breaks after Ausgleich war
- The fading sun event for Qing/Japan no longer causes crashes
- Fixed Irish flag
- Fixed some issues with the American civil war
- Many localisation fixes
- Darkened Egypt's colour
- Switched Syndicalism and Radical Socialism in the ideology menu
- Added main menu picture
- Added a new loading screen
- Canadian military leaders
- British military leaders
- New music in the music mod
- Added effects to Austrian focus tree (Italian Question and onwards)
- Added independent wars
- Improved naval and air branches for Italian focus tree
- Added some events to a few minors
- Balanced Faction modifiers
- Wallonia no longer gets Eupen-Malmedy
- Some of the issues with the show of force chain fixed
- Fixed colonisation of Taiwan and Korea
- Guy Fawkes day now fires correctly
- Fixed Soviet peace with Japan
- Fixed Japanese peace with Qing
- WK2 should fire more consistently
- Fixed Caribbean election event firing for random nations
- Fixed death events for UoB
- Russia now limited to one political path
- Fixed crash when taking Industrial Decentralisation Act
- Petrograd, Tsaritsyn, Nizhny Novgorod, Urga now have correct names
- Various localisation fixes
- Fixed some issues with graphics
- UoB now only takes one of the reform paths each game
- Blocked all peace treaty options except take state
- Fixed German naval CTD
- Fixed random faction joining for AI
- Missing GFX files are now in, companies and ministers should appear
- Fixed most reported crashes
- Fixed several broken OOBs
- Korea should now revolt properly
- Fixed some graphics issues
- Fixed Japan sometimes getting the wrong events
- Fixed Guy Fawkes firing several times in 1936
- Fixed localisation in ACW
- Fixed divided government problem for Canada
- Fixed concessions in the Caucasus for Russia
- Fixed Libyan/Omani/Albanian leader (sorry for those who loved Bob Brown :-( )
- Fixed team morale because some thought we had a bad start
- Fixed several other reported bugs
A satellite state is a country that is formally independent in the world, but under heavy political, economic and military influence or control from another country. The term was coined by analogy to planetary objects orbiting a larger object, such as smaller moons revolving around larger planets, and is used mainly to refer to Central and Eastern European countries[1] of the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War or to Mongolia or Tannu Tuva between 1924 and 1990,[2] for example. As used for Central and Eastern European countries it implies that the countries in question were 'satellites' under the hegemony of the Soviet Union. In some contexts it also refers to other countries in the Soviet sphere of influence during the Cold War—such as North Korea (especially in the years surrounding the Korean War of 1950–1953) and Cuba (particularly after it joined the Comecon in 1972). In Western usage, the term has seldom been applied to states other than those in the Soviet orbit. In Soviet usage, the term applied to the states in the orbit of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan.
The Oxford English Dictionary traces the use of the phrase satellite state in English back at least as far as 1916.
In times of war or political tension, satellite states sometimes serve as buffers between an enemy country and the nation exerting control over the satellites.[3] 'Satellite state' is one of several contentious terms used to describe the (alleged) subordination of one state to another. Other such terms include puppet state and neo-colony. In general, the term 'satellite state' implies deep ideological and military allegiance to the hegemonic power, whereas 'puppet state' implies political and military dependence, and 'neo-colony' implies (often abject) economic dependence.[citation needed] Depending on which aspect of dependence is being emphasised, a state may fall into more than one category.[citation needed]
- 1Soviet satellite states
Soviet satellite states[edit]
Interwar period[edit]
When the Mongolian Revolution of 1921 broke out, Mongolian revolutionaries expelled RussianWhite Guards (during the Russian Civil War of 1917–1923 following the CommunistOctober Revolution of 1917) from Mongolia, with the assistance of the Soviet Red Army. The revolution also officially ended Manchurian sovereignty over Mongolia, which had existed since 1691. Although the theocraticBogd Khanate of Mongolia still nominally continued, with successive series of violent struggles, Soviet influence got ever stronger, and after the death of the Bogd Khaan ('Great Khan', or 'Emperor'), the Mongolian People's Republic was proclaimed on November 26, 1924. A nominally independent and sovereign country, it has been described as being a satellite state of the Soviet Union in the years from 1924 until 1990.[2][4]
During the Russian Civil War, the Soviet Red Army troops took Tuva in January 1920, which had also been part of the Qing Empire of China and a protectorate of Imperial Russia. The Tuvan People's Republic, was proclaimed independent in 1921 and was a satellite state of Soviet Union until its annexation in 1944 by the Soviet Union.[4]
Another early Soviet satellite state in Asia was the short-lived Far East Republic in Siberia.[4]
Post-World War II[edit]
At the end of World War II, most eastern and central European countries were occupied by the Soviet Union,[5] and along with the USSR made up what is sometimes called the Soviet Empire. The Soviets remained in these countries after the war's end.[6] Through a series of coalition governments including Communist parties, and then a forced liquidation of coalition members disliked by the Soviets, Stalinist systems were established in each country.[6] Stalinists gained control of existing governments, police, press and radio outlets in these countries.[6] Soviet satellite states in Europe included:[6][7][8][9]
- The People's Socialist Republic of Albania (Satellite 1944–1960; government extant until 1992)
- The Polish People's Republic (1944–1989)
- The People's Republic of Bulgaria (1946–1990)
- The People's Republic of Romania (1947–1965)
- The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (1948–1960 and again 1968–1989)
- The German Democratic Republic (1949–1990)
- The Hungarian People's Republic (1949–1989)
The Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia is sometimes referred to as a Soviet satellite,[6][7] though it broke from Soviet orbit in the 1948 Tito-Stalin split, with the Cominform offices being moved from Belgrade to Bucharest, and Yugoslavia subsequently formed the Non-Aligned Movement. The People's Socialist Republic of Albania, under the leadership of Stalinist Enver Hoxha, broke ties with the Soviet Union the 1960 Soviet–Albanian split following the Soviet de-Stalinization process.[10] These countries were, at least between 1945 and 1948, all members of the Eastern Bloc.
The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan can also be considered a Soviet satellite; from 1978 until 1991, the central government in Kabul was aligned with the Eastern Bloc, and was directly supported by Soviet military between 1979 and 1989. The short-lived East Turkestan Republic (1944–1946) was a Soviet satellite until it was absorbed into the People's Republic of China along with the rest of Xinjiang.
The Mongolian People's Republic was a Soviet satellite from 1945 to 1991. It was so tightly controlled by the Soviet Union that it ceased to exist in February 1992, less than two months after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Post-Cold War use of the term[edit]
Some commentators have expressed concern that United States military and diplomatic interventions in the Middle East and elsewhere might lead, or perhaps have already led, to the existence of American satellite states.[11][12]William Pfaff has warned that a permanent American presence in Iraq would 'turn Iraq into an American satellite state'.[13] The term has also been used in the past to describe the relationship between Lebanon and Syria, as Syria has been accused of intervening in Lebanese political affairs.[14] In addition, Eswatini and Lesotho have both been described as satellite states of South Africa.[15]
See also[edit]
- ^'Source: NATO website 2nd Footnote at bottom'. Archived from the original on 16 August 2017. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
- ^ abSik, Ko Swan (1990). Nationality and International Law in Asian Perspective. p. 39. ISBN978-0-7923-0876-8.
- ^Wood, Alan (2005) [1990]. Stalin and Stalinism. Routledge. p. 62. ISBN978-0-415-30732-1. Retrieved 2009-09-10.
- ^ abcNarangoa, Li; Cribb, Robert B (2003). Imperial Japan and National Identities in Asia: 1895–1945. pp. 13, 66. ISBN978-0-7007-1482-7.
- ^Wettig 2008, p. 69
- ^ abcdeRao 2006, p. 280
- ^ abLangley 2006, p. 30
- ^Merkl 2004, p. 53
- ^Rajagopal 2003, p. 75
- ^Olsen 2000, p. 19
- ^'[news] Serbia Accuses US Of Wanting To Create Satellite State Out Of Kosovo'. Archived from the original on 10 September 2017. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
- ^On Israel: An Interview with Norman Finkelstein, by Jon Bailes & Cihan Aksan; published Autumn 2008; via
- ^Cooley, John (June 18, 2008). 'How to silence that Iran war drumbeat'. Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 2009-11-09.
- ^Wachter, Paul (January 26, 2002). 'Who killed Elie Hobeika?'. Salon. Archived from the original on May 23, 2010. Retrieved 2009-11-09.
- ^Mehran Kamrava (2008). Understanding Comparative Politics: A Framework for Analysis. Routledge. pp. 73–. ISBN978-0-415-77304-1.
- Langley, Andrew (2006), The Collapse of the Soviet Union: The End of an Empire, Compass Point Books, ISBN0-7565-2009-6
- Merkl, Peter H. (2004), German Unification, Penn State Press, ISBN0-271-02566-2
- Olsen, Neil (2000), Albania, Oxfam, ISBN0-85598-432-5
- Rajagopal, Balakrishnan (2003), International law from below: development, social movements, and Third World resistance, Cambridge University Press, ISBN0-521-01671-1
- Rao, B. V. (2006), History of Modern Europe Ad 1789–2002: A.D. 1789–2002, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd, ISBN1-932705-56-2
- Wettig, Gerhard (2008), Stalin and the Cold War in Europe, Rowman & Littlefield, ISBN0-7425-5542-9
- Wood, Alan (2005), Stalin and Stalinism, Routledge, ISBN978-0-415-30732-1